About The Word Bug

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Learn about the word Bug to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Bug definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Bug Meaning & Definition
Bug Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Bug?

[n] a minute life form (especially a disease-causing bacterium); the term is not in technical use
[n] general term for any insect or similar creeping or crawling invertebrate
[n] insects with sucking mouthparts and forewings thickened and leathery at the base; usually show incomplete metamorphosis
[n] a small hidden microphone; for listening secretly
[n] a fault or defect in a system or machine
[v] annoy persistently; "The children teased the boy because of his stammer"
[v] tap a telephone or telegraph wire to get information; "The FBI was tapping the phone line of the suspected spy"; "Is this hotel room bugged?"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Bug: badger | beleaguer | germ | glitch | harass | hemipteran | hemipteron | hemipterous insect | intercept | microbe | pester | tap | tease | wiretap

Related Terms | Find terms related to Bug: abrade | addict | addle | addle the wits | adenovirus | aerobe | aerobic bacteria | aficionado | aggravate | agitate | ALGOL | alphabetic data | alphanumeric code | amoeba | anaerobe | anaerobic bacteria | angular data | annoy | apply pressure | arachnid | arthropod | assembler | attend | attend to | auscultate | bacillus | bacteria | bacterium | badger | bag | bait | ball up | balloon | be all ears | be at | becloud | bedazzle | bedevil | beetle | befuddle | belly | belly out | bend an ear | beset | besiege | bewilder | bigot | bilge | billow | binary digit | binary scale | binary system | bit | blandish | blemish | bogey | bogeyman | boggart | bogle | booger | boogerman | boogeyman | bother | bouge | bristle | brown off | buff | bugaboo | bugbear | bugger | bulge | bullyrag | burn up | buttonhole | byte | cajole | carp at | case | catch | caterpillar | centipede | chafe | chilopod | chivy | cloud | coax | COBOL | coccus | cock the ears | collector | command pulses | commands | compiler | computer code | computer language | computer program | confuse | control signals | controlled quantity | convulse | correcting signals | crack | crank | craze | crazy fancy | daddy longlegs | data | daze | dazzle | defect | defection | deficiency | demon | devil | devotee | dilate | diplopod | discombobulate | discomfit | discompose | disconcert | disease-producing microorganism | disorganize | disorient | distemper | distend | distract | disturb | dog | drawback | dun | eager beaver | eavesdrop | echovirus | embarrass | embroil | energumen | entangle | enterovirus | enthusiasm | enthusiast | error | error signals | examine by ear | exasperate | exercise | exert pressure | faddist | failing | failure | fan | fanatic | fanatico | fascination | fash | fault | faute | feedback pulses | feedback signals | fee-faw-fum | fiend | film data | filterable virus | flaw | flummox | flurry | fluster | flutter | fly | fog | foible | FORTRAN | frailty | freak | fret | fret at | fuddle | fungus | furor | furore | fuss | fuss at | gall | germ | get | give attention | give audience to | give ear | goggle | gram-negative bacteria | gram-positive bacteria | great one for | gripe | harass | hark | harry | harvestman | hassle | hear | hear out | hearken | heckle | hector | heed | henpeck | hexadecimal system | hexapod | hobbyist | hole | hound | imperfection | importune | inadequacy | infatuate | infatuation | infirmity | information | input data | input quantity | insect | instructions | intercept | irk | kink | larva | lend an ear | listen | listen at | listen in | listen to | little problem | lunatic fringe | machine language | maggot | make a reconnaissance | mania | maniac | manic-depressive psychosis | maze | message | microbe | microorganism | microphone | miff | mike | millepede | millipede | mist | mite | mix up | moider | mold | molest | monomaniac | muddle | multiple messages | Mumbo Jumbo | nag | nag at | needle | nettle | nibble at | noise | nonfilterable virus | nudzh | numeric data | nut | nymph | octal system | oscillograph data | output data | output quantity | passion | pathogen | peck at | peep | peeve | perplex | persecute | perturb | pester | pick at | pick on | picornavirus | pique | plague | play | play the spy | pluck the beard | ply | polar data | pooch | pop | pother | pouch | pout | press | pressure | problem | protozoa | protozoon | provoke | psych | punch-card data | pursuer | push | put out | put under surveillance | radiomicrophone | rage | raise hell | random data | rattle | reconnoiter | rectangular data | reference quantity | reovirus | rhapsodist | rhinovirus | rickettsia | ride | rift | rile | roil | round out | ruffle | ruly English | scorpion | scout | scout out | shortcoming | signals | single messages | sit in on | snag | something missing | spider | spirillum | spirochete | spook | spore | spy | spy out | stake out | staphylococcus | streptococcus | sucker for | swell | swell out | taint | tap | tarantula | tease | throw | throw into confusion | tick | torment | trouble | try the patience | trypanosome | tweak the nose | unorganized data | unsettle | upset | urge | vex | vibrio | virus | visible-speech data | visionary | vulnerable place | watch | weak link | weak point | weakness | wheedle | wiretap | work on | worry | yap at | zealot

See Also | backswimmer | bed bug | bedbug | bedevil | chinch | Cimex lectularius | coreid | coreid bug | crucify | defect | dun | eavesdrop | fault | flaw | frustrate | Hemiptera | insect | leaf bug | listen in | lygaeid | lygaeid bug | microorganism | microphone | mike | Notonecta undulata | order Hemiptera | plant bug | rag | torment | true bug

Bug In Webster's Dictionary

\Bug\, n. [OE. bugge, fr. W. bwg, bwgan, hobgoblin, scarecrow, bugbear. Cf. {Bogey}, {Boggle}.] 1. A bugbear; anything which terrifies. [Obs.] Sir, spare your threats: The bug which you would fright me with I seek. --Shak. 2. (Zo["o]l.) A general name applied to various insects belonging to the Hemiptera; as, the squash bug; the chinch bug, etc. 3. (Zo["o]l.) An insect of the genus {Cimex}, especially the bedbug ({C. lectularius}). See {Bedbug}. 4. (Zo["o]l.) One of various species of Coleoptera; as, the ladybug; potato bug, etc.; loosely, any beetle. 5. (Zo["o]l.) One of certain kinds of Crustacea; as, the sow bug; pill bug; bait bug; salve bug, etc. Note: According to present popular usage in England, and among housekeepers in America, bug, when not joined with some qualifying word, is used specifically for bedbug. As a general term it is used very loosely in America, and was formerly used still more loosely in England. ``God's rare workmanship in the ant, the poorest bug that creeps.'' --Rogers (--Naaman). ``This bug with gilded wings.'' --Pope. {Bait bug}. See under {Bait}. {Bug word}, swaggering or threatening language. [Obs.] --Beau. & Fl.

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Crossword Dictionary