What's The Definition Of Draft?
[n] the act of moving a load by drawing or pulling
[n] a large and hurried swallow; "he finished it at a single gulp"
[n] compulsory military service
[n] a dose of liquid medicine; "he took a sleeping draft"
[n] a preliminary sketch of a design or picture
[n] a regulator for controlling the flow of air in a fireplace
[n] the depth of a vessel's keel below the surface (especially when loaded)
[n] preliminary version of a written work
[n] a serving of drink (usually alcoholic)
[n] a current of air (usually coming into a room or vehicle)
[n] a document ordering the payment of money; drawn by one person or bank on another
[v] engage somebody to enter the army
[v] make a blueprint of
[v] draw up an outline or sketch for something; "draft a speech"
Synonyms | Synonyms for Draft: air current |
bill of exchange |
blueprint |
conscription |
draft copy |
draught |
draught |
draught |
draught |
draught |
draught |
drawing |
enlist |
gulp |
muster |
muster in |
order of payment |
outline |
potation |
rough |
rough drawing |
selective service |
swig |
Related Terms | Find terms related to Draft: abbreviation |
abbreviature |
abrege |
abridgment |
abstract |
acceptance |
acceptance bill |
adumbrate |
air current |
arrangement |
article |
attraction |
autograph |
bag |
bang |
bank acceptance |
bank check |
beverage |
bill |
bill of draft |
bill of exchange |
black and white |
blackmail |
blank check |
bleed |
block in |
block out |
blueprint |
booster |
booster dose |
booster shot |
boot |
brainchild |
brief |
broach |
brouillon |
bumper |
call |
call for |
call up |
call-up |
capsule |
cartoon |
CD |
certificate |
certificate of deposit |
certified check |
chalk |
chalk out |
characterize |
charcoal |
charcoal drawing |
chart |
check |
checkbook |
cheque |
chiaroscuro |
claim |
color |
commandeer |
commercial paper |
compend |
compose |
composition |
compulsory military service |
computer printout |
concoct |
condensation |
condensed version |
conscript |
conscription |
conspectus |
contribution |
contrive |
copy |
copy out |
crayon |
crosscurrent |
crosshatch |
current |
current of air |
dash off |
daub |
debenture |
decant |
deck |
delineate |
delineation |
demand |
demand bill |
demand draft |
demand for |
depict |
design |
detach |
detach for service |
devise |
diagram |
digest |
displacement |
document |
doodle |
dose |
downdraft |
draft call |
draft off |
drafted man |
draftee |
drafting |
drag |
drain |
dram |
draw |
draw from |
draw off |
draw up |
drawing |
drayage |
drench |
drink |
drop |
dropping |
drug packet |
due bill |
duty |
ebauche |
edit |
edited version |
edition |
elevation |
empty |
enface |
engross |
engrossment |
enlist |
enlistee |
enlistment |
enroll |
enrollee |
enrollment |
epitome |
esquisse |
essay |
exaction |
exchequer bill |
exhaust |
extortion |
extortionate demand |
extraction |
fabricate |
fair copy |
fall wind |
fashion |
fiction |
figure |
final draft |
finished version |
first draft |
fix |
flimsy |
flow of air |
following wind |
forge |
form |
formulate |
frame |
gargle |
graph |
ground plan |
gulp |
guzzle |
hatch |
haul |
haulage |
hauling |
head |
head wind |
heave |
heaving |
heavy demand |
hit |
holograph |
house plan |
hymnal |
hymnbook |
ichnography |
imposition |
impost |
impress |
impressment |
indent |
indraft |
induct |
inductee |
induction |
inflow |
inhalation |
injection |
inrush |
inscribe |
insistent demand |
inspiration |
instrumental score |
invent |
jetstream |
jigger |
join |
jolt |
katabatic wind |
lap |
let |
let blood |
let out |
letter |
letter of credit |
levy |
libation |
libretto |
limn |
line |
line drawing |
list |
literae scriptae |
literary artefact |
literary production |
literature |
lucubration |
lug |
lute tablature |
mainlining |
make |
make a recension |
make out |
manufacture |
manuscript |
matter |
milk |
MO |
mobilization |
mobilize |
money order |
monsoon |
movement of air |
music |
music paper |
