About The Word Ok

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Ok Meaning & Definition
Ok Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Ok?

[n] an endorsement; "they gave us the O.K. to go ahead"
[n] a state in south central United States
[adv] sentence-initial expression of agreement
[adj] (informal) being satisfactory or in satisfactory condition; "an all-right movie"; "the passengers were shaken up but are all right"; "is everything all right?"; "everything's fine"; "things are okay"; "dinner and the movies had been fine"; "another minute I'd have been fine"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Ok: all right | all right(p) | all-right(a) | alright | fine | fine | hunky-dory | O.K. | o.k. | okay | okay | okeh | okey | Oklahoma | satisfactory | Sooner State | very well

Related Terms | Find terms related to Ok: absolute | absolutely | accede to | accept | acceptable | acceptance | accord | accord to | accredit | accurate | ace-high | acquiescence | adequate | adherence | admiration | admire | admissible | admission | admit | affirm | affirmance | affirmation | affirmative | affirmative voice | agree to | agreeable | agreed | agreement | all right | allow | allowance | alright | alrighty | amen | approbation | approval | approve | approve of | as you say | assent | assuredly | authenticate | authentication | authorization | authorize | autograph | aye | bad | bang-up | be willing | benediction | better than nothing | bless | blessing | bonzer | boss | bully | but good | by all means | certainly | certification | certify | charter | compliance | condescend | confirm | confirmation | connivance | connive at | consent | consent to silently | cool | corking | correct | cosign | countenance | countersign | countersignature | crackerjack | da | dandy | dead right | decent | deign | delicious | dispensation | dispense | ducky | eagerness | endorse | endorsement | esteem | exactly | fab | fair | fairish | faultless | favor | favorable vote | fine | fine and dandy | flawless | gear | give consent | give leave | give permission | give the go-ahead | give the imprimatur | give the word | give thumbs up | go along with | go-ahead | good | good enough | goodish | grant | great | green light | groovy | have no objection | hear | heavy | hold with | hot | hunky-dory | imprimatur | indeed | indeedy | initial | ja | jam-up | John Hancock | just | just dandy | just right | just so | keen | keep in countenance | leave | let | letter-perfect | liberty | license | mais oui | make possible | marvy | mean | meticulous | moderate | most assuredly | naturally | naturellement | neat | nifty | nobby | nod | nod assent | not amiss | not bad | not half bad | not refuse | not so bad | notarization | notarize | of course | okay | oui | out of sight | pass | pass on | pass upon | passable | patent | peachy | peachy-keen | perfect | permission | permission to enter | permit | positively | precisely | presentable | pretty good | promptitude | promptness | proper | quite | rather | ratification | ratify | readiness | really | release | respect | respectable | right | righto | ripping | Roger | rubber stamp | rum | sanction | satisfactory | say amen to | say aye | say the word | say yes | scrumptious | seal | seal of approval | second | sigil | sign | sign and seal | signature | signet | slap-up | smashing | solid | something else | special permission | spiffing | spiffy | stamp | stamp of approval | straight | straight-up-and-down | stunning | submission | subscribe to | subscription | sufficient | support | sure | sure thing | surely | swear and affirm | swear to | swell | take kindly to | tenable | the nod | think well of | ticket | ticket of admission | tidy | to be sure | tolerable | tough | truly | undersign | underwrite | unexceptionable | ungrudgingness | unloathness | unobjectionable | unreluctance | uphold | validate | validation | very well | viable | view with favor | visa | vise | voice | vote | vote affirmatively | vote aye | vouchsafe | vouchsafement | waiver | warrant | well and good | why yes | willingness | wink at | wizard | workmanlike | yea | yea vote | yeah | yep | yes | yes indeed | yes indeedy | yes sir | yes sirree | yet | yield assent

See Also | America | American state | Arkansas | Arkansas River | Bartlesville | Canadian | Canadian River | capital of Oklahoma | Cimarron | Cimarron River | countenance | endorsement | Enid | imprimatur | Lawton | Llano Estacado | McAlester | Muskogee | Neosho | Neosho River | Oklahoma City | Platt National Park | sanction | Tulsa | U.S. | U.S.A. | United States | United States of America | US | USA | warrant

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Crossword Dictionary