About The Word Fiction

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Learn about the word Fiction to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Fiction definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Fiction Meaning & Definition
Fiction Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Fiction?

[n] a literary work based on the imagination and not necessarily on fact
[n] a deliberately false or improbable account

Synonyms | Synonyms for Fiction: fable | fabrication

Related Terms | Find terms related to Fiction: adventure story | allegory | anecdote | apologue | apparition | article | autograph | bedtime story | blague | brainchild | bubble | canard | chimera | cock-and-bull story | composition | computer printout | concoction | copy | delirium | detective story | document | draft | edited version | eidolon | engrossment | essay | exaggeration | extravaganza | fable | fabliau | fabrication | fair copy | fairy tale | falsehood | falsity | fancy | fantasque | fantasy | farfetched story | farrago | fib | figment | final draft | finished version | first draft | fish story | flam | flimflam | flimsy | folk story | folktale | forgery | gest | ghost story | half-truth | hallucination | holograph | horse opera | idle fancy | illusion | imagery | imagination | imagining | insubstantial image | invention | legal fiction | legend | letter | lie | literae scriptae | literary artefact | literary production | literature | little white lie | love story | lucubration | maggot | make-believe | manuscript | Marchen | matter | mendacity | misrepresentation | mystery | mystery story | myth | mythology | mythos | narrative | nonfiction | nursery tale | opus | original | paper | parable | parchment | penscript | phantasm | phantom | piece | piece of writing | pious fiction | play | poem | prevarication | printed matter | printout | production | reading matter | recension | romance | science fiction | screed | scrip | script | scrive | scroll | second draft | shocker | sick fancy | slight stretching | space fiction | space opera | story | suspense story | tale | tall story | tall tale | taradiddle | the written word | thick-coming fancies | thriller | transcript | transcription | trip | trumped-up story | typescript | untruth | vapor | version | vision | Western | Western story | Westerner | whim | whimsy | white lie | whodunit | wildest dreams | work | work of fiction | writing | yarn

See Also | canard | false statement | falsehood | falsity | fantasy | literary composition | literary work | novel | phantasy | story | untruth

Fiction In Webster's Dictionary

\Fic"tion\, n. [F. fiction, L. fictio, fr. fingere, fictum to form, shape, invent, feign. See {Feign}.] 1. The act of feigning, inventing, or imagining; as, by a mere fiction of the mind. --Bp. Stillingfleet. 2. That which is feigned, invented, or imagined; especially, a feigned or invented story, whether oral or written. Hence: A story told in order to deceive; a fabrication; -- opposed to fact, or reality. The fiction of those golden apples kept by a dragon. --Sir W. Raleigh. When it could no longer be denied that her flight had been voluntary, numerous fictions were invented to account for it. --Macaulay. 3. Fictitious literature; comprehensively, all works of imagination; specifically, novels and romances. The office of fiction as a vehicle of instruction and moral elevation has been recognized by most if not all great educators. --Dict. of Education. 4. (Law) An assumption of a possible thing as a fact, irrespective of the question of its truth. --Wharton. 5. Any like assumption made for convenience, as for passing more rapidly over what is not disputed, and arriving at points really at issue. Syn: Fabrication; invention; fable; falsehood. Usage: {Fiction}, {Fabrication}. Fiction is opposed to what is real; fabrication to what is true. Fiction is designed commonly to amuse, and sometimes to instruct; a fabrication is always intended to mislead and deceive. In the novels of Sir Walter Scott we have fiction of the highest order. The poems of Ossian, so called, were chiefly fabrications by Macpherson.

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