music roll |
musical notation |
musical score |
muster |
muster in |
narcotic shot |
negotiable instrument |
nip |
nonfiction |
nonnegotiable demand |
notation |
note |
note of hand |
notice |
opera |
opera score |
opus |
orchestral score |
order |
original |
outline |
overdose |
overview |
paint |
paint a picture |
pandect |
paper |
parchment |
part |
pastel |
pattern |
peg |
pen |
pen-and-ink |
pencil |
pencil drawing |
penscript |
phlebotomize |
piano score |
picture |
picturize |
piece |
piece of writing |
pipette |
plan |
play |
plot |
poem |
popping |
portion |
portray |
postal order |
potation |
potion |
precis |
prepare |
press |
printed matter |
printout |
production |
profile |
project |
projection |
promissory note |
prospectus |
pull |
pulling |
pulling power |
pump |
pump out |
push the pen |
put in writing |
quaff |
raise |
raw recruit |
reading matter |
recense |
recension |
record |
recruit |
recruiting |
recruitment |
requirement |
requisition |
review |
revise |
rewrite |
rookie |
rough |
rough copy |
rough draft |
rough in |
rough out |
rough outline |
rough sketch |
round |
round of drinks |
rubric |
rush |
rush order |
score |
scratch |
screed |
scribe |
scrip |
script |
scrive |
scroll |
scumble |
selectee |
selective service |
shade |
shape |
sheet music |
short score |
shortened version |
shot |
sight bill |
sight draft |
sign on |
sign up |
silhouette |
silver-print drawing |
sinkage |
sinopia |
sip |
siphon |
siphon off |
skeleton |
sketch |
skin-popping |
slurp |
snifter |
snort |
songbook |
songster |
spill ink |
spoil paper |
spot |
stencil |
strain |
stream |
stream of air |
study |
submergence |
submersion |
suck |
suck out |
summon |
summons |
sup |
superscribe |
survey |
swig |
swill |
syllabus |
synopsis |
tablature |
table |
tail wind |
tap |
tax |
taxing |
tenderfoot |
text |
the written word |
thumbnail sketch |
time bill |
time draft |
tint |
topical outline |
tot |
towage |
towing |
trace |
tracing |
traction |
tractive |
tractive power |
trade acceptance |
trainee |
transcribe |
transcript |
transcription |
treasury bill |
tribute |
tug |
tugging |
tug-of-war |
type |
typescript |
ultimatum |
undercurrent |
updraft |
venesect |
version |
vignette |
vocal score |
voucher |
warning |
warrant |
wet |
wind |
work |
working drawing |
write |
write down |
write out |
writing |
written music
See Also | acceptance |
bank check |
bank draft |
banker's acceptance |
banker's draft |
check |
cheque |
compose |
deglutition |
depth |
design |
dividend warrant |
dose |
downdraft |
drink |
drink |
enrol |
enroll |
enter |
foreign bill |
foreign draft |
indite |
inland bill |
inscribe |
levy |
levy |
levy en masse |
militarisation |
militarization |
mobilisation |
mobilization |
money order |
negotiable instrument |
overdraft |
pen |
plan |
postal order |
pull |
pulling |
quaff |
raise |
recruit |
redraft |
regulator |
sight draft |
sketch |
study |
swallow |
text |
textual matter |
thermal |
time draft |
trade acceptance |
updraft |
wind |
Draft In Webster's Dictionary
\Draft\, a.
1. Pertaining to, or used for, drawing or pulling (as
vehicles, loads, etc.). Same as {Draught}.
2. Relating to, or characterized by, a draft, or current of
air. Same as {Draught}.
Note: The forms draft and draught, in the senses above-given,
are both on approved use.
{Draft box}, {Draft engine}, {Draft horse}, {Draft net},
{Draft ox}, {Draft tube}. Same as {Draught box}, {Draught
engine}, etc. See under {Draught}.
\Draft\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Drafted}; p. pr. & vb. n.
1. To draw the outline of; to delineate.
2. To compose and write; as, to draft a memorial.
3. To draw from a military band or post, or from any
district, company, or society; to detach; to select.
Some royal seminary in Upper Egypt, from whence they
drafted novices to supply their colleges and
temples. -- Holwell.
4. To transfer by draft.
All her rents been drafted to London. -- Fielding.