About The Word Corruption

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Corruption Meaning & Definition
Corruption Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Corruption?

[n] destroying someone's (or some group's) honesty or loyalty; undermining moral integrity; "corruption of a minor"; "the big city's subversion of rural innocence"
[n] moral perversion; impairment of virtue and moral principles; "the luxury and corruption among the upper classes"; "moral degeneracy followed intellectual degeneration"; "its brothels; its opium parlors; its depravity"
[n] lack of integrity or honesty (especially susceptibility to bribery); use of a position of trust for dishonest gain
[n] decay of matter (as by rot or oxidation)
[n] in a state of progressive putrefaction

Synonyms | Synonyms for Corruption: corruptness | degeneracy | depravity | putrescence | putridness | rottenness | subversion

Related Terms | Find terms related to Corruption: abandon | abandonment | abjection | abomination | abuse of terms | acrostic | adulteration | alienation | amphibologism | amphiboly | anagram | antiphrasis | atrocity | bad | bane | barbarism | bastardizing | befouling | befoulment | biodegradability | biodegradation | blight | brainwashing | breakup | bribery | bribery and corruption | bribing | cacoepy | cacology | calembour | carrion | college of Laputa | colloquialism | contamination | corrosion | corruptedness | corruptness | counterindoctrination | criminality | crookedness | crying evil | cutting | damage | dandruff | debasement | decadence | decadency | decay | decomposition | defilement | degeneracy | degenerateness | degeneration | degradability | degradation | demoralization | depravation | depravedness | depravity | despoliation | destruction | detriment | deviousness | dilapidation | dilution | dishonesty | dishonor | disintegration | disorganization | dissoluteness | dissolution | doctoring | envenoming | equivocality | equivoque | evasiveness | evil | excrement | false coloring | feloniousness | festering | filth | fortifying | foul matter | fouling | fraudulence | fraudulency | furfur | gammacism | gangrene | graft | grievance | harm | havoc | hurt | ill | improbity | impropriety | indirection | indoctrination | infection | infelicity | injury | jeu de mots | lacing | lambdacism | localism | logogram | logogriph | malapropism | mess | metagram | mildew | mischief | misconstruction | misdirection | misguidance | misinformation | misinstruction | misinterpretation | misknowledge | misleading | mispronunciation | misrepresentation | missaying | misspeaking | misteaching | misusage | misuse | mold | moral pollution | moral turpitude | muck | mucus | mystification | mytacism | obfuscation | obscenity | obscurantism | obscuration | ordure | outrage | oxidation | oxidization | palindrome | paralambdacism | pararhotacism | paronomasia | perversion | play on words | poison | poisoning | pollution | profligacy | prostitution | pun | punning | pus | putrid matter | reindoctrination | reprobacy | resolution | rhotacism | rot | rottenness | rust | scurf | scuz | shadiness | shiftiness | slang | slanting | slime | slipperiness | smut | snot | solecism | sophistry | sordes | spiking | spoilage | spoonerism | straining | subornation | subversion | suppuration | taboo word | the worst | torturing | toxin | trickiness | turpitude | unconscientiousness | underhandedness | ungrammaticism | unsavoriness | unscrupulousness | unstraightforwardness | venom | vexation | vitiation | vulgarism | watering | woe | wordplay | wrong

See Also | debasement | decay | degradation | dishonesty | immorality | infection | jobbery | putrefaction | rot | venality

Corruption In Webster's Dictionary

\Cor*rup"tion\ (k?r-r?p"sh?n), n. [F. corruption, L. corruptio.] 1. The act of corrupting or making putrid, or state of being corrupt or putrid; decomposition or disorganization, in the process of putrefaction; putrefaction; deterioration. The inducing and accelerating of putrefaction is a subject of very universal inquiry; for corruption is a reciprocal to ``generation''. --Bacon. 2. The product of corruption; putrid matter. 3. The act of corrupting or of impairing integrity, virtue, or moral principle; the state of being corrupted or debased; loss of purity or integrity; depravity; wickedness; impurity; bribery. It was necessary, by exposing the gross corruptions of monasteries, . . . to exite popular indignation against them. --Hallam. They abstained from some of the worst methods of corruption usual to their party in its earlier days. --Bancroft. Note: Corruption, when applied to officers, trustees, etc., signifies the inducing a violation of duty by means of pecuniary considerations. --Abbott. 4. The act of changing, or of being changed, for the worse; departure from what is pure, simple, or correct; as, a corruption of style; corruption in language. {Corruption of blood} (Law), taint or impurity of blood, in consequence of an act of attainder of treason or felony, by which a person is disabled from inheriting any estate or from transmitting it to others. Corruption of blood can be removed only by act of Parliament. --Blackstone. Syn: Putrescence; putrefaction; defilement; contamination; deprivation; debasement; adulteration; depravity; taint. See {Depravity}.

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