About The Word Junction

Bay Area Crosswords

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Junction Meaning & Definition
Junction Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Junction?

[n] an act of joining or adjoining things
[n] the place where two or more things come together
[n] something that joins or connects
[n] a place where two things come together; "Pittsburgh is located at the confluence of the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers"
[n] the shape or manner in which things come together and a connection is made
[n] the state of being joined together

Synonyms | Synonyms for Junction: adjunction | articulation | colligation | confluence | conjugation | conjunction | conjunction | join | joint | juncture | meeting

Related Terms | Find terms related to Junction: abutment | abuttal | access | accession | accompaniment | accord | accordance | accretion | addition | adherence | adhesion | adjacency | adjoiningness | adjunct | adjunction | affairs | affiliation | affinity | affixation | agglomeration | agglutination | aggregation | agreement | aisle | alley | alliance | amalgamation | ambulatory | annexation | Anschluss | aperture | apposition | approximation | appulse | arcade | artery | articulation | assemblage | assembly | assimilation | association | attachment | augmentation | avenue | blend | blending | bond | bracketing | branch | building | buildup | cabal | cable railway | cahoots | call-up | canvass | cartel | census | centralization | channel | cling | clinging | cloister | closeness | clotting | clustering | coaction | coagulation | coalescence | coalition | cog railway | coherence | cohesion | cohesiveness | coincidence | collaboration | collection | collectivity | colligation | collocation | collusion | colonnade | combination | combine | combined effort | combo | communication | compaction | comparison | composition | compound | concatenation | concert | concerted action | concomitance | concordance | concourse | concretion | concurrence | condensation | conduit | confederacy | confederation | confluence | conflux | congealment | congelation | congeries | conglobation | conglomeration | congregation | conjoining | conjugation | conjunction | connectedness | connection | consilience | consolidation | conspiracy | constitution | construction | conterminousness | contiguity | contrariety | convergence | cooperation | copulation | corralling | correspondence | corridor | coterminousness | coupling | covered way | co-working | crossroads | data-gathering | dealings | deduction | defile | disjunction | ecumenism | el | electric railway | elevated | elevated railway | embankment | embodiment | encompassment | enosis | exit | fabrication | fashioning | federalization | federation | feeder | feeder line | ferry | filiation | ford | formation | fusion | gallery | gathering | getup | gravity-operated railway | homology | hookup | horse railway | inclusion | incorporation | increase | ingathering | inlet | inseparability | integration | interchange | intercommunication | intercourse | interlinking | intersection | intimacy | inventory | joinder | joining | jointure | junction | juncture | junta | juxtaposition | knotting | L | lane | league | liaison | light railroad | line | link | linkage | linking | main line | make | makeup | marriage | meeting | meld | melding | merger | merging | metro | mixture | mobilization | monorail | muster | mutual attraction | nearness | opening | organization | outlet | overpass | package | package deal | pairing | parasitism | pass | passage | passageway | perigee | perihelion | piecing together | portico | prefixation | propinquity | proximity | putting together | rack railway | rack-and-pinion railway | rail | rail line | railroad | railroad tunnel | railway | rapport | reinforcement | relatedness | relation | relations | relationship | roadbed | roadway | rodeo | roundup | saprophytism | seam | set | setup | shaping | sidetrack | siding | similarity | simultaneity | solidification | splice | sticking | street railway | streetcar line | structure | structuring | subway | suffixation | superaddition | superfetation | superjunction | superposition | supplementation | survey | switchback | symbiosis | sympathy | synchronism | syncretism | syndication | syneresis | synergy | synthesis | syzygy | terminal | terminus | tie | tie-in | tie-up | track | traject | trajet | tram | tramline | trestle | trolley line | trunk | trunk line | tube | tunnel | turnout | underground | underpass | unification | union | united action | uniting | wedding | yoking

See Also | anastomosis | barrier strip | carrefour | circle | connecter | connection | connection | connection | connective | connector | connexion | connexion | connexion | contact | crossing | crossroad | crossway | esophagogastric junction | geographic point | geographical point | inosculation | interchange | intersection | joining | joint | junction barrier | link | oesophagogastric junction | place | p-n junction | railway junction | rotary | roundabout | splice | splicing | spot | synapse | tangency | thermojunction | T-junction | topographic point | traffic circle | unification | union

Junction In Webster's Dictionary

\Junc"tion\, n. [L. junctio, fr. jungere, junctum, to join: cf. F. jonction. See {Join}.] 1. The act of joining, or the state of being joined; union; combination; coalition; as, the junction of two armies or detachments; the junction of paths. 2. The place or point of union, meeting, or junction; specifically, the place where two or more lines of railway meet or cross. {Junction plate} (Boilers), a covering or break-join plate riveted to and uniting the edges of sheets which make a butt joint. {Junction rails} (Railroads), the switch, or movable, rails, connecting one line of track with another.

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Crossword Dictionary