About The Word Openness

Bay Area Crosswords

Learn about the word Openness to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Openness definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Openness Meaning & Definition
Openness Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Openness?

[n] willingness or readiness to receive esp impressions or ideas; "their receptivity to the proposal"
[n] characterized by an attitude of ready accessibility esp about one's actions or purposes; not secretive
[n] without obstructions to passage or view; "the openness of the prairies"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Openness: receptiveness | receptivity

Related Terms | Find terms related to Openness: access | accessibility | admissibility | admission | amenableness | apparentness | approachability | artlessness | assimilation | austerity | availability | baldness | bareness | big mouth | bluffness | bluntness | broadness | brusqueness | candidness | candor | childlikeness | clearness | come-at-ableness | common speech | communicativeness | completeness | comprehension | comprehensiveness | comprisal | conversableness | coverage | crystal-clearness | defenselessness | directness | distinctness | effusion | effusiveness | eligibility | embodiment | embracement | encompassment | envisagement | evidence | evidentness | exhaustiveness | exposure | extroversion | flow of words | flowing tongue | fluency | fluent tongue | flux de bouche | flux de paroles | flux of words | forthrightness | frankness | freedom | freeness | garrulity | garrulousness | gassiness | genuineness | getatableness | gettableness | gift of gab | glibness | gregariousness | guilelessness | gush | gushiness | helplessness | homespun | hospitality | household words | impressionability | inclusion | inclusiveness | incorporation | influenceability | ingenuousness | innocence | invitingness | leanness | liability | long-windedness | loose tongue | loquaciousness | loquacity | malleability | manifestness | matter-of-factness | membership | movability | naiveness | naivete | naivety | nakedness | naturalness | nonimmunity | obtainability | obtainableness | obviousness | open mind | openheartedness | open-mindedness | openness to sight | outgoingness | outspokenness | overtness | palpability | participation | patentness | penetrability | perspicuity | persuadability | persuadableness | persuasibility | perviousness | plain dealing | plain English | plain speaking | plain speech | plain style | plain words | plainness | plainspokenness | procurability | procurableness | prolixity | prosaicness | prosiness | reachableness | reception | receptiveness | receptivity | recipience | responsiveness | restrainedness | roundness | rustic style | securableness | severity | simpleheartedness | simplemindedness | simpleness | simplicity | sincerity | single-heartedness | single-mindedness | singleness of heart | slush | soberness | sociability | spareness | spate of words | starkness | straightforwardness | suggestibility | susceptibility | susceptivity | swayableness | talkativeness | tangibility | tolerance | toleration | trustfulness | unadorned style | unadornedness | unaffectedness | unconstraint | unguardedness | unimaginativeness | unmistakableness | unpoeticalness | unquestionability | unrepression | unreserve | unreservedness | unrestraint | unrestriction | unreticence | unsecretiveness | unsophisticatedness | unsophistication | unsuppression | unsuspiciousness | untaciturnity | unwariness | verbosity | vernacular | visibility | volubility | vulnerability | weakness | whole | windiness

See Also | patency | sociability | sociableness | spacing | spatial arrangement | willingness

Openness In Webster's Dictionary

\O"pen*ness\, n. The quality or state of being open.

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