About The Word Intercourse

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Intercourse Meaning & Definition
Intercourse Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Intercourse?

[n] the act of sexual procreation between a man and a woman; the man's penis is inserted into the woman's vagina and excited until orgasm and ejaculation occur
[n] communication between individuals

Synonyms | Synonyms for Intercourse: carnal knowledge | coition | coitus | congress | copulation | relation | sex act | sexual congress | sexual intercourse | sexual relation | social intercourse

Related Terms | Find terms related to Intercourse: accord | act of love | addition | adjunct | adultery | affairs | affiliation | affinity | agglomeration | agglutination | aggregation | alliance | alternation | answer | aphrodisia | approximation | articulation | ass | assemblage | association | balance of trade | balling | big business | bond | bracketing | business | business dealings | carnal knowledge | climax | closeness | clustering | coaction | cohabitation | coition | coitus | coitus interruptus | collegiality | colloquial discourse | colloquy | combination | commerce | commercial affairs | commercial relations | communication | communion | community | complementary distribution | concatenation | concourse | concurrence | confluence | congeries | conglomeration | congress | conjugation | conjunction | connectedness | connection | contact | contiguity | contrariety | convergence | conversation | converse | conversing | cooperation | copula | copulation | correspondence | coupling | dealing | dealings | deduction | diddling | discourse | disjunction | engagement | ESP | exchange | fair trade | fellowship | filiation | fornication | free trade | gathering | give-and-take | homology | hookup | industry | information | interaction | interchange | intercommunication | intercommunion | interlacing | interlinking | interlocution | intermeshing | interplay | intertwining | interweaving | interworking | intimacy | joinder | joining | jointure | junction | knotting | liaison | linguistic intercourse | link | linkage | linking | lovemaking | making it with | marital relations | market | marketing | marriage | marriage act | mating | meat | meeting | mercantile business | merchantry | merger | merging | mesh | meshing | message | multilateral trade | mutual attraction | nearness | onanism | orgasm | ovum | pairing | pareunia | procreation | propinquity | proximity | quid pro quo | rapping | rapport | reciprocal trade | relatedness | relation | relations | relationship | reply | response | restraint of trade | screwing | seesaw | sex | sex act | sexual climax | sexual commerce | sexual congress | sexual intercourse | sexual relations | sexual union | similarity | sleeping with | small business | social activity | social intercourse | social relations | speaking | speech | speech circuit | speech situation | sperm | splice | symbiosis | sympathy | talking | telepathy | the business world | the marketplace | tie | tie-in | tie-up | tit for tat | touch | trade | traffic | truck | two-way communication | unification | unilateral trade | union | venery | verbal intercourse | yoking

See Also | ass | communion | criminal congress | defloration | fuck | fucking | hank panky | insemination | intercommunication | nookie | nooky | penetration | piece of ass | roll in the hay | screw | screwing | sex | sex activity | sexual activity | sexual practice | shag | sharing | shtup | unlawful carnal knowledge

Intercourse In Webster's Dictionary

\In"ter*course\, n. [Formerly entercourse, OF. entrecours commerce, exchange, F. entrecours a reciprocal right on neighboring lands, L. intercursus a running between, fr. intercurrere to run between. See {Inter-}, and {Course}.] A commingling; intimate connection or dealings between persons or nations, as in common affairs and civilities, in correspondence or trade; communication; commerce; especially, interchange of thought and feeling; association; communion. This sweet intercourse Of looks and smiles. --Milton. {Sexual intercourse}, sexual or carnal connection; coition. Syn: Communication; connection; commerce; communion; fellowship; familiarity; acquaintance.

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