About The Word Perversion

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Learn about the word Perversion to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Perversion definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Perversion Meaning & Definition
Perversion Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Perversion?

[n] the action of perverting something (turning it to a wrong use); "it was a perversion of justice"
[n] an aberrant sexual practice that is preferred to normal intercourse

Synonyms | Synonyms for Perversion: sexual perversion

Related Terms | Find terms related to Perversion: aberrancy | aberration | abnormality | abstractionism | abuse | abuse of office | abuse of terms | adulteration | apparent soundness | befouling | befoulment | casuistry | catachresis | circularity | college of Laputa | coloring | confabulation | contamination | contorting | conversion | corrupt administration | corruption | debasement | debauchery | defalcation | defectiveness | defilement | deformation | delusion | depravity | desecration | deviance | deviancy | deviation | disingenuousness | distortion | diversion | eisegesis | embezzlement | envenoming | equivocalness | equivocation | errancy | erroneousness | error | evasive reasoning | exaggeration | expressionism | fallaciousness | fallacy | false coloring | false swearing | falseness | falsification | falsifying | falsity | fault | faultiness | festering | flaw | flawedness | fouling | garbling | gloss | hamartia | heresy | heterodoxy | hyperbole | illusion | inaccuracy | infection | injustice | insincerity | irregularity | jesuitism | jesuitry | kink | litotes | maladministration | malentendu | malfeasance | malobservation | malpractice | malversation | misapplication | misapprehension | misappropriation | miscitation | miscoloring | misconception | misconduct | misconstruction | misdirection | misdoing | misdrawing | misemployment | misexplanation | misexplication | misexposition | misfeasance | misguidance | mishandling | misinformation | misinstruction | misintelligence | misinterpretation | misjudgment | misknowledge | misleading | mismanagement | mispainting | misquotation | misreading | misrendering | misreport | misrepresentation | misstatement | misteaching | mistranslation | misunderstanding | misusage | misuse | misuse of words | mystification | nonrealism | obfuscation | obscurantism | obscuration | overdrawing | overstatement | oversubtlety | peccancy | peculation | perjury | philosophism | pilfering | plausibility | plausibleness | poisoning | pollution | poor stewardship | prevarication | profanation | prostitution | psychopathia sexualis | psychosexual disorder | rationalization | self-contradiction | sex crime | sexual abnormality | sexual deviance | sexual deviation | sexual pathology | sexual perversion | sexual psychopathy | sidetracking | sin | sinfulness | slanting | sophism | sophistical reasoning | sophistication | sophistry | special pleading | speciosity | specious reasoning | speciousness | squeezing | straining | subtlety | subversion | suppuration | torturing | twisting | understatement | unorthodoxy | untrueness | untruth | untruthfulness | vice | vicious circle | vicious reasoning | violation | vitiation | wrenching | wrong | wrongness

See Also | actus reus | anal intercourse | anal sex | buggery | head | misconduct | oral sex | paraphilia | sex | sex activity | sexual activity | sexual practice | sodomy | wrongdoing | wrongful conduct

Perversion In Webster's Dictionary

\Per*ver"sion\, n. [L. perversio: cf. F. perversion. See {Pervert}.] The act of perverting, or the state of being perverted; a turning from truth or right; a diverting from the true intent or object; a change to something worse; a turning or applying to a wrong end or use. ``Violations and perversions of the laws.'' --Bacon.

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