About The Word Circle

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Circle Meaning & Definition
Circle Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Circle?

[n] movement once around a course; "he drove an extra lap just for insurance"
[n] any circular or rotating mechanism; "the machine punched out metal circles"
[n] a curved section or tier of seats in a hall or theater or opera house; usually the first tier above the orchestra; "they had excellent seats in the dress circle"
[n] a road junction at which traffic streams circularly around a central island; "the accident blocked all traffic at the rotary"
[n] an unofficial association of people or groups; "the smart set goes there"; "they were an angry lot"
[n] ellipse in which the two axes are of equal length; a plane curve generated by one point moving at a constant distance from a fixed point; "he calculated the circumference of the circle"
[n] something approximating the shape of a circle; "the chairs were arranged in a circle"
[v] form a circle around; "encircle the errors"
[v] travel around something; "circle the globe"
[v] move in circles
[v] be around; "Developments surround the town"; "The river encircles the village"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Circle: band | circuit | circulate | dress circle | encircle | encircle | environ | lap | lot | ring | rotary | round | round | roundabout | set | surround | traffic circle

Related Terms | Find terms related to Circle: acquaintance | advance | alentours | alternate | ambience | ambit | anklet | annular muscle | annulus | anthelion | antisun | aphelion | apogee | arc | arena | areola | armlet | arsis | ascend | associates | astronomical longitude | aura | aureole | autumnal equinox | back | back up | bailiwick | band | bangle | be here again | beads | beat | begird | belt | belt in | bijou | border | borderland | borderlands | bout | bow | bracelet | breastpin | brooch | budge | bunch | cabal | cadre | camarilla | camp | catacaustic | catenary | caustic | celestial equator | celestial longitude | celestial meridian | cell | chain | change | change place | chaplet | charm | charmed circle | chatelaine | cincture | circuit | circuiteer | circulate | circumambiencies | circumambulate | circumference | circumjacencies | circummigrate | circumnavigate | circumrotate | circumscribe | circumstances | circumvent | circumvolute | circus | clan | class | climb | clique | close the circle | closed circle | colures | come again | come and go | come around | come full circle | come round | come round again | come up again | companions | company | compass | comrades | conchoid | context | cordon | corona | coronet | coterie | countersun | course | crank | crescent | crew | cronies | crook | crowd | crown | curl | curve | cycle | demesne | department | descend | describe a circle | diacaustic | diadem | diastole | dimensions | discus | disk | division | domain | dominion | downbeat | earring | ebb | ecliptic | elite | elite group | ellipse | encincture | encircle | enclose | encompass | engird | ensphere | entourage | environ | environing circumstances | environment | environs | equator | equinoctial | equinoctial circle | equinoctial colure | equinox | eternal return | extension | extent | fairy ring | fellowship | festoon | field | flank | flow | fob | fraternity | friends | full circle | galactic longitude | garland | gem | geocentric longitude | geodetic longitude | gestalt | get over | gird | girdle | girdle the globe | glory | go | go about | go around | go round | go sideways | go the round | great circle | group | gyrate | gyre | habitat | halo | heliocentric longitude | hem | hemisphere | hook | hoop | hyperbola | ingroup | inner circle | intermit | jewel | judicial circuit | junta | junto | jurisdiction | lap | lasso | length | lituus | locket | logical circle | longitude | loop | looplet | lot | lunar corona | lunar halo | magic circle | make a circuit | march | meridian | milieu | mob | mock moon | mock sun | moon dog | mount | move | move over | necklace | neighborhood | nimbus | noose | nose ring | O | orb | orbit | oscillate | outfit | outposts | outskirts | pale | parabola | paraselene | parhelic circle | parhelion | perigee | perihelion | perimeter | period | periphery | pin | pirouette | pivot | plunge | precinct | precincts | precious stone | progress | province | pulsate | pulse | purlieus | push | radius | rainbow | realm | reappear | recur | regress | reoccur | repeat | retrogress | return | revolution | revolve | rhinestone | ring | ringlet | rise | roll | roll around | rondelle | rotate | rotation | round | round trip | roundel | rounds | run | saucer | scope | screw | series | set | shift | sink | sinus | situation | skirt | small circle | soar | society | solar corona | solar halo | solstitial colure | spell | sphere | sphincter | spin | spiral | stickpin | stir | stone | stream | subside | suburbs | sun dog | surround | surroundings | swing | swivel | systole | thesis | tiara | torque | total environment | tour | tracery | trajectory | travel | turn | turn a pirouette | turn around | turn round | twine around | twist | undulate | upbeat | vernal equinox | vicinage | vicinity | vicious circle | walk | wamble | wampum | wane | we-group | wheel | wheel around | whirl | wind | wreath | wreathe | wreathe around | wristband | wristlet | zodiac | zone

