About The Word Dazzle

Bay Area Crosswords

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Dazzle Meaning & Definition
Dazzle Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Dazzle?

[n] brightness enough to blind partially and temporarily
[v] amaze or bewilder, as with brilliant wit or intellect or skill; "Her arguments dazzled everyone"; "The dancer dazzled the audience with his turns and jumps"
[v] to cause someone to lose clear vision, esp. from intense light; "She was dazzled by the bright headlights"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Dazzle: bedazzle | daze

Related Terms | Find terms related to Dazzle: addle | addle the wits | amaze | astonish | astound | awe | awestrike | ball up | bandage | be bright | beacon | beam | becloud | bedaze | bedazzle | befuddle | beguile | benight | bewilder | bewitch | blatancy | blaze | blind | blind the eyes | blindfold | boggle | bother | bowl down | bowl over | brazenness | brilliance | bug | burn | captivate | charm | cloud | colorfulness | confound | confuse | crudeness | cut a dash | cut a figure | cut a swath | darken | dash | daze | dazzlingness | deprive of sight | diffuse light | dim | discombobulate | discomfit | discompose | disconcert | disorganize | disorient | disturb | dumbfound | dumbfounder | eclipse | embarrass | enchant | entangle | entrance | excecate | extravagance | extravaganza | extravagation | fascinate | flabbergast | flagrancy | flamboyance | flame | flare | flash | flashiness | flummox | flurry | fluster | flutter | fog | fuddle | fulgurate | fuss | gaiety | garishness | gaudery | gaudiness | give light | glance | glare | gleam | glint | glitter | glow | gorgeousness | gouge | hoodwink | hypnotize | impress | incandesce | intrigue | jauntiness | jazziness | loudness | luridness | luster | magnificence | make a figure | make a show | make a splash | make blind | maze | meretriciousness | mesmerize | mist | mix up | moider | muddle | obscure | obtrusiveness | overwhelm | panache | paralyze | perplex | perturb | petrify | pother | put out | radiate | raise hell | rattle | ruffle | send out rays | sensationalism | shamelessness | shine | shine brightly | shoot | shoot out rays | showiness | snow-blind | sparkle | spellbind | splash | splendor | splurge | sportiness | stagger | startle | strike blind | strike dead | strike dumb | strike with wonder | stun | stupefy | surprise | tawdriness | throw into confusion | unsettle | upset | vulgarness

See Also | amaze | astonish | astound | blind | brightness

Dazzle In Webster's Dictionary

\Daz"zle\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Dazzled}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Dazzling}.] [Freq. of daze.] 1. To overpower with light; to confuse the sight of by brilliance of light. Those heavenly shapes Will dazzle now the earthly, with their blaze Insufferably bright. --Milton. An unreflected light did never yet Dazzle the vision feminine. --Sir H. Taylor. 2. To bewilder or surprise with brilliancy or display of any kind. ``Dazzled and drove back his enemies.'' --Shak.
\Daz"zle\, v. i. 1. To be overpoweringly or intensely bright; to excite admiration by brilliancy. Ah, friend! to dazzle, let the vain design. --Pope. 2. To be overpowered by light; to be confused by excess of brightness. An overlight maketh the eyes dazzle. --Bacon. I dare not trust these eyes; They dance in mists, and dazzle with surprise. --Dryden.
\Daz"zle\, n. A light of dazzling brilliancy.

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