About The Word Infirmity

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Learn about the word Infirmity to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Infirmity definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Infirmity Meaning & Definition
Infirmity Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Infirmity?

[n] the state of being weak in health or body (especially from old age)

Synonyms | Synonyms for Infirmity: debility | feebleness | frailness | frailty

Related Terms | Find terms related to Infirmity: abnormality | abulia | acute disease | advanced age | advanced years | affection | affliction | age of retirement | ailment | allergic disease | allergy | an incurable disease | anility | atrophy | bacterial disease | bad habit | besetting sin | birth defect | blemish | blight | bug | cachexia | cachexy | caducity | cardiovascular disease | catch | chronic disease | chronic ill health | circulatory disease | complaint | complication | condition | congenital defect | cowardice | crack | danger | debilitation | debility | decay | decline of life | declining years | decrepitude | defect | defection | deficiency | deficiency disease | deformity | degenerative disease | delicacy | delicate health | desultoriness | disability | disease | disorder | distemper | dotage | drawback | eld | elderliness | endemic | endemic disease | endocrine disease | enervation | enfeeblement | epidemic disease | exhaustion | failing | failure | faintheartedness | faintness | fault | faute | fear | feeblemindedness | feebleness | flaw | foible | fragility | frailness | frailty | functional disease | fungus disease | gastrointestinal disease | genetic disease | green old age | hale old age | handicap | hazard | healthlessness | hereditary disease | hoary age | hole | hypochondria | hypochondriasis | iatrogenic disease | ill | ill health | illness | imperfection | inadequacy | incapacity | indisposition | infectious disease | infirm old age | infirmity of age | insecurity | insipidity | insolidity | instability | insubstantiality | invalidism | invalidity | kink | languishing | languishment | little problem | longevity | malady | malaise | moral flaw | morbidity | morbidness | morbus | muscular disease | neurological disease | nutritional disease | occupational disease | old age | oldness | organic disease | pandemic disease | pathological condition | pathology | peakedness | pensionable age | peril | perilousness | plant disease | pliability | poor health | precariousness | problem | protozoan disease | psychosomatic disease | respiratory disease | ricketiness | rift | ripe old age | risk | riskiness | rockiness | second childhood | secondary disease | seediness | senectitude | senility | senior citizenship | shakiness | shiftiness | shiftingness | shortcoming | sickishness | sickliness | sickness | signs | slipperiness | snag | softness | something missing | speculativeness | spinelessness | superannuation | symptomatology | symptomology | symptoms | syndrome | taint | the downward slope | the golden years | the pip | ticklishness | treacherousness | treachery | unauthenticity | unauthoritativeness | undependability | unfaithworthiness | unfirmness | unhealthiness | unreliability | unsolidity | unsoundness | unsteadfastness | unsteadiness | unsturdiness | unsubstantiality | unsureness | untrustworthiness | unwholesomeness | urogenital disease | vale of years | valetudinarianism | vapidity | vice | virus disease | vulnerable place | wasting | wasting disease | wateriness | weak link | weak point | weak side | weak will | weakening | weakliness | weak-mindedness | weakness | white hairs | wishy-washiness | worm disease

See Also | asthenia | astheny | bad condition | cachexia | cachexy | poor shape | unfitness | wasting

Infirmity In Webster's Dictionary

\In*firm"i*ty\, n.; pl. {Infirmities}. [L. infirmitas : cf. F. infirmite. See {Infirm}, a.] 1. The state of being infirm; feebleness; an imperfection or weakness; esp., an unsound, unhealthy, or debilitated state; a disease; a malady; as, infirmity of body or mind. 'T is the infirmity of his age. --Shak. 2. A personal frailty or failing; foible; eccentricity; a weakness or defect. Will you be cured of your infirmity ? --Shak. A friend should bear his friend's infirmities. --Shak. The house has also its infirmities. --Evelyn. Syn: Debility; imbecility; weakness; feebleness; failing; foible; defect; disease; malady. See {Debility}.

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