About The Word Assemblage

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Learn about the word Assemblage to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Assemblage definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Assemblage Meaning & Definition
Assemblage Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Assemblage?

[n] the social act of assembling; "they demanded the right of assembly"
[n] a system of components assembled together for a particular purpose
[n] a group of persons together in one place

Synonyms | Synonyms for Assemblage: accumulation | aggregation | assembly | collection | gathering | gathering | hookup

Related Terms | Find terms related to Assemblage: A to izzard | A to Z | aggregate | all | all and sundry | all sorts | alliance | alpha and omega | assembly | assembly line | assembly-line production | association | assortment | axis | band | be-all | be-all and end-all | beginning and end | bloc | body | broad spectrum | building | buildup | Bund | coalition | college | combination | combine | common market | complement | composition | compound | confederacy | confederation | conglomeration | constitution | construction | consumer cooperative | cooperative | cooperative society | corps | council | credit union | customs union | each and every | economic community | embodiment | everything | fabrication | fashioning | federation | formation | free trade area | gallimaufry | gang | getup | group | grouping | hash | hodgepodge | hotchpot | hotchpotch | incorporation | jumble | junction | league | length and breadth | machine | magpie | make | makeup | mash | medley | melange | mess | mingle-mangle | miscellany | mishmash | mix | mixed bag | mixture | mob | odds and ends | olio | olla podrida | omnium-gatherum | one and all | organization | package | package deal | partnership | pasticcio | pastiche | patchwork | piecing together | political machine | potpourri | production line | putting together | ring | Rochdale cooperative | salad | salmagundi | sauce | scramble | set | setup | shaping | society | stew | structure | structuring | syneresis | synthesis | the corpus | the ensemble | the entirety | the lot | the whole | the whole range | union | what you will

See Also | agglomeration | armamentarium | arms | art collection | assembly | audience | backlog | battery | bevy | biology | biota | block | body | book | bottle collection | building | bunch | bundle | caboodle | calling together | camp | carload | cast | cast of characters | category | class | coin collection | combination | coming together | commune | community | concentration | concourse | congregating | congregation | congregation | content | contingent | convening | convention | convocation | convocation | corpus | cortege | covey | crew | crowd | cumulus | deal | defence | defense | defense lawyers | defense team | dramatis personae | eightsome | ensemble | entourage | Europe | fair | family | fauna | fivesome | floor | form | foursome | Free World | gang | gimmickry | grade | group | group action | grouping | hand | heap | implements of war | job lot | Judaica | kludge | library | long suit | lot | mass | mass meeting | meeting | meeting | mobilisation | mobilization | mound | multitude | municipality | munition | muster | mythology | octet | octette | pack | package | packet | pair | pantheon | parcel | petting zoo | pharmacopoeia | pile | planting | population | program library | prosecution | quartet | quartette | quintet | quintette | quorum | rally | rap group | rave-up | retinue | room | rule book | septet | septette | set | sevensome | sextet | sextette | signage | sixsome | social affair | social gathering | social group | stamp collection | statuary | string | subroutine library | suite | sum | sum total | summation | system | table | tenantry | Third World | threesome | throng | tout ensemble | triad | trinity | trio | turnout | universe | Victoriana | wardrobe | weaponry | weapons system | wine tasing | year

Assemblage In Webster's Dictionary

\As*sem"blage\, n. [Cf. F. assemblage. See {Assemble}.] 1. The act of assembling, or the state of being assembled; association. In sweet assemblage every blooming grace. --Fenton. 2. A collection of individuals, or of individuals, or of particular things; as, a political assemblage; an assemblage of ideas. Syn: Company; group; collection; concourse; gathering; meeting; convention. Usage: {Assemblage}, {Assembly}. An assembly consists only of persons; an assemblage may be composed of things as well as persons, as, an assemblage of incoherent objects. Nor is every assemblage of persons an assembly; since the latter term denotes a body who have met, and are acting, in concert for some common end, such as to hear, to deliberate, to unite in music, dancing, etc. An assemblage of skaters on a lake, or of horse jockeys at a race course, is not an assembly, but might be turned into one by collecting into a body with a view to discuss and decide as to some object of common interest.

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