About The Word Mold

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Learn about the word Mold to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Mold definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Mold Meaning & Definition
Mold Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Mold?

[n] container into which liquid is poured to create a given shape when it hardens
[n] sculpture produced by molding
[n] a fungus that produces a superficial growth on various kinds of damp or decaying organic matter
[n] the process of becoming mildewed
[n] the distinctive form in which a thing is made; "pottery of this cast was found throughout the region"
[n] loose soil rich in organic matter
[v] become moldy; spoil due to humidity; "The furniture molded in the old house"
[v] shape or influence; give direction to; "experience often determines ability"; "mold public opinion"
[v] make something, usually for a specific function; "She molded the riceballs carefully"; "Form cylinders from the dough"; "shape a figure"; "Work the metal into a sword"
[v] fit tightly, follow the contours of; "The dress molds her beautiful figure"
[v] form by pouring (e.g., wax or hot metal) into a cast or mold; "cast a bronze sculpture"
[v] form in clay, wax, etc; "model a head with clay"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Mold: cast | cast | clay sculpture | determine | forge | form | influence | mildew | mildew | modeling | molding | mould | mould | mould | mould | moulding | regulate | shape | shape | stamp | work

Related Terms | Find terms related to Mold: accommodate | accommodate with | accord | acres | adapt | adapt to | adenovirus | adjust | adjust to | aerobe | aerobic bacteria | aesthetic form | agree with | algae | alluvion | alluvium | amoeba | anaerobe | anaerobic bacteria | anatomy | animus | aptitude | arable land | archetype | architectonics | architecture | aroma | arrangement | art form | assemble | assimilate to | attribute | autophyte | bacillus | bacteria | bacterium | badge | bake | be guided by | bean | bend | bent | bias | biodegradability | biodegradation | blast | blight | block out | blood | body-build | bracken | brand | break up | breakup | breed | brown algae | bug | build | building | cachet | cancer | canker | carve | cast | casting | character | characteristic | characteristics | chase | chime in with | chisel | clan | class | clay | climber | clod | coccus | coin | color | complexion | comply | comply with | compose | composition | compound | conceit | conceive | conceptualize | concoct | conferva | confervoid | configuration | conform | conformation | constituents | constitution | construct | construction | correct | correspond | corrosion | corrupt | corruption | crasis | create | creation | creeper | crumble | crumble into dust | crust | cut | decay | decompose | decomposition | degradability | degradation | denomination | description | designation | devise | dharma | diathesis | diatom | die | differentia | differential | dilapidation | dirt | discipline | disease-producing microorganism | disintegrate | disintegration | disorganization | disposition | dissolution | distinctive feature | dream up | dry land | dry rot | dust | earmark | earth | eccentricity | echovirus | Ectocarpales | efform | elaborate | engrave | enterovirus | erect | ethos | evolve | experience imaginatively | extrude | fabric | fabricate | fabrication | fall in with | fall into decay | fall to pieces | fancy | fantasize | fashion | fashioning | feather | feature | fern | fester | fiber | fictionalize | figuration | figure | filterable virus | fire | fit | fix | flavor | follow | forge | forging | form | formalize | format | formation | formulate | found | frame | freehold | fruits and vegetables | fucus | fudge together | fungi | fungus | gangrene | gear to | genius | genre | genus | germ | get up | getup | glaze | glebe | go bad | go by | go to pieces | grain | gram-negative bacteria | gram-positive bacteria | grapevine | grassland | grave | green algae | ground | gulfweed | gust | habit | hallmark | harmonize | hatch | herb | heterophyte | hew | hue | humor | humors | ideate | idiocrasy | idiosyncrasy | ilk | imagine | impress | impression | inclination | index | indite | individualism | inner form | insculpture | intaglio | invent | ivy | kelp | keynote | kidney | kin | kind | knead | knock out | label | land | landholdings | last | lay out | layout | leaning | legume | lentil | liana | lichen | lick into shape | line | lineaments | lithosphere | liverwort | lot | make | make conform | make up | makeup | making | manner | mannerism | manufacture | marginal land | mark | marking | marl | matrix | mature | meet | mental set | mettle | microbe | microorganism | mildew | mind | mind-set | mint | modality | mode | model | molder | molding | molds | mortify | moss | moth | moth and rust | mushroom | must | nature | necrose | negative | nonfilterable virus | number | observe | odor | organic structure | organism | organization | originate | oxidation | oxidization | parasite | parasitic plant | particularity | patch together | pathogen | pattern | patterning | pea | peculiarity | persuasion | perthophyte | pest | Phaeophyceae | phylum | physique | phytoplankton | picornavirus | piece together | plan | planktonic algae | plant families | Platonic form | Platonic idea | pot | predilection | predisposition | prefabricate | preference | prepare | proclivity | produce | production | propensity | property | prototype | protozoa | protozoon | puffball | pulse | punch | put together | put up | putrefy | putresce | quality | quirk | race | raise | rankle | real estate | real property | rear | reconcile | rectify | red algae | region | regolith | reovirus | resolution | rhinovirus | rickettsia | rockweed | rot | rough out | roughcast | roughhew | rub off corners | run up | rust | saprophyte | sargasso | sargassum | savor | sculp | sculpt | sculpture | sea lentil | sea moss | sea wrack | seal | seaweed | set | set up | settle | setup | shape | shaping | shoe last | significant form | singularity | slant | smack | smut | sod | soil | solder | somatotype | sort | specialty | species | sphacelate | spirillum | spirit | spirochete | spoil | spoilage | spore | stamp | staphylococcus | straighten | strain | streak | streptococcus | stripe | structure | structuring | style | subaerial deposit | subsoil | succulent | suchness | suit | suppose | suppurate | system | tailor | taint | tally with | tang | taste | tectonics | temper | temperament | template | tendency | tenor | terra | terra firma | terrain | territory | texture | thallogens | the country | the like of | the likes of | thermoform | think up | throw | tissue | toadstool | token | tone | topsoil | trait | tribe | trick | trypanosome | turn | turn a pot | turn of mind | twist | type | variety | vein | vetch | vibrio | vine | virus | warp | warp and woof | way | weave | web | weld | whomp up | woodland | work | worm | wort | wrack | write | yield

