About The Word Feeling

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Feeling Meaning & Definition
Feeling Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Feeling?

[n] the psychological feature of experiencing affective and emotional states; "she had a feeling of euphoria"; "he had terrible feelings of guilt"; "I disliked him and the feeling was mutual"
[n] an intuitive understanding of something; "he had a great feeling for music"
[n] a physical sensation that you experience; "he had a queasy feeling"; "I had a strange feeling in my leg"; "he lost all feeling in his arm"
[n] the sensation produced by pressure receptors in the skin; "she likes the touch of silk on her skin"; "the surface had a greasy feeling"
[n] a vague idea in which some confidence is placed; "his impression of her was favorable"; "what are your feelings about the crisis?"; "it strengthened my belief in his sincerity"; "I had a feeling that she was lying"
[n] the general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people; "the feel of the city excited him"; "a clergyman improved the tone of the meeting"; "it had the smell of treason"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Feeling: belief | feel | flavor | flavour | impression | look | notion | opinion | smell | spirit | tactile sensation | tactual sensation | tone | touch | touch sensation

Related Terms | Find terms related to Feeling: action | affect | affection | affectional | affective | affectivity | air | ambiance | ambience | analog process | analytic | appreciation | appreciation of differences | appreciativeness | ardency | ardor | artistic judgment | assumption | atmosphere | attitude | aura | awareness | behavior | behavior pattern | belief | benevolence | breath | brush | caress | caressing | clairvoyant | clemency | climate | climate of opinion | commiseration | common belief | community sentiment | compassion | compassionate | conceit | concept | conception | concern | conclusion | condolence | connoisseurship | consciousness | consensus gentium | consideration | contact | conviction | critical niceness | criticalness | cutaneous sense | delicacy | demonstrative | digital process | discriminating taste | discriminatingness | discrimination | discriminativeness | emotiometabolic | emotiomotor | emotion | emotional | emotional charge | emotional shade | emotions | emotiovascular | emotive | emotivity | empathy | estimate | estimation | ethos | examinational | examinatorial | examining | experience | explorational | explorative | exploratory | eye | fact-finding | fastidiousness | favor | feel | feeling tone | feelings | fervency | fervor | fine palate | finesse | fingering | fingertip caress | flick | forbearance | foreboding | forefeeling | forgiveness | friction | frottage | funny feeling | general belief | glance | glandular | grace | graze | groping | gut | gut reaction | handling | hand-mindedness | heartthrob | heat | heuristic | hint | humanity | humor | hunch | hunting | idea | identification | impression | imprint | indagative | inkling | input oscillation | inspectional | inspectorial | instinct | intensity | intimation | intuition | intuitional | intuitive | intuitive impression | investigational | investigative | investigatory | judgment | judiciousness | kindness | kiss | lambency | lap | leniency | lick | light touch | lights | making distinctions | manipulation | mental attitude | mercy | milieu | mind | mitigation | mood | mystique | niceness of distinction | nicety | note | notion | observation | of soul | offset | opinion | oscillatory behavior | outlook | overcorrection of error | overdemonstrative | overshoot | overtone | palate | palpability | palpation | pardon | passion | pathos | percept | perceptibility | perception | personal judgment | persuasion | petting | pity | point of view | popular belief | position | posture | preapprehension | precognitive | premonition | presentiment | pressure | presumption | prevailing belief | process | profound sense | psychology | public belief | public opinion | quality | quarter | reaction | refined discrimination | refined palate | refinement | regard | relief | reprieve | response | response to stimuli | responsiveness | rub | rubbing | ruth | second-sighted | selectiveness | self-excitation | self-pity | sensation | sense | sense impression | sense of touch | sense perception | sensibilities | sensibility | sensing | sensitive | sensitivity | sensory experience | sentient | sentiment | sight | soulful | spirit | stance | stroke | stroking | subtlety | susceptibilities | suspicion | sympathetic | sympathies | sympathy | tact | tactfulness | tactile sense | taction | tangibility | tap | taste | temper | tender | tenderness | tentative | tentative poke | testing | theory | thinking | thought | tone | touch | touching | trying | undercurrent | understanding | undertone | vague feeling | vague idea | vehemence | vein | view | visceral | warmth | way of thinking | whisper | zetetic

See Also | affect | affection | affectionateness | agitation | amazement | ambiance | ambience | ambivalence | ambivalency | apathy | astonishment | atmosphere | bravery | calmness | complex | cutaneous sensation | desire | despair | devastation | dislike | effect | emotion | enthusiasm | expectation | fearlessness | fellow feeling | fondness | glow | gratitude | gravity | happiness | haptic sensation | heart | hope | humbleness | humility | humor | humour | hunch | idea | ingratitude | intuition | levity | liking | mood | pain | painfulness | passion | passionateness | perception | pleasance | pleasure | presence | pride | pridefulness | psychological feature | sadness | sensitiveness | sensitivity | sentiment | sex | sexual urge | shame | skin sensation | solemnity | somaesthesia | somatesthesia | somatic sensation | somesthesia | soul | soulfulness | suspicion | sympathy | temper | tenderness | thing | thought | unconcern | ungratefulness | unhappiness | warmheartedness | Zeitgeist

Feeling In Webster's Dictionary

\Feel"ing\, a. 1. Possessing great sensibility; easily affected or moved; as, a feeling heart. 2. Expressive of great sensibility; attended by, or evincing, sensibility; as, he made a feeling representation of his wrongs.
\Feel"ing\, n. 1. The sense by which the mind, through certain nerves of the body, perceives external objects, or certain states of the body itself; that one of the five senses which resides in the general nerves of sensation distributed over the body, especially in its surface; the sense of touch; nervous sensibility to external objects. Why was the sight To such a tender ball as the eye confined, . . . And not, as feeling, through all parts diffused? --Milton. 2. An act or state of perception by the sense above described; an act of apprehending any object whatever; an act or state of apprehending the state of the soul itself; consciousness. The apprehension of the good Gives but the greater feeling to the worse. --Shak. 3. The capacity of the soul for emotional states; a high degree of susceptibility to emotions or states of the sensibility not dependent on the body; as, a man of feeling; a man destitute of feeling. 4. Any state or condition of emotion; the exercise of the capacity for emotion; any mental state whatever; as, a right or a wrong feeling in the heart; our angry or kindly feelings; a feeling of pride or of humility. A fellow feeling makes one wondrous kind. --Garrick. Tenderness for the feelings of others. --Macaulay. 5. That quality of a work of art which embodies the mental emotion of the artist, and is calculated to affect similarly the spectator. --Fairholt. Syn: Sensation; emotion; passion; sentiment; agitation; opinion. See {Emotion}, {Passion}, {Sentiment}.

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