About The Word Camp

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Camp Meaning & Definition
Camp Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Camp?

[n] temporary living quarters specially built by the army for soldiers; "wherever he went in the camp the men were grumbling"
[n] temporary lodgings in the country for travelers or vacationers; "level ground is best for parking and camp areas"
[n] a prison for forced laborers; "China has many work camps for political prisoners"
[n] a site where care and activities are provided for children during the summer months; "city kids get to see the country at a summer camp"
[n] something that is considered amusing not because of its originality but because of its unoriginality; "the livingroom was pure camp"
[n] an exclusive circle of people with a common purpose
[n] a group of people living together in a camp; "the whole camp laughed at his mistake"
[adj] providing sophisticated amusement by virtue of having artificially (and vulgarly) mannered or banal or sentimental qualities; "they played up the silliness of their roles for camp effect"; "campy Hollywood musicals of the 1940's"
[v] give an artificially banal or sexual quality to
[v] establish or set up a camp
[v] live in or as if in a tent; "Can we go camping again this summer?"; "The circus tented near the town"; "The houseguests had to camp in the living room"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Camp: bivouac | bivouac | camp down | camp out | campy | cantonment | clique | coterie | encamp | encampment | in poor taste(p) | ingroup | inner circle | pack | summer camp | tasteless | tent

Related Terms | Find terms related to Camp: affected | American Party | anchor | Anti-Monopoly Party | arlequinade | artificial | artless | Babbittry | bad taste | barrack | barracks | billet at | bivouac | bivouacking | black comedy | body | bourgeois taste | box | breakaway group | broad comedy | Bull Moose Party | burlesque | burletta | burrow | cabal | cabin | caboose | camarilla | camp out | campground | campiness | camping | campsite | campy | cantonment | casern | caucus | circle | city hall | clan | clique | colonize | come to anchor | comedie bouffe | comedie larmoyante | comedie rosse | comedietta | comedy | comedy ballet | comedy of humors | comedy of ideas | comedy of intrigue | comedy of manners | comedy of situation | comedy relief | comic | comic muse | comic opera | comic relief | Communist Party | concentration camp | Conservative Party | Constitutional Union Party | cot | coterie | cottage | crash | dark comedy | Democratic Party | Democratic-Republican Party | detention camp | division | domestic comedy | domesticate | drive stakes | drop anchor | effeminate | encamp | encampment | ensconce | establish residence | ethnic group | exaggerate | exaggerated | exode | extravagant | faction | farce | farce comedy | farcical | Farmer-Labor Party | Federalist Party | flamboyant | flaunt | flounce | Free Soil Party | genteel comedy | go camping | Greenback Party | group | ham | harlequinade | high camp | hive | hobo jungle | hut | impropriety | inappropriateness | inartistic | indecency | indecorousness | indecorum | indelicacy | inelegance | inelegancy | ingroup | inhabit | interest | interest group | keep house | kitsch | Know-Nothing Party | Konzentrationslager | Labour Party | Lager | Liberal Party | Liberal Republican Party | Liberty Party | light | light comedy | lines | live at | locate | lodge | low camp | low comedy | machine | major party | mannered | maroon | mime | minor party | minority group | mob | moor | move | multiple party system | musical | musical comedy | National Republican Party | nest | offshoot | one-party system | opera buffa | opposition party | ostentatious | outrageous | outre | park | party | party in power | people | perch | philistinism | pitch | pitch camp | political machine | political party | poor taste | pop | pop culture | populate | Populist Party | posture | prance | pressure group | Progressive Party | Prohibition Party | raw comedy | realistic comedy | relocate | Republican Party | reside | ring | romantic comedy | roost | rough it | satyr play | sect | sentimental comedy | set | set up housekeeping | set up shop | settle | settle down | settlement | shack | shanty | show off | showy | side | silent majority | sit down | situation comedy | slapstick | slapstick comedy | sleep out | Socialist Labor Party | Socialist Party | Socialist Workers Party | splinter | splinter group | splinter party | squat | stand | stay at | strike root | strut | take residence at | take root | take up residence | Tammany Hall | tastelessness | tent | tented field | tenting | Thalia | theatrical | third party | Tory Party | tragicomedy | tragicomic | two-party system | unaestheticism | unaestheticness | unbecomingness | unfittingness | unseemliness | unsuitability | unsuitableness | vocal minority | vulgar taste | vulgarism | vulgarity | vulgarness | Whig Party | wing

See Also | alter | assemblage | band | Bloomsbury Group | boot camp | cabal | camarilla | change | circle | day camp | domicile | domiciliate | dwell | faction | galere | gathering | hard core | hobo camp | housing | hutment | inhabit | internment camp | jungle | junta | junto | laager | lager | land site | live | living accommodations | lodging | loop | lot | maffia | mafia | military quarters | people | pitch | populate | POW camp | prison | prison camp | prison farm | prison house | prisoner of war camp | reside | rogue's gallery | sect | set | set up | shack | site | staleness | tennis camp | trailer camp | trailer park | triteness | work camp

Camp In Webster's Dictionary

\Camp\, n. [F. camp, It. campo, fr. L. campus plant, field; akin to Gr. ? garden. Cf. {Campaing}, {Champ}, n.] 1. The ground or spot on which tents, huts, etc., are erected for shelter, as for an army or for lumbermen, etc. --Shzk. 2. A collection of tents, huts, etc., for shelter, commonly arranged in an orderly manner. Forming a camp in the neighborhood of Boston. --W. Irving. 3. A single hut or shelter; as, a hunter's camp. 4. The company or body of persons encamped, as of soldiers, of surveyors, of lumbermen, etc. The camp broke up with the confusion of a flight. --Macaulay. 5. (Agric.) A mound of earth in which potatoes and other vegetables are stored for protection against frost; -- called also {burrow} and {pie}. [Prov. Eng.] 6. [Cf. OE. & AS. camp contest, battle. See {champion}.] An ancient game of football, played in some parts of England. --Halliwell. {Camp bedstead}, a light bedstead that can be folded up onto a small space for easy transportation. {camp ceiling} (Arch.), a kind ceiling often used in attics or garrets, in which the side walls are inclined inward at the top, following the slope of the rafters, to meet the plane surface of the upper ceiling. {Camp chair}, a light chair that can be folded up compactly for easy transportation; the seat and back are often made of strips or pieces of carpet. {Camp fever}, typhus fever. {Camp follower}, a civilian accompanying an army, as a sutler, servant, etc. {Camp meeting}, a religious gathering for open-air preaching, held in some retired spot, chiefly by Methodists. It usually last for several days, during which those present lodge in tents, temporary houses, or cottages. {Camp stool}, the same as {camp chair}, except that the stool has no back. {Flying camp} (Mil.), a camp or body of troops formed for rapid motion from one place to another. --Farrow. {To pitch (a) camp}, to set up the tents or huts of a camp. {To strike camp}, to take down the tents or huts of a camp.
\Camp\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Camped}; p. pr. & vb n. {Camping}.] To afford rest or lodging for, as an army or travelers. Had our great palace the capacity To camp this host, we all would sup together. --Shak.
\Camp\, v. i. 1. To pitch or prepare a camp; to encamp; to lodge in a camp; -- often with out. They camped out at night, under the stars. --W. Irving. 2. [See {Camp}, n., 6] To play the game called camp. [Prov. Eng.] --Tusser.

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