About The Word Outline

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Outline Meaning & Definition
Outline Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Outline?

[n] a schematic or preliminary plan
[n] a sketchy summary of the main points of an argument or theory
[n] the line that appears to bound an object
[v] draw up the plans or basic details for; "frame a policy"
[v] describe roughly or briefly; "sketch the outline of the book"
[v] make a mark or lines on a surface; "draw a line"; "trace the outline of a figure in the sand"
[v] trace the shape of
[v] make a sketch of
[v] draw up an outline or sketch for something; "draft a speech"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Outline: abstract | adumbrate | chalk out | compose | delineate | delineate | describe | draft | draw | draw up | frame | limn | line | lineation | precis | rough | schema | scheme | sketch | sketch | synopsis | trace

Related Terms | Find terms related to Outline: abbreviation | abbreviature | abrege | abridge | abridgment | abstract | adumbrate | adumbration | alphabet | article | basics | block in | block out | blueprint | border | bound | boundaries | boundary | bounds | bourns | brief | bring to life | broad lines | brouillon | capsule | capsulize | cartoon | catalog | catalogue raisonne | causerie | chalk out | character | characterize | chart | circumference | circumscription | compass | compend | condensation | condense | condensed version | configuration | confines | conformation | conspectus | contour | coordinates | copy | cortex | covering | crust | define | delineate | delineation | depict | descant | describe | design | detail | diagram | digest | discourse | discussion | disquisition | dissertation | draft | draw | drawing | ebauche | echo | edge | edges | elements | elevation | enumerate | envelope | epidermis | epitome | esquisse | essay | etude | evoke | examination | excursus | exposition | express | exterior | external | facade | face | facet | feature | features | figuration | figure | first approach | first principles | first steps | footprint | form | framework | fringe | fringes | front | galbe | gestalt | give words to | grammar | graph | ground plan | head | hem | homily | hornbook | house plan | ichnography | induction | integument | introductory study | itemize | lay out | layout | limitations | limits | limn | line | lineaments | lineation | lines | lucubration | main features | marches | margin | memoir | metes | metes and bounds | monograph | morceau | note | number | nutshell | outer face | outer layer | outer side | outer skin | outlines | outside | outskirts | overview | paint | pale | pandect | paper | paragraph | parameters | parse | pattern | perimeter | periphery | picture | piece | plan | plot | portray | precis | preliminary study | primer | principia | principles | profile | projection | prolegomenon | recapitulation | reflection | reflex | relief | render | represent | research paper | resolve | resume | review | rim | rind | rough | rough in | rough out | rubric | rudiments | run-down | scan | scenario | schema | schematize | scheme | screed | set forth | shadow | shape | shapes | shell | shorten | shortened version | silhouette | skeleton | sketch | sketch out | skin | skirt | skirts | skyline | special article | study | summarize | summary | superficies | superstratum | surface | surround | survey | syllabus | synopsis | synopsize | table | table of contents | term paper | theme | thesis | thumbnail sketch | top | topical outline | tournure | trace | tract | tractate | treatise | treatment | verges | working drawing | write

See Also | apercu | block out | bound | boundary | bounds | brief | circumscribe | coastline | compose | construct | contour | depict | describe | draw | draw | epitome | indite | inscribe | lipstick | mark | pen | plan | plan | program | programme | silhouette | skyline | summary | write | write

Outline In Webster's Dictionary

\Out"line`\, n. 1. (a) The line which marks the outer limits of an object or figure; the exterior line or edge; contour. (b) In art: A line drawn by pencil, pen, graver, or the like, by which the boundary of a figure is indicated. (c) A sketch composed of such lines; the delineation of a figure without shading. Painters, by their outlines, colors, lights, and shadows, represent the same in their pictures. --Dryden. 2. Fig.: A sketch of any scheme; a preliminary or general indication of a plan, system, course of thought, etc.; as, the outline of a speech. But that larger grief . . . Is given in outline and no more. --Tennyson. Syn: Sketch; draught; delineation. See {Sketch}.
\Out"line`\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Outlined}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Outlining}.] 1. To draw the outline of. 2. Fig.: To sketch out or indicate as by an outline; as, to outline an argument or a campaign.

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Crossword Dictionary