See Also | arc | bear | begird | camp | car pool | carry | circle around | circle of curvature | circle round | circumambulate | circumnavigate | clique | cloister | cohort | company | compass | confederacy | conspiracy | contain | coterie | disc | disk | ellipse | epicycle | equator | form | form | Four Hundred | gird | girt | girth | go | hold | horsey set | horsy set | house | ingroup | inner circle | jet set | junction | lap of honour | locomote | locomotion | loop | move | orbit | osculating circle | oval | pace lap | pack | party | revolve | revolve around | road | rotating mechanism | route | seating | seating area | seating room | seats | shape | shape | social group | theater | theatre | travel | travel | troll | twine | victory lap | walk around | wreath | wreathe

Circle In Webster's Dictionary

\Cir"cle\ (s[~e]r"k'l), n. [OE. cercle, F. cercle, fr. L. circulus (Whence also AS. circul), dim. of circus circle, akin to Gr. kri`kos, ki`rkos, circle, ring. Cf. {Circus}, {Circum-}.] 1. A plane figure, bounded by a single curve line called its circumference, every part of which is equally distant from a point within it, called the center. 2. The line that bounds such a figure; a circumference; a ring. 3. (Astron.) An instrument of observation, the graduated limb of which consists of an entire circle. Note: When it is fixed to a wall in an observatory, it is called a {mural circle}; when mounted with a telescope on an axis and in Y's, in the plane of the meridian, a {meridian or transit circle}; when involving the principle of reflection, like the sextant, a {reflecting circle}; and when that of repeating an angle several times continuously along the graduated limb, a {repeating circle}. 4. A round body; a sphere; an orb. It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth. --Is. xi. 22. 5. Compass; circuit; inclosure. In the circle of this forest. --Shak. 6. A company assembled, or conceived to assemble, about a central point of interest, or bound by a common tie; a class or division of society; a coterie; a set. As his name gradually became known, the circle of his acquaintance widened. --Macaulay. 7. A circular group of persons; a ring. 8. A series ending where it begins, and repeating itself. Thus in a circle runs the peasant's pain. --Dryden. 9. (Logic) A form of argument in which two or more unproved statements are used to prove each other; inconclusive reasoning. That heavy bodies descend by gravity; and, again, that gravity is a quality whereby a heavy body descends, is an impertinent circle and teaches nothing. --Glanvill. 10. Indirect form of words; circumlocution. [R.] Has he given the lie, In circle, or oblique, or semicircle. --J. Fletcher. 11. A territorial division or district. Note: {The Circles of the Holy Roman Empire}, ten in number, were those principalities or provinces which had seats in the German Diet. {Azimuth circle}. See under {Azimuth}. {Circle of altitude} (Astron.), a circle parallel to the horizon, having its pole in the zenith; an almucantar. {Circle of curvature}. See {Osculating circle of a curve} (Below). {Circle of declination}. See under {Declination}. {Circle of latitude}. (a) (Astron.) A great circle perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic, passing through its poles. (b) (Spherical Projection) A small circle of the sphere whose plane is perpendicular to the axis. {Circles of longitude}, lesser circles parallel to the ecliptic, diminishing as they recede from it. {Circle of perpetual apparition}, at any given place, the boundary of that space around the elevated pole, within which the stars never set. Its distance from the pole is equal to the latitude of the place. {Circle of perpetual occultation}, at any given place, the boundary of the space around the depressed pole, within which the stars never rise. {Circle of the sphere}, a circle upon the surface of the sphere, called a great circle when its plane passes through the center of the sphere; in all other cases, a small circle. {Diurnal circle}. See under {Diurnal}. {Dress circle}, a gallery in a theater, generally the one containing the prominent and more expensive seats. {Druidical circles} (Eng. Antiq.), a popular name for certain ancient inclosures formed by rude stones circularly arranged, as at Stonehenge, near Salisbury. {Family circle}, a gallery in a theater, usually one containing inexpensive seats. {Horary circles} (Dialing), the lines on dials which show the hours. {Osculating circle of a curve} (Geom.), the circle which touches the curve at some point in the curve, and close to the point more nearly coincides with the curve than any other circle. This circle is used as a measure of the curvature of the curve at the point, and hence is called circle of curvature. {Pitch circle}. See under {Pitch}. {Vertical circle}, an azimuth circle. {Voltaic} {circle or circuit}. See under {Circuit}. {To square the circle}. See under {Square}. Syn: Ring; circlet; compass; circuit; inclosure.
\Cir"cle\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Circled}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Circling}.] [OE. cerclen, F. cercler, fr. L. circulare to make round. See {Circle}, n., and cf. {Circulate}.] 1. To move around; to revolve around. Other planets circle other suns. --Pope. 2. To encompass, as by a circle; to surround; to inclose; to encircle. --Prior. Pope. Their heads are circled with a short turban. --Dampier. So he lies, circled with evil. --Coleridge. {To circle in}, to confine; to hem in; to keep together; as, to circle bodies in. --Sir K. Digby.
\Cir"cle\, v. i. To move circularly; to form a circle; to circulate. Thy name shall circle round the gaping through. --Byron.

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