See Also | adhere | beat | carry weight | carve | cast | cause | change | chip | cleave | cling | cohere | coil | container | create from raw material | create from raw stuff | decide | dirt | do | dry-rot | form | fungus | handbuild | hill | index | leaf mold | leaf mould | leaf soil | machine | make | matrix | miscreate | model | mold | mound | mucor | pace | pig | pig bed | predetermine | preform | press | press out | puddle | recast | remold | remould | reshape | reshape | rhizopus | roughcast | sand cast | sandbox | sculpt | sculpture | sculpture | sinter | smut | soil | solid | spoilage | spoiling | stamp | stick | swage | throw | time | upset | water mold

Mold In Webster's Dictionary

\Mold\, n. [See {Mo??} a spot.] A spot; a blemish; a mole. [Obs.] --Spenser.
\Mold\, Mould \Mould\, n. [OE. molde, AS. molde; akin to D. mul, G. mull, mulm, OHG. molt, molta, Icel. mold, Dan. muld, Sw. mull, Goth. mulda, and E. meal flour. See {Meal}, and cf. {Mole} an animal, {Mull}, v.] [The prevalent spelling is, perhaps, {mould}; but as the u has not been inserted in the other words of this class, as bold, gold, old, cold, etc., it seems desirable to complete the analogy by dropping it from this word, thus spelling it as Spenser, South, and many others did. The omission of the u is now very common in America.] 1. Crumbling, soft, friable earth; esp., earth containing the remains or constituents of organic matter, and suited to the growth of plants; soil. 2. Earthy material; the matter of which anything is formed; composing substance; material. The etherial mold, Incapable of stain. --Milton. Nature formed me of her softest mold. --Addison.
\Mold\, Mould \Mould\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Molded} or {Moulded}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Molding} or {Moulding}.] To cover with mold or soil. [R.]
\Mold\, Mould \Mould\, n. [From the p. p. of OE. moulen to become moldy, to rot, prob. fr. Icel. mygla to grow musty, mugga mugginess; cf. Sw. m["o]gla to grow moldy. See {Muggy}, and cf. {Moldy}.] (Bot.) A growth of minute fungi of various kinds, esp. those of the great groups {Hyphomycetes}, and {Physomycetes}, forming on damp or decaying organic matter. Note: The common blue mold of cheese, the brick-red cheese mold, and the scarlet or orange strata which grow on tubers or roots stored up for use, when commencing to decay, are familiar examples. --M. J. Berkley.
\Mold\, Mould \Mould\, v. t. To cause to become moldy; to cause mold to grow upon.
\Mold\, Mould \Mould\, v. i. To become moldy; to be covered or filled, in whole or in part, with a mold.
\Mold\, Mould \Mould\, n. [OE. molde, OF. mole, F. moule, fr. L. modulus. See {Model}.] [For spelling, see 2d {Mold}, above.] 1. The matrix, or cavity, in which anything is shaped, and from which it takes its form; also, the body or mass containing the cavity; as, a sand mold; a jelly mold. --Milton. 2. That on which, or in accordance with which, anything is modeled or formed; anything which serves to regulate the size, form, etc., as the pattern or templet used by a shipbuilder, carpenter, or mason. The glass of fashion and the mold of form. --Shak. 3. Cast; form; shape; character. Crowned with an architrave of antique mold. --Pope. 4. (Arch.) A group of moldings; as, the arch mold of a porch or doorway; the pier mold of a Gothic pier, meaning the whole profile, section, or combination of parts. 5. (Anat.) A fontanel. 6. (Paper Making) A frame with a wire cloth bottom, on which the pump is drained to form a sheet, in making paper by hand.
\Mold\, Mould \Mould\, v. t. [Cf. F. mouler, OF. moler, moller. See {Mold} the matrix.] 1. To form into a particular shape; to shape; to model; to fashion. He forgeth and moldeth metals. --Sir M. Hale. Did I request thee, Maker, from my clay To mold me man? --Milton. 2. To ornament by molding or carving the material of; as, a molded window jamb. 3. To knead; as, to mold dough or bread. 4. (Founding) To form a mold of, as in sand, in which a casting may be made.

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