About The Word Exaggeration

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Learn about the word Exaggeration to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Exaggeration definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Exaggeration Meaning & Definition
Exaggeration Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Exaggeration?

[n] the act of making something more noticeable than usual; "the dance involved a deliberate exaggeration of his awkwardness"
[n] making to seem more important than it really is
[n] extravagant exaggeration

Synonyms | Synonyms for Exaggeration: hyperbole | magnification | overstatement

Related Terms | Find terms related to Exaggeration: abandon | abstractionism | accelerando | acceleration | affectation | aggrandizement | aggravation | amplification | beefing-up | blague | blowing up | blowup | boundlessness | cock-and-bull story | coloring | command of language | concentration | condensation | confabulation | consolidation | deepening | deformation | distortion | egregiousness | embellishment | enhancement | enlargement | enormousness | equivocation | exacerbation | excess | excessiveness | exorbitance | exorbitancy | explosion | expression of ideas | expressionism | extravagance | extravagancy | extreme | extremes | extremism | extremity | fabulousness | fairy tale | false coloring | false swearing | falsehood | falsification | falsifying | falsity | farfetched story | farrago | fashion | feeling for words | fib | fiction | fish story | flam | flight of fancy | flimflam | form of speech | garbling | ghost story | giantism | gigantism | gluttony | grace of expression | grandiloquence | half-truth | heating-up | heightening | hyperbole | hypertrophy | immoderacy | immoderateness | immoderation | inaccuracy | incontinence | inflation | information explosion | injustice | inordinacy | inordinance | inordinateness | intemperance | intemperateness | intensification | inundation | legal fiction | lie | literary style | litotes | little white lie | magnification | manner | manner of speaking | mannerism | mendacity | miscoloring | misconstruction | misdrawing | mispainting | misquotation | misreport | misrepresentation | misstatement | misteaching | mode | mode of expression | monstrousness | nimiety | nonrealism | outrageousness | overappraisal | overassessment | overcalculation | overdevelopment | overdrawing | overestimate | overestimation | overflowing | overgreatness | overgrowth | overindulgence | overlargeness | overmuch | overmuchness | overpass | overrating | overreaction | overreckoning | overrun | overrunning | overspreading | overstatement | overvaluation | peculiarity | perjury | personal style | perversion | pickup | pious fiction | population explosion | prevarication | radicalism | redoubling | reinforcement | rhetoric | romance | sense of language | slanting | slight stretching | speedup | step-up | story | strain | straining | strengthening | stretching | style | stylistic analysis | stylistics | superiority | surplus | tale | tall story | tall tale | tall talk | taradiddle | the grand style | the plain style | the sublime | tightening | too much | too-muchness | trick | trumped-up story | twisting | unconscionableness | understatement | undueness | unreasonableness | unrestrainedness | untruth | vein | way | white lie | yarn

See Also | deceit | deception | figure | figure of speech | image | increase | misrepresentation | step-up | trope

Exaggeration In Webster's Dictionary

\Ex*ag`ger*a"tion\, n. [L. exaggeratio : cf. F. exag['e]ration.] 1. The act of heaping or piling up. [Obs.] ``Exaggeration of sand.'' --Sir M. Hale. 2. The act of exaggerating; the act of doing or representing in an excessive manner; a going beyond the bounds of truth reason, or justice; a hyperbolical representation; hyperbole; overstatement. No need of an exaggeration of what they saw. --I. Taylor. 3. (Paint.) A representation of things beyond natural life, in expression, beauty, power, vigor.

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Crossword Dictionary