About The Word Current

Bay Area Crosswords

Learn about the word Current to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Current definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Current Meaning & Definition
Current Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Current?

[n] a steady flow (usually from natural causes); "the raft floated downstream on the current"; "he felt a stream of air"
[n] dominant course (suggestive of running water) of successive events or ideas; "two streams of development run through American history"; "stream of consciousness"; "the flow of thought"; "the current of history"
[n] a flow of electricity through a conductor; "the current was measured in amperes"
[adj] occurring in or belonging to the present time; "current events"; "the current topic"; "current negotiations"; "current psychoanalytic theories"; "the ship's current position"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Current: actual | afoot(p) | circulating(a) | contemporary | electric current | flow | in progress(p) | incumbent | latest | live | ongoing | on-line(a) | present-day(a) | prevailing | prevalent | rife | stream | stream | topical | underway | up-to-date | up-to-the-minute

Related Terms | Find terms related to Current: a la mode | absorption current | AC | accepted | accessible | accidental | accompanying | accustomed | active current | actual | ado | advance | advised | affirmed | affluence | afflux | affluxion | afloat | afoot | aim | air current | all the rage | all the thing | alternating current | angular motion | announced | as is | ascending | ascent | au courant | au fait | average | aware | axial motion | azimuth | backflowing | backing | backward motion | bandied about | base current | bearing | being | bent | besetting | broadcast | brought to notice | Brownian movement | bruited about | career | cathode current | circulated | circumstantial | climbing | coeval | collector current | common | common knowledge | common property | commonly known | commonplace | concourse | conduction current | confluence | conflux | conformable | consuetudinary | contemporaneous | contemporary | convection current | conventional | course | crosscurrent | current of air | customary | cycle | DC | declared | defluxion | delta current | descending | descent | dielectric displacement current | diffused | direct current | direction | direction line | displacement current | disseminated | distributed | doing | dominant | downdraft | downflow | downpour | downward motion | draft | drift | driftage | ebbing | eddy current | electric current | electric stream | electron cloud | electron flow | electron gas | electron stream | emission current | epidemic | established | eventuating | everyday | exciting current | existent | existing | extant | fall wind | familiar | fashionable | flight | flood | flow | flow of air | flowing | fluency | flux | following wind | forward motion | free alternating current | fresh | galvanic current | generally accepted | glacial movement | going about | going around | going on | gush | habitual | hackneyed | happening | head wind | heading | helmsmanship | high-frequency current | hip | household | idle current | immanent | immediate | in being | in circulation | in effect | in existence | in fashion | in force | in hand | in print | in style | in the air | in the know | in the news | in the wind | in vogue | incidental | inclination | indraft | induced current | induction current | inflow | informed | inhalation | inrush | inspiration | instant | ionization current | jetstream | juice | katabatic wind | known | latest | lay | lie | line | line of direction | line of march | living | low-frequency current | made public | magnetizing current | main current | mainstream | mill run | millrace | mod | modern | modish | monsoon | motion | mounting | movement | movement of air | multiphase current | navigation | new | newfashioned | normal | normative | notorious | oblique motion | obtaining | occasional | occurring | on | on foot | ongoing | onrush | onward course | open | ordinary | orientation | outflow | output current | pandemic | passage | passing | piloting | plate current | platitudinous | plunging | point | popular | posted | predominant | predominating | prescribed | prescriptive | present | present-age | present-day | present-time | prevailing | prevalent | proclaimed | progress | propagated | proverbial | public | published | pulsating direct current | quarter | race | radial motion | rampant | random motion | range | reactive current | received | reflowing | refluence | reflux | regnant | regression | regular | regulation | reigning | reported | resultant | retrogression | rife | rising | rotary current | routine | ruling | rumored | run | running | rush | set | sideward motion | simultaneous | single-phase alternating current | sinking | smart | soaring | space charge | spate | spread | standard | stated | steerage | steering | stereotyped | sternway | stock | stray current | stream | stream of air | stylish | subsiding | subsistent | subsisting | surge | swing | tail wind | taking place | talked about | talked-about | talked-of | telecast | televised | tendency | tenor | that be | that is | the general tendency | the main course | thermionic current | thermoelectric current | three-phase alternating current | tide | time spirit | time-honored | tone | topical | track | traditional | traject | trajet | trend | trendy | trite | truistic | under the sun | under way | undercurrent | undertow | universal | universally admitted | universally recognized | updraft | up-to-date | up-to-datish | up-to-the-minute | upward motion | usual | vernacular | voltaic current | water flow | watt current | way | well-kenned | well-known | well-recognized | well-understood | whispered | whispered about | widely known | widespread | wind | wonted | Zeitgeist

See Also | course | eddy | electrical phenomenon | flow | flowing | line | maelstrom | modern | new | ocean current | rip current | riptide | thermionic current | tidal current | tidal flow | torrent | twist | undercurrent | undertide | violent stream | vortex | whirlpool

Current In Webster's Dictionary

\Cur"rent\ (k?r"rent), a. [OE. currant, OF. curant, corant, p. pr. of curre, corre, F. courre, courir, to run, from L. currere; perh. akin to E. horse. Cf. {Course}, {Concur}, {Courant}, {Coranto}.] 1. Running or moving rapidly. [Archaic] Like the current fire, that renneth Upon a cord. --Gower. To chase a creature that was current then In these wild woods, the hart with golden horns. --Tennyson. 2. Now passing, as time; as, the current month. 3. Passing from person to person, or from hand to hand; circulating through the community; generally received; common; as, a current coin; a current report; current history. That there was current money in Abraham's time is past doubt. --Arbuthnot. Your fire-new stamp of honor is scarce current. --Shak. His current value, which is less or more as men have occasion for him. --Grew. 4. Commonly estimated or acknowledged. 5. Fitted for general acceptance or circulation; authentic; passable. O Buckingham, now do I play the touch To try if thou be current gold indeed. --Shak. {Account current}. See under {Account}. {Current money}, lawful money. --Abbott.
\Cur"rent\, n. [Cf. F. courant. See {Current}, a. ] 1. A flowing or passing; onward motion. Hence: A body of fluid moving continuously in a certain direction; a stream; esp., the swiftest part of it; as, a current of water or of air; that which resembles a stream in motion; as, a current of electricity. Two such silver currents, when they join, Do glorify the banks that bound them in. --Shak. The surface of the ocean is furrowed by currents, whose direction . . . the navigator should know. --Nichol. 2. General course; ordinary procedure; progressive and connected movement; as, the current of time, of events, of opinion, etc. {Current meter}, an instrument for measuring the velocity, force, etc., of currents. {Current mill}, a mill driven by a current wheel. {Current wheel}, a wheel dipping into the water and driven by the current of a stream or by the ebb and flow of the tide. Syn: Stream; course. See {Stream}.

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