About The Word Ascent

Bay Area Crosswords

Learn about the word Ascent to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Ascent definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Ascent Meaning & Definition
Ascent Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Ascent?

[n] the act of changing location in an upward direction
[n] a movement upward; "they cheered the rise of the hot-air balloon"
[n] an upward slope or grade (as in a road); "the car couldn't make the grade"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Ascent: acclivity | ascending | ascension | ascension | climb | raise | rise | rise | rise | rising | upgrade

Related Terms | Find terms related to Ascent: abruptness | access | accession | acclivity | accretion | accrual | accruement | accumulation | addition | advance | advancement | aggrandizement | airiness | amelioration | amendment | amplification | angular motion | apotheosis | appreciation | ascending | ascension | assumption | augmentation | axial motion | backflowing | backing | backward motion | ballooning | beatification | bettering | betterment | bloating | boom | boost | broadening | Brownian movement | bubbliness | buildup | buoyancy | canonization | career | climb | climbing | course | crescendo | current | daintiness | deification | delicacy | descending | descent | development | downiness | downward motion | drift | driftage | ebbing | edema | elevation | enhancement | enlargement | enrichment | enshrinement | erection | escalation | ethereality | eugenics | euthenics | exaltation | expansion | extension | flight | floatability | flood | flow | fluffiness | flux | foaminess | forward motion | frothiness | furtherance | gain | gentleness | gossameriness | Great Leap Forward | greatening | growth | gush | headway | height | hike | improvement | increase | increment | inflation | jump | lack of weight | leap | levitation | levity | lift | lifting | lightness | melioration | mend | mending | mounting | multiplication | oblique motion | ongoing | onrush | passage | pickup | plunging | precipitousness | preferment | productiveness | progress | progression | proliferation | promotion | radial motion | raise | raising | random motion | rearing | recovery | reflowing | refluence | reflux | regression | restoration | retrogression | revival | rise | rising | rising ground | run | rush | set | sideward motion | sinking | snowballing | soaring | softness | spread | steepness | sternway | stream | subsiding | surge | sursum corda | swelling | tenderness | traject | trajet | trend | tumescence | unheaviness | up | upbeat | upbuoying | upcast | upclimb | upgo | upgrade | upheaval | uphill | uplift | uplifting | upping | uprearing | uprise | uprising | upsurge | upswing | upthrow | upthrust | uptrend | upturn | upward mobility | upward motion | verticalness | vise | volatility | waxing | weightlessness | widening | yeastiness

See Also | change of location | climb | climb | climbing | elevation | heave | heave | heaving | heaving | incline | levitation | lift | liftoff | motion | mount | mounting | move | movement | raising | rapid climb | rapid growth | side | slope | soar | takeoff | travel | upheaval | uphill | uplift | uplifting | upthrow | upthrust | zoom | zoom

Ascent In Webster's Dictionary

\As*cent"\ [Formed like descent, as if from a F. ascente, fr. a verb ascendre, fr. L. ascendere. See {Ascend}, {Descent}.] 1. The act of rising; motion upward; rise; a mounting upward; as, he made a tedious ascent; the ascent of vapors from the earth. To him with swift ascent he up returned. --Milton. 2. The way or means by which one ascends. 3. An eminence, hill, or high place. --Addison. 4. The degree of elevation of an object, or the angle it makes with a horizontal line; inclination; rising grade; as, a road has an ascent of five degrees.

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