Learn about the word Gush to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Gush definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.
Gush Definition And Meaning |
What's The Definition Of Gush?
[n] an unrestrained expression of emotion
[n] a sudden rapid flow (as of water); "he heard the flush of a toilet"; "there was a little gush of blood"; "she attacked him with an outpouring of words"
[v] praise enthusiastically; "She raved about that new restaurant"
[v] issue in a jet; come out in a jet; stream or spring forth; "Water jetted forth"; "flames were jetting out of the building"
[v] gush forth in a sudden stream or jet of liquids
Synonyms | Synonyms for Gush: effusion |
flush |
jet |
outburst |
outpouring |
rave |
spirt |
spout |
Related Terms | Find terms related to Gush: abound |
abundance |
access |
accession |
accretion |
accrual |
accruement |
accumulation |
addition |
advance |
affluence |
afflux |
affluxion |
aggrandizement |
ample sufficiency |
ampleness |
amplification |
amplitude |
anabasis |
appreciation |
ascension |
ascent |
augmentation |
avalanche |
babble |
ballooning |
be enthusiastic |
be theatrical |
belch |
big mouth |
blab |
blabber |
blather |
blether |
bloating |
blow out |
bob up |
bonanza |
boom |
boost |
bountifulness |
bountiousness |
break water |
bristle with |
broadening |
bubble over |
buildup |
bumper crop |
burst |
candor |
carry on over |
cascade |
chat |
chatter |
clack |
clamber |
clatter |
climb |
climbing |
cloud of words |
communicativeness |
concourse |
confluence |
conflux |
conversableness |
copiousness |
course |
crawl with |
creep with |
crescendo |
crosscurrent |
current |
debouchment |
defluxion |
development |
diffuseness |
diffusion |
diffusiveness |
discharge |
dissiliency |
dither |
downflow |
downpour |
drain |
drain out |
drainage |
drift |
driftage |
ebb |
edema |
effervesce |
effluence |
efflux |
effluxion |
effusion |
effusiveness |
elevation |
emanate |
emote |
emotionalize |
empty |
enlargement |
enthuse |
eructation |
eruption |
escalade |
exhalation |
exhaust |
expansion |
extension |
extravagance |
exuberance |
exuberate |
fecundity |
fertility |
find vent |
flare-up |
flattering tongue |
float up |
flood |
flow |
flow back |
flow in |
flow of words |
flow out |
flowing |
flowing tongue |
flowoff |
fluency |
fluent tongue |
flush |
flux |
flux de bouche |
flux de paroles |
flux of words |
fly up |
foison |
font |
formlessness |
fount |
fountain |
frankness |
full measure |
fullness |
gab |
gabble |
gain |
garrulity |
garrulousness |
gas |
gassiness |
generosity |
generousness |
geyser |
gibber |
gibble-gabble |
gift of gab |
glibness |
go on |
go on over |
gossip |
great abundance |
great plenty |
greatening |
gregariousness |
growth |
gush out |
gush over |
gushiness |
gushing |
gyring up |
ham it up |
haver |
hike |
increase |
increment |
inflation |
inflow |
insincerity |
issue |
jabber |
jaw |
jet |
jump |
jump up |
landslide |
lavishness |
leap |
leap up |
levitation |
liberality |
liberalness |
logorrhea |
long-windedness |
loose tongue |
loquaciousness |
loquacity |
lots |
luxuriance |
macrology |
make |
make a scene |
make much of |
maximum |
mill run |
millrace |
more than enough |
mount |
mounting |
much |
multiplication |
myriad |
myriads |
natter |
numerousness |
oiliness |
onrush |
onward course |
openness |
opulence |
opulency |
outbreak |
outburst |
outfall |
outflow |
outflowing |
outpour |
outpouring |
overflow |
palilogy |
patter |
play |
plenitude |
plenteousness |
plentifulness |
plenty |
pleonasm |
pop up |
pour |
pour forth |
pour out |
prate |
prattle |
prevalence |
prodigality |
productiveness |
productivity |
profuseness |
profusion |
proliferate |
proliferation |
prolificacy |
prolificity |
prolixity |
quantities |
race |
rain |
raise |
ramble on |
rampancy |
rankness |
rapids |
rattle |
rattle on |
rave |
rave about |
redundancy |
reel off |
regurgitate |
reiteration |
reiterativeness |
repetition for effect |
repetitiveness |
repleteness |
repletion |
rhapsodize |
rich harvest |
rich vein |
richness |
riot |
riotousness |
rise |
rising |
rocket |
rocketing up |
roll |
run |
run on |
run out |
run over |
runoff |
rush |
saltation |
scads |
sentimentalize |
set |
shoot up |
shooting up |
shower |
skyrocket |
slobber |
slobber over |
slop over |
sluice |
sluice out |
slush |
smarm |
snowballing |
soaring |
sociability |
spate |
spate of words |
spew |
spew out |
spit |
spout |
spout off |
spout out |
spouter |
spray |
spread |
spring |
spring up |
spritz |
spurt |
spurtle |
squirt |
start up |
stream |
substantiality |
substantialness |
superabundance |
superfluity |
superflux |
surface |
surge |
surge back |
swarm with |
swelling |
take on over |
takeoff |
taking off |
talk away |
talk nonsense |
talk on |
talkativeness |
tautology |
teem |
teem with |
teemingness |
that flattering unction |
theatricalize |
tide |
tirade |
tittle-tattle |
torrent |
trend |
tumescence |
twaddle |
twattle |
unction |
unctuousness |
undercurrent |
undertow |
up |
upclimb |
upcoming |
updraft |
upgang |
upgo |
upgoing |
upgrade |
upgrowth |
uphill |
upleap |
uplift |
upping |
uprisal |
uprise |
uprising |
uprush |
upshoot |
upslope |
upspear |
upspring |
upstart |
upsurge |
upsurgence |
upsweep |
upswing |
uptrend |
upturn |
vault |
vault up |
verbosity |
volcan |
volubility |
vomit |
vomit forth |
vomit out |
waffle |
water flow |
waxing |
wealth |
well |
well out |
widening |
windiness |
yak |
yakkety-yak |
See Also | acting out |
blow |
course |
cry |
expression |
flow |
flow |
flowing |
manifestation |
pour |
praise |
pump |
reflection |
reflexion |
run |
springtide |
Gush In Webster's Dictionary
\Gush\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Gushed}; p. pr. & vb. n.
{Gushing}.] [OE. guschen, cf. Icel. gusa and gjsa, also D.
gucsen; perh. akin to AS. ge['o]tan to pour, G. giessen,
Goth. giutan, E. gut. Cf. {Found} to cast.]
1. To issue with violence and rapidity, as a fluid; to rush
forth as a fluid from confinement; to flow copiously.
He smote the rock that the waters gushed out. --Ps
ixxviii 20.
A sea of blood gushed from the gaping wound.
2. To make a sentimental or untimely exhibition of affection;
to display enthusiasm in a silly, demonstrative manner.
\Gush\, v. t.
1. A sudden and violent issue of a fluid from an inclosed
plase; an emission of a liquid in a large quantity, and
with force; the fluid thus emitted; a rapid outpouring of
anything; as, a gush of song from a bird.
The gush of springs, An fall of lofty foundains.
2. A sentimental exhibition of affection or enthusiasm, etc.;
effusive display of sentiment. [Collog.]
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