About The Word Commotion

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Commotion Meaning & Definition
Commotion Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Commotion?

[n] the act of making a noisy disturbance
[n] confused movement; "he was caught up in a whirl of work"; "a commotion of people fought for the exits"
[n] a disorderly outburst or tumult; "they were amazed by the furious disturbance they had caused"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Commotion: din | disruption | disturbance | flutter | hoo-ha | hoo-hah | hurly burly | kerfuffle | ruckus | ruction | rumpus | stir | to-do | tumult | turmoil | whirl

Related Terms | Find terms related to Commotion: ado | agitation | annoyance | bedlam | Bedlam let loose | blast | bluster | bobbery | boil | boiling | bother | botheration | brawl | broil | brouhaha | burst | bustle | cacophony | chaos | charivari | chirm | churn | clamor | clangor | clap | clatter | coil | communal | confusion | conjoint | conjunct | conturbation | convulsion | din | discomposure | discord | disorder | disquiet | disquietude | disturbance | dither | donnybrook | donnybrook fair | drunken brawl | dustup | ebullience | ebullition | eddy | effervescence | embroilment | excitement | fanaticism | feery-fary | ferment | fermentation | fever | feverishness | fidgetiness | fidgets | fit | flap | flurry | fluster | flutter | flutteration | flutteriness | foment | fomentation | foofaraw | fracas | free-for-all | frenzy | fume | furor | furore | fury | fuss | fussiness | hassle | hell broke loose | helter-skelter | howl | hubbub | hue and cry | hullabaloo | hurly-burly | hurrah | hurry | hurry-scurry | inquietude | insurgence | insurrection | irritation | jangle | jitters | joint | jumpiness | lather | loud noise | maelstrom | malaise | melee | moil | mutiny | mutual | nerviness | nervosity | nervousness | noise | noise and shouting | outcry | pandemonium | passion | pell-mell | perturbation | pother | public | racket | rage | rampage | rattle | rebellion | restlessness | revolt | rhubarb | riot | roar | roil | rough-and-tumble | roughhouse | rout | row | ruckus | ruction | ruffle | rumble | rumpus | scramble | seethe | seething | shared | shindig | shindy | shivaree | spasm | spurt | stew | stir | storm | storminess | strain | sweat | swirl | swirling | tempestuousness | tension | thunder | thunderclap | tintamarre | to-do | trepidation | trepidity | trouble | tumult | tumultuation | tumultuousness | turbidity | turbulence | turmoil | twitter | unease | unquiet | unrest | upheaval | uprising | uproar | upset | upturn | vexation | vortex | whirl | wildness | yeastiness | zeal | zealousness

See Also | ado | bustle | disorder | disturbance | flurry | fuss | garboil | hustle | incident | motion | movement | stir | storm | storm center | storm centre | tempest | tumult | tumultuousness | uproar

Commotion In Webster's Dictionary

\Com*mo"tion\, n. [L. commotio: cf. F. commotion. See {Motion}.] 1. Disturbed or violent motion; agitation. [What] commotion in the winds ! --Shak. 2. A popular tumult; public disturbance; riot. When ye shall hear of wars and commotions. --Luke xxi. 9. 3. Agitation, perturbation, or disorder, of mind; heat; excitement. ``He could not debate anything without some commotion.'' --Clarendon. Syn: Excitement; agitation; perturbation; disturbance; tumult; disorder; violence.

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