About The Word Climb

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Climb Meaning & Definition
Climb Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Climb?

[n] the act of climbing something
[n] an event that involves rising to a higher point (as in altitude or temperature or intensity etc.)
[n] an upward slope or grade (as in a road); "the car couldn't make the grade"
[v] increase in value or to a higher point; "prices climbed steeply"; "the value of our house rose sharply last year"
[v] improve one's social status; "This young man knows how to climb the social ladder"
[v] go up or advance; "Sales were climbing after prices were lowered"
[v] go upward with gradual or continuous progress; "Did you ever climb up the hill behind your house?"
[v] move with difficulty, by grasping
[v] slope upward; "The path climbed all the way to the top of the hill"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Climb: acclivity | ascent | climb up | climbing | go up | go up | mount | mount | mount | mounting | raise | rise | rise | upgrade | wax

Related Terms | Find terms related to Climb: abandon | abruptness | acclivity | advance | anabasis | arise | ascend | ascension | ascent | back | back up | bank | budge | cant | careen | chandelle | change | change place | circle | clamber | clamber up | climb down | climb over | climb up | climbing | crawl | creep | decline | descend | descent | dip | drop | ebb | edge | elevation | escalade | escalate | fall | fall away | fall off | flow | fountain | gain altitude | get over | give up | go | go around | go down | go downhill | go round | go sideways | go up | go uphill | grade | grow | gush | gyrate | gyring up | hoick | inch | incline | increase | jet | jump | keel | lean | leap | levitation | list | mount | mounting | move | move over | pitch | plunge | precipitousness | progress | rake | ramp | regress | renounce | retreat | retrogress | rise | rising | rising ground | rocketing up | rotate | route | run | saltation | scale | scale the heights | scrabble up | scramble up | shelve | shift | shin | shin up | shinny | shooting up | sidle | sink | slant | slope | soar | soaring | spin | spout | spring | spurt | steepness | stir | stream | struggle up | subside | surge | surmount | swag | sway | takeoff | taking off | tilt | tip | trail | travel | twine | upclimb | upcoming | updraft | upgang | upgo | upgoing | upgrade | upgrowth | uphill | upleap | uplift | upping | uprisal | uprise | uprising | uprush | upshoot | upslope | upsurge | upsurgence | upsweep | upswing | vault | verticalness | wane | whirl | withdraw from | zoom | zooming

See Also | advance | alight | arise | ascending | ascension | ascension | ascent | ascent | bestride | bull | clamber | clamber | climb down | climb on | come along | come on | come up | escalade | gain | get along | get on | get on | grow | hop on | incline | incline | increase | jump | jump on | lift | mount up | mountain climbing | mountaineer | mountaineering | move | move up | pitch | progress | ramp | ride | rise | rise | rise | rising | rock climbing | scale | scaling | scramble | shape up | shin | shinny | side | skin | slope | slope | soar | sputter | struggle | uphill | uprise

Climb In Webster's Dictionary

\Climb\ (kl[imac]m), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Climbed} (kl[imac]md), Obs. or Vulgar {Clomb} (kl[o^]m); p. pr. & vb. n. {Climbing}.] [AS. climban; akin to OHG. chlimban, G. & D. klimmen, Icel. kl[=i]fa, and E. cleave to adhere.] 1. To ascend or mount laboriously, esp. by use of the hands and feet. 2. To ascend as if with effort; to rise to a higher point. Black vapors climb aloft, and cloud the day. --Dryden. 3. (Bot.) To ascend or creep upward by twining about a support, or by attaching itself by tendrils, rootlets, etc., to a support or upright surface.
\Climb\, v. t. To ascend, as by means of the hands and feet, or laboriously or slowly; to mount.
\Climb\, n. The act of one who climbs; ascent by climbing. --Warburton.

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