About The Word Lightness

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Learn about the word Lightness to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Lightness definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Lightness Meaning & Definition
Lightness Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Lightness?

[n] the visual effect of illumination on objects or scenes as created in pictures; "he could paint the lightest light and the darkest dark"
[n] having a light color
[n] the gracefulness of a person or animal that is quick and nimble
[n] the property of being comparatively small in weight; "the lightness of balsa wood"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Lightness: agility | legerity | light | lightsomeness | nimbleness | weightlessness

Related Terms | Find terms related to Lightness: achroma | achromasia | achromatosis | agility | airiness | airy texture | albescence | albinism | albino | albinoism | amiable weakness | anemia | ashiness | attenuation | big deal | blondness | bloodlessness | bounce | breakability | breeziness | brightness | brittleness | buoyancy | cadaverousness | canescence | carefreeness | chalkiness | chambering | changeableness | cheerfulness | chirpiness | chloranemia | chroma | chromatic color | chromaticity | collapse | color quality | colorimetric quality | cool color | coquettishness | creaminess | daintiness | deathly hue | deathly pallor | debonairness | delicacy | destructibility | diaphanousness | dilutedness | dilution | dimness | disintegration | dullness | easy virtue | effeminacy | effervescence | elasticity | emptiness | ethereality | exiguity | exility | expansiveness | exsanguination | faddishness | faddism | fadedness | faintness | fairness | featliness | fickleness | fineness | flightiness | flimsiness | flippancy | fluffiness | foolishness | fragility | frailty | frangibility | frivolity | frivolousness | frostiness | frothiness | futility | gaiety | gauziness | ghastliness | glaucescence | glaucousness | gossameriness | gracility | grizzliness | haggardness | hoariness | hue | human frailty | hypochromia | hypochromic anemia | idleness | inanity | inconstancy | indecisiveness | infirmity of will | inherent vice | insubstantiality | irresolution | jauntiness | laciness | lack of depth | lactescence | laxity | leukoderma | levity | light heart | lightheartedness | lightsomeness | liveliness | lividness | loose morals | looseness | lucence | lucency | lucidity | luminosity | luminousness | mercuriality | mercurialness | milkiness | mistiness | moral weakness | muddiness | Munsell chroma | neutral color | nimbleness | nugacity | paleness | pallidity | pallidness | pallor | paperiness | pastiness | pearliness | perkiness | pertness | prison pallor | promiscuity | purity | rarity | resilience | resiliency | sallowness | saturation | shallowness | shallow-wittedness | sickliness | sickly hue | silliness | silver | silveriness | skittishness | sleaziness | sleeping around | slenderness | slightness | slimness | snowiness | spryness | subtility | superficiality | swinging | tenuity | thinness | tint | tone | translucence | translucency | triflingness | triteness | triviality | trivialness | undependability | unpredictability | unprofoundness | unprofundity | unreliability | unsubstantiality | vacuity | vagueness | value | vanity | vapidity | velleity | vitiligo | vivacity | volatility | wanness | wantonness | warm color | wateriness | waywardness | weakness | white | white race | whiteness | whitishness | whorishness | wispiness | womanishness

See Also | airiness | aura | aureole | brightness | buoyancy | gloriole | glory | gracefulness | halo | highlight | highlighting | nimbus | sunniness | value | visual property | weight

Lightness In Webster's Dictionary

\Light"ness\, n. [From {Light} not heavy.] The state, condition, or quality, of being light or not heavy; buoyancy; levity; fickleness; nimbleness; delicacy; grace. Syn: Levity; volatility; instability; inconstancy; unsteadiness; giddiness; flightiness; airiness; gayety; liveliness; agility; nimbleness; sprightliness; briskness; swiftness; ease; facility.
\Light"ness\, n. [From {Light} bright.] 1. Illumination, or degree of illumination; as, the lightness of a room. --Chaucer. 2. Absence of depth or of duskiness in color; as, the lightness of a tint; lightness of complexion.

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