About The Word Fluster

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Learn about the word Fluster to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Fluster definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Fluster Meaning & Definition
Fluster Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Fluster?

[n] a disposition that is confused or nervous and upset
[v] cause to be nervous or upset
[v] be flustered; behave in a confused manner

Synonyms | Synonyms for Fluster: perturbation

Related Terms | Find terms related to Fluster: addle | addle the wits | ado | agitate | agitation | baffle | bafflement | ball up | becloud | bedazzle | befuddle | befuddlement | bewilder | bewilderment | bluff | bluster | bluster and bluff | blustering | boastfulness | bobbery | boil | boiling | bother | botheration | bravado | brouhaha | bug | bullying | burst | bustle | chaos | churn | cloud | commotion | confound | confuse | confusion | conturbation | daze | dazzle | discombobulate | discombobulation | discomfit | discomfiture | discomfort | discommode | discompose | discomposure | disconcert | disconcertion | disorder | disorganization | disorganize | disorient | disorientation | disquiet | disquietude | distract | distraction | disturb | disturbance | dither | dizzy | ebullition | electrify | embarrass | embarrassment | embroilment | entangle | excitement | fanfaronade | faze | feery-fary | ferment | fermentation | fever | feverishness | fidgetiness | fidgets | fit | flap | flummox | flurry | flusteration | flustration | flutter | flutteration | flutteriness | fog | foment | foofaraw | frenzy | fret | fuddle | fuddlement | fume | fuss | fussiness | hassle | haze | hectoring | hubbub | hullabaloo | hurly-burly | inquietude | intimidation | jar | jitters | jolt | jumble | jumpiness | lather | maelstrom | malaise | maze | mess | mist | mix up | moider | moil | muddle | muddlement | mystify | nerviness | nervosity | nervousness | nonplus | perplex | perplexity | perturb | perturbation | pother | pucker | put off | put out | puzzle | raise hell | rant | rattle | restlessness | rock | rodomontade | roil | rout | row | ruffle | scramble | seethe | seething | shake | shake up | shock | shuffle | side | spasm | splutter | spurt | sputter | stagger | stew | stir | stir up | swagger | swashbucklery | sweat | swirl | swivet | throw | throw into confusion | throw off | tizzy | to-do | trepidation | trepidity | trouble | tumult | tumultuation | turbidity | turbulence | turmoil | twitter | twitteration | unease | unhinge | unquiet | unrest | unsettle | unsettlement | upset | vortex | whirl

See Also | acquit | bear | behave | carry | comport | conduct | confuse | deport | discomposure | disconcert | flurry | fluster | put off | ruffle

Fluster In Webster's Dictionary

\Flus"ter\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Flustered}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Flustering}.] [Cf. Icel. flaustra to be flustered, flaustr a fluster.] To make hot and rosy, as with drinking; to heat; hence, to throw into agitation and confusion; to confuse; to muddle. His habit or flustering himself daily with claret. --Macaulay.
\Flus"ter\, v. i. To be in a heat or bustle; to be agitated and confused. The flstering, vainglorious Greeks. --South.
\Flus"ter\, n. Heat or glow, as from drinking; agitation mingled with confusion; disorder.

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