About The Word Brief

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Brief Meaning & Definition
Brief Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Brief?

[n] a condensed written summary or abstract
[n] a document stating the facts and points of law of a client's case
[adj] concise and succinct; "covered the matter in a brief statement"
[adj] (of clothing) very short; "an abbreviated swimsuit"; "a brief bikini"
[adj] of short duration or distance; "a brief stay in the country"; "in a little while"; "it's a little way away"
[v] give essential information to someone; "The reporters were briefed about the President's plan to invade"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Brief: abbreviated | concise | legal brief | little | short

Related Terms | Find terms related to Brief: abbreviated | abbreviation | abbreviature | abrege | abridge | abridged | abridgment | abrupt | abstract | account | account rendered | accounting | acquaint | acta | advertise | advertise of | advise | advocate | airmanship | annual | aposiopestic | apprise | bespeak | block in | block out | blunt | book | breviary | briefing | briefly | bring word | brisk | brusque | bulletin | capsule | capsulize | census report | chalk out | clipped | close | closemouthed | close-tongued | coach | cometary | communicate | compact | compend | compendious | compendium | compressed | concise | concisely | condensation | condense | condensed | condensed version | confer | conspectus | consult with | contracted | counsel | crisp | crusty | curt | curtailed | curtal | curtate | cut | debrief | decurtate | delineate | digest | direct | disclose | docked | draft | dumb | economical of words | election returns | elliptic | employ | engage | enlighten | ephemeral | epigrammatic | epitome | evanescent | explain | extract | familiarize | fill in | flashing | fleet | fleeting | flickering | flight plan | flying lessons | fugitive | give a briefing | give directions | give notice | give the facts | give word | gnomic | gruff | guide | head | hire | in brief | in sum | in summary | indisposed to talk | inform | instantaneous | instruct | kibitz | laconic | leave word | let know | line | little | low | meddle | mention to | meteoric | minutes | momentary | mum | mute | notify | nutshell | outline | overview | pandect | passing | pilot training | pilotship | pithy | pointed | precis | preengage | prescribe | proceedings | propose | pruned | quick | quiet | recommend | recruit | report | reserve | reserved | resume | retain | returns | review | rough | rough in | rough out | rubric | run down | run through | rundown | send word | sententious | serve notice | short | short and sweet | shorten | shortened | shortened version | short-lived | short-term | short-termed | sign on | sign up | sign up for | silent | skeleton | sketch | sketch out | snug | sparing of words | Spartan | speak | speechless | speedy | statement | submit | succinct | succinctly | suggest | summarize | summary | survey | swift | syllabus | synopsis | synopsize | synopsized | synoptic | taciturn | take into employment | take on | tally | tell | temporary | terse | the record | thumbnail sketch | tight | tight-lipped | to the point | tongue-tied | topical outline | trace | transactions | transient | transitory | truncated | unloquacious | untalkative | verse | washout | word-bound | wordless | yearbook

See Also | abstract | amicus curiae brief | apprise | apprize | instruct | instrument | legal document | legal instrument | official document | outline | precis | synopsis

Brief In Webster's Dictionary

\Brief\, a. [OE. bref, F. brief, bref, fr. L. brevis; akin to Gr. ? short, and perh. to Skr. barh to tear. Cf. {Breve}.] 1. Short in duration. How brief the life of man. --Shak. 2. Concise; terse; succinct. The brief style is that which expresseth much in little. --B. Jonson. 3. Rife; common; prevalent. [Prov. Eng.] {In brief}. See under {Brief}, n. Syn: Short; concise; succinct; summary; compendious; condensed; terse; curt; transitory; short-lived.
\Brief\, adv. 1. Briefly. [Obs. or Poetic] Adam, faltering long, thus answered brief. --Milton. 2. Soon; quickly. [Obs.] --Shak.
\Brief\ (br[=e]f), n. [See {Brief}, a., and cf. {Breve}.] 1. A short concise writing or letter; a statement in few words. Bear this sealed brief, With winged hastle, to the lord marshal. --Shak. And she told me In a sweet, verbal brief. --Shak. 2. An epitome. Each woman is a brief of womankind. --Overbury. 3. (Law) An abridgment or concise statement of a client's case, made out for the instruction of counsel in a trial at law. This word is applied also to a statement of the heads or points of a law argument. It was not without some reference to it that I perused many a brief. --Sir J. Stephen. Note: In England, the brief is prepared by the attorney; in the United States, counsel generally make up their own briefs. 4. (Law) A writ; a breve. See {Breve}, n., 2. 5. (Scots Law) A writ issuing from the chancery, directed to any judge ordinary, commanding and authorizing that judge to call a jury to inquire into the case, and upon their verdict to pronounce sentence. 6. A letter patent, from proper authority, authorizing a collection or charitable contribution of money in churches, for any public or private purpose. [Eng.] {Apostolical brief}, a letter of the pope written on fine parchment in modern characters, subscribed by the secretary of briefs, dated ``a die Nativitatis,'' i. e., ``from the day of the Nativity,'' and sealed with the ring of the fisherman. It differs from a bull, in its parchment, written character, date, and seal. See {Bull}. {Brief of title}, an abstract or abridgment of all the deeds and other papers constituting the chain of title to any real estate. {In brief}, in a few words; in short; briefly. ``Open the matter in brief.'' --Shak.
\Brief\, v. t. To make an abstract or abridgment of; to shorten; as, to brief pleadings.

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