About The Word Acceptance

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Acceptance Meaning & Definition
Acceptance Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Acceptance?

[n] the act of taking something that is offered; "her acceptance of the gift encouraged him"; "he anticipated their acceptance of his offer"
[n] the act of accepting with approval; favorable reception; "its adoption by society"; "the proposal found wide acceptance"
[n] a disposition to tolerate or accept people or situations; "all people should practice toleration and live together in peace"
[n] the mental attitude that something is believable and should be accepted as true; "he gave credence to the gossip"; "acceptance of Newtonian mechanics was unquestioned for 200 years"
[n] (contract law) words signifying consent to the terms of an offer (thereby creating a contract)
[n] banking: a time draft drawn on and accepted by a bank
[n] the state of being acceptable and accepted; "torn jeans received no acceptance at the country club"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Acceptance: acceptation | adoption | banker's acceptance | credence | espousal | sufferance | toleration

Related Terms | Find terms related to Acceptance: acceptance bill | acceptation | acception | accession | accord | acknowledgment | acquiescence | acquisition | adherence | admiration | admission | admittance | adoption | affiliation | affirmance | affirmation | affirmative | affirmative voice | agreement | agreement in principle | allowance | appreciation | approbation | approval | assent | assentation | assumption | authentication | authorization | avowal | aye | bank acceptance | bank check | baptism | bill | bill of draft | bill of exchange | blank check | blessing | CD | certificate | certificate of deposit | certification | certified check | check | checkbook | cheque | clemency | clementness | comfort | commercial paper | compassion | complaisance | compliance | composure | concession | concurrence | confession | confirmation | connivance | consent | content | contentedness | contentment | countenance | countersignature | debenture | declaration | deference | demand bill | demand draft | derivation | draft | due bill | eagerness | ease | easiness | easygoingness | embracement | endorsement | endurance | enlistment | enrollment | entire satisfaction | espousal | esteem | euphoria | exchequer bill | favor | favorable vote | forbearance | forbearing | forbearingness | fortitude | fulfillment | general agreement | gentleness | getting | go-ahead | green light | happiness | hearty assent | homage | humaneness | humanity | immission | imprimatur | inauguration | induction | indulgence | initiation | installation | instatement | intromission | investiture | IOU | John Hancock | kneeling | laxness | lenience | leniency | lenientness | lenity | letter of credit | longanimity | long-sufferance | long-suffering | mercifulness | mercy | mildness | MO | moderateness | money order | negotiable instrument | nod | nonopposal | nonopposition | nonresistance | notarization | note | note of hand | obedience | obeisance | OK | okay | ordination | paper | passiveness | passivity | patience | patience of Job | patientness | peace of mind | permission | perseverance | pity | postal order | profession | promissory note | promptitude | promptness | ratification | readiness | receipt | receival | received meaning | receiving | reception | recognition | reconcilement | reconciliation | resignation | resignedness | respect | rubber stamp | sanction | satisfaction | seal | seal of approval | self-control | sight bill | sight draft | sigil | signature | signet | softness | stamp | stamp of approval | stoicism | subjection | submission | submittal | subscription | sufferance | supineness | support | sweet reasonableness | taking | tenderness | the nod | time bill | time draft | tolerance | toleration | trade acceptance | treasury bill | ungrudgingness | unloathness | unreluctance | usage | validation | visa | vise | voice | vote | voucher | waiting game | waiting it out | warm assent | warrant | welcome | well-being | willingness | yea | yea vote | yielding

See Also | acceptation | acknowledgement | acknowledgment | acquiescence | acquiescence | acquisition | approval | approval | approving | assent | attitude | bill of exchange | blessing | bosom | content | contentedness | currency | draft | eligibility | embrace | favorable reception | favourable reception | mental attitude | order of payment | permissiveness | recognition | self acceptance | situation | state of affairs | tolerance | vogue | welcome

Acceptance In Webster's Dictionary

\Ac*cept"ance\, n. 1. The act of accepting; a receiving what is offered, with approbation, satisfaction, or acquiescence; esp., favorable reception; approval; as, the acceptance of a gift, office, doctrine, etc. They shall come up with acceptance on mine altar. --Isa. lx. 7. 2. State of being accepted; acceptableness. ``Makes it assured of acceptance.'' --Shak. 3. (Com.) (a) An assent and engagement by the person on whom a bill of exchange is drawn, to pay it when due according to the terms of the acceptance. (b) The bill itself when accepted. 4. An agreeing to terms or proposals by which a bargain is concluded and the parties are bound; the reception or taking of a thing bought as that for which it was bought, or as that agreed to be delivered, or the taking possession as owner. 5. (Law) An agreeing to the action of another, by some act which binds the person in law. Note: What acts shall amount to such an acceptance is often a question of great nicety and difficulty. --Mozley & W. Note: In modern law, proposal and acceptance are the constituent elements into which all contracts are resolved. {Acceptance of a bill of exchange}, {check}, {draft}, or {order}, is an engagement to pay it according to the terms. This engagement is usually made by writing the word ``accepted'' across the face of the bill. {Acceptance of goods}, under the statute of frauds, is an intelligent acceptance by a party knowing the nature of the transaction. 6. Meaning; acceptation. [Obs.] {Acceptance of persons}, partiality, favoritism. See under {Accept}.

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