About The Word Distortion

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Distortion Meaning & Definition
Distortion Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Distortion?

[n] the mistake of misrepresenting the facts
[n] the act of distorting something so it seems to mean something it was not intended to mean
[n] a change for the worse
[n] an optical phenomenon resulting from the failure of a lens or mirror to produce a good image
[n] a shape resulting from distortion

Synonyms | Synonyms for Distortion: aberration | deformation | distorted shape | optical aberration | overrefinement | straining | torture | twisting

Related Terms | Find terms related to Distortion: aberrancy | aberration | abstractionism | abuse of terms | anamorphosis | apparent soundness | bad likeness | birdies | birthmark | blackhead | bleb | blemish | blister | blooping | blurping | botch | bulla | burlesque | caricature | casuistry | catachresis | check | cicatrix | circularity | coloring | comedo | confabulation | contorting | crack | crater | craze | daub | defacement | defect | defectiveness | deflection | deflexure | deformation | deformity | delusion | deviancy | diffraction | diffusion | disfiguration | disfigurement | disingenuousness | dispersion | eisegesis | equivocalness | equivocation | errancy | erroneousness | error | evasive reasoning | exaggeration | expressionism | fallaciousness | fallacy | false coloring | false swearing | falseness | falsification | falsifying | falsity | fault | faultiness | feedback | flaw | flawedness | flection | flexure | flutter | fluttering | freckle | garbling | gloss | hamartia | hemangioma | heresy | heterodoxy | hickey | hissing | howling | hum | hyperbole | illusion | inaccuracy | injustice | insincerity | jesuitism | jesuitry | keloid | kink | lentigo | litotes | malconformation | malentendu | malformation | malobservation | milium | misapplication | misapprehension | miscitation | miscoloring | misconception | misconstruction | misdoing | misdrawing | misexplanation | misexplication | misexposition | misfeasance | misintelligence | misinterpretation | misjudgment | mispainting | misquotation | misreading | misrendering | misreport | misrepresentation | misshape | misstatement | misteaching | mistranslation | misunderstanding | misuse of words | mole | motorboating | mystification | needle scar | nevus | nonrealism | obfuscation | obscurantism | overdrawing | overstatement | oversubtlety | parody | peccancy | perjury | perversion | philosophism | pimple | pit | plausibility | plausibleness | pock | pockmark | port-wine mark | port-wine stain | prevarication | pustule | rationalization | refraction | rift | rumble | scab | scar | scatter | scratch | scratching | scribble | sebaceous cyst | self-contradiction | shredding | sin | sinfulness | skewness | slanting | sophism | sophistical reasoning | sophistication | sophistry | special pleading | speciosity | specious reasoning | speciousness | split | squeals | squeezing | static | straining | strawberry mark | sty | subtlety | torsion | torturing | track | travesty | twist | twisting | understatement | unorthodoxy | untrueness | untruth | untruthfulness | verruca | vesicle | vicious circle | vicious reasoning | wale | warp | wart | weal | welt | wen | whistles | whitehead | woomping | wow | wowwows | wrenching | wrong | wrongness

See Also | buckle | chromatic aberration | contortion | crookedness | damage | error | falsification | fault | form | gnarl | harm | impairment | knot | misrepresentaation | mistake | optical phenomenon | shape | spherical aberration | torsion | tortuosity | tortuousness | warp | warp | warping

Distortion In Webster's Dictionary

\Dis*tor"tion\, n. [L. distortio: cf. F. distortion.] 1. The act of distorting, or twisting out of natural or regular shape; a twisting or writhing motion; as, the distortions of the face or body. 2. A wresting from the true meaning. --Bp. Wren. 3. The state of being distorted, or twisted out of shape or out of true position; crookedness; perversion. 4. (Med.) An unnatural deviation of shape or position of any part of the body producing visible deformity.

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Crossword Dictionary