About The Word Comedy

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Learn about the word Comedy to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Comedy definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Comedy Meaning & Definition
Comedy Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Comedy?

[n] a comic incident or series of incidents
[n] light and humorous drama with a happy ending

Synonyms | Synonyms for Comedy: clowning | drollery | funniness

Related Terms | Find terms related to Comedy: agile wit | arlequinade | Atticism | black comedy | black humor | bladder | broad comedy | burlesque | burletta | camp | cap and bells | caricature | comedie bouffe | comedie larmoyante | comedie rosse | comedietta | comedy ballet | comedy of humors | comedy of ideas | comedy of intrigue | comedy of manners | comedy of situation | comedy relief | comic muse | comic opera | comic relief | comicality | comicalness | coxcomb | dark comedy | domestic comedy | drollery | drollness | dry wit | esprit | exode | farce | farce comedy | funniness | genteel comedy | harlequinade | high camp | humor | humorousness | irony | lampoon | light comedy | low camp | low comedy | mime | motley | musical | musical comedy | nimble wit | opera buffa | parody | pleasantry | pretty wit | quick wit | raw comedy | ready wit | realistic comedy | romantic comedy | salt | sarcasm | satire | satyr play | savor of wit | sentimental comedy | situation comedy | slapstick | slapstick comedy | slapstick humor | sock | squib | subtle wit | Thalia | tragicomedy | travesty | visual humor | wit | wittiness

See Also | black comedy | commedia dell'arte | drama | farce | farce comedy | fun | high comedy | low comedy | melodrama | play | seriocomedy | situation comedy | slapstick | sport | tragicomedy | travesty

Comedy In Webster's Dictionary

\Com"e*dy\, n.; pl. {Comedies}. [F. com['e]die, L. comoedia, fr. Gr. ?; ? a jovial festivity with music and dancing, a festal procession, an ode sung at this procession (perh. akin to ? village, E. home) + ? to sing; for comedy was originally of a lyric character. See {Home}, and {Ode}.] A dramatic composition, or representation of a bright and amusing character, based upon the foibles of individuals, the manners of society, or the ludicrous events or accidents of life; a play in which mirth predominates and the termination of the plot is happy; -- opposed to tragedy. With all the vivacity of comedy. --Macaulay. Are come to play a pleasant comedy. --Shak.

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