About The Word Milieu

Bay Area Crosswords

Learn about the word Milieu to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Milieu definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Milieu Meaning & Definition
Milieu Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Milieu?

[n] the environmental condition

Synonyms | Synonyms for Milieu: surroundings

Related Terms | Find terms related to Milieu: agora | air | airspace | alentours | ambiance | ambience | ambient | ambit | amphitheater | area | arena | athletic field | atmosphere | auditorium | aura | background | bear garden | belt | borderlands | bowl | boxing ring | bull ring | campus | canvas | circle | circuit | circumambiencies | circumjacencies | circumstances | circus | climate | cockpit | coliseum | colosseum | compass | confines | context | continental shelf | corridor | country | course | department | district | division | element | entourage | environing circumstances | environment | environs | feel | feeling | field | floor | forum | gestalt | ground | gym | gymnasium | habitat | hall | heartland | hinterland | hippodrome | land | lists | locale | marketplace | mat | medium | mise-en-scene | neighborhood | note | offshore rights | open forum | outposts | outskirts | overtone | palaestra | parade ground | part | parts | perimeter | periphery | pit | place | platform | precinct | precincts | premises | prize ring | public square | purlieu | purlieus | quality | quarter | range | region | ring | salient | scene | scene of action | scenery | section | sense | setting | site | situation | soil | space | sphere | spirit | squared circle | stadium | stage | stage set | stage setting | suburbs | surroundings | terrain | territory | theater | three-mile limit | tilting ground | tiltyard | tone | total environment | twelve-mile limit | undertone | vicinage | vicinity | walk | wrestling ring | zone

See Also | environment

Milieu In Webster's Dictionary

\Mi`lieu"\, n. [F., fr. mi middle (L. medius) + lieu place. See {Demi-}, {Lieu}.] Environment. The intellectual and moral milieu created by multitudes of self-centered, cultivated personalities. --J. A. Symonds. It is one of the great outstanding facts of his progressive relation to the elements of his social milieu. --J. M. Baldwin.

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