About The Word Shoot

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Shoot Meaning & Definition
Shoot Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Shoot?

[n] the act of shooting at targets; "they hold a shoot every weekend during the summer"
[n] a new branch
[v] make a film or photograph of something; "take a scene"; "shoot a movie"
[v] record on photographic film"I photographed the scene of the accident"
[v] give an injection to; "We injected the glucose into the patient's vein"
[v] produce buds, branches, or germinate; of plants
[v] fire a shot
[v] hit with a missile from a weapon
[v] spend frivolously and unwisely; "Fritter away one's inheritance"
[v] force or drive (a fluid or gas) into by piercing; "inject hydrogen into the balloon"
[v] play a shot; hit a ball; as in games involving a ball such as golf, hockey, etc.
[v] move quickly and violently; "The car tore down the street"; "He came charging into my office"
[v] run or move very quickly or hastily; "She dashed into the yard"
[v] send forth suddenly, intensely, swiftly;"shoot a glance"
[v] cause a shooting pain
[v] kill by firing a missile
[v] emit (as light, flame, or fumes) suddenly and forcefully; "The dragon shot fumes and flames out of its mouth"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Shoot: bourgeon | buck | burgeon forth | charge | dissipate | film | fool | fool away | fritter | fritter away | frivol away | germinate | inject | inject | pip | pullulate | shoot down | sprout | spud | take | tear

Related Terms | Find terms related to Shoot:

See Also | ache | administer | belt along | birdie | blaze | blaze away | bogey | break | bucket along | cannonball along | carom | cast | chip | consume | contrive | cut back | deplete | discharge | dispense | double birdie | double bogey | dunk | eat | eat up | emit | enclose | enter | exhaust | fire | flash back | flight | give off | give out | grass | grow | gun | gun down | hasten | hie | hit | hotfoot | hurt | immunise | immunize | inclose | injure | inoculate | insert | introduce | kill | kneecap | knuckle | open fire | overshoot | pelt along | pick off | plunge | project | pump | put down | put in | race | record | reshoot | retake | run through | rush | rush along | sharpshoot | shoot up | shooting | shot | skeet | skeet shooting | smart | snipe | speed | sprout | squander | stick in | sucker | throw | tiller | trapshooting | use up | vaccinate | ware | waste | wipe out | wound | x-ray

Shoot In Webster's Dictionary

\Shoot\, n. [F. chute. See {Chute}. Confused with shoot to let fly.] An inclined plane, either artificial or natural, down which timber, coal, etc., are caused to slide; also, a narrow passage, either natural or artificial, in a stream, where the water rushes rapidly; esp., a channel, having a swift current, connecting the ends of a bend in the stream, so as to shorten the course. [Written also {chute}, and {shute}.] [U. S.] {To take a shoot}, to pass through a shoot instead of the main channel; to take the most direct course. [U.S.]
\Shoot\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Shot}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Shooting}. The old participle {Shotten} is obsolete. See {Shotten}.] [OE. shotien, schotien, AS. scotian, v. i., sce['o]tan; akin to D. schieten, G. schie?en, OHG. sciozan, Icel. skj?ta, Sw. skjuta, Dan. skyde; cf. Skr. skund to jump. [root]159. Cf. {Scot} a contribution, {Scout} to reject, {Scud}, {Scuttle}, v. i., {Shot}, {Sheet}, {Shut}, {Shuttle}, {Skittish}, {Skittles}.] 1. To let fly, or cause to be driven, with force, as an arrow or a bullet; -- followed by a word denoting the missile, as an object. If you please To shoot an arrow that self way. --Shak. 2. To discharge, causing a missile to be driven forth; -- followed by a word denoting the weapon or instrument, as an object; -- often with off; as, to shoot a gun. The two ends od a bow, shot off, fly from one another. --Boyle. 3. To strike with anything shot; to hit with a missile; often, to kill or wound with a firearm; -- followed by a word denoting the person or thing hit, as an object. When Roger shot the hawk hovering over his master's dove house. --A. Tucker. 4. To send out or forth, especially with a rapid or sudden motion; to cast with the hand; to hurl; to discharge; to emit. An honest weaver as ever shot shuttle. --Beau. & Fl. A pit into which the dead carts had nightly shot corpses by scores. --Macaulay. 5. To push or thrust forward; to project; to protrude; -- often with out; as, a plant shoots out a bud. They shoot out the lip, they shake the head. --Ps. xxii. 7. Beware the secret snake that shoots a sting. --Dryden. 6. (Carp.) To plane straight; to fit by planing. Two pieces of wood that are shot, that is, planed or else pared with a paring chisel. --Moxon. 7. To pass rapidly through, over, or under; as, to shoot a rapid or a bridge; to shoot a sand bar. She . . . shoots the Stygian sound. --Dryden. 8. To variegate as if by sprinkling or intermingling; to color in spots or patches. The tangled water courses slept, Shot over with purple, and green, and yellow. --Tennyson. {To be shot of}, to be discharged, cleared, or rid of. [Colloq.] ``Are you not glad to be shot of him?'' --Sir W. Scott.
\Shoot\, v. i. 1. To cause an engine or weapon to discharge a missile; -- said of a person or an agent; as, they shot at a target; he shoots better than he rides. The archers have . . . shot at him. --Gen. xlix. 23. 2. To discharge a missile; -- said of an engine or instrument; as, the gun shoots well. 3. To be shot or propelled forcibly; -- said of a missile; to be emitted or driven; to move or extend swiftly, as if propelled; as, a shooting star. There shot a streaming lamp along the sky. --Dryden. 4. To penetrate, as a missile; to dart with a piercing sensation; as, shooting pains. Thy words shoot through my heart. --Addison. 5. To feel a quick, darting pain; to throb in pain. These preachers make His head to shoot and ache. --Herbert. 6. To germinate; to bud; to sprout. Onions, as they hang, will shoot forth. --Bacon. But the wild olive shoots, and shades the ungrateful plain. --Dryden. 7. To grow; to advance; as, to shoot up rapidly. Well shot in years he seemed. --Spenser. Delightful task! to rear the tender thought, To teach the young idea how to shoot. --Thomson. 8. To change form suddenly; especially, to solidify. If the menstruum be overcharged, metals will shoot into crystals. --Bacon. 9. To protrude; to jut; to project; to extend; as, the land shoots into a promontory. There shot up against the dark sky, tall, gaunt, straggling houses. --Dickens. 10. (Naut.) To move ahead by force of momentum, as a sailing vessel when the helm is put hard alee. {To shoot ahead}, to pass or move quickly forward; to outstrip others.
\Shoot\, n. 1. The act of shooting; the discharge of a missile; a shot; as, the shoot of a shuttle. The Turkish bow giveth a very forcible shoot. --Bacon. One underneath his horse to get a shoot doth stalk. --Drayton. 2. A young branch or growth. Superfluous branches and shoots of this second spring. --Evelyn. 3. A rush of water; a rapid. 4. (Min.) A vein of ore running in the same general direction as the lode. --Knight. 5. (Weaving) A weft thread shot through the shed by the shuttle; a pick. 6. [Perh. a different word.] A shoat; a young hog.

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