About The Word Climax

Bay Area Crosswords

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Climax Meaning & Definition
Climax Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Climax?

[n] the moment of most intense pleasure in sexual intercourse
[n] the decisive moment in a novel or play; "the deathbed scene is the climax of the play"
[n] arrangement of clauses in ascending order of forcefulness
[n] the highest point of anything conceived of as growing or developing or unfolding; "the climax of the artist's career"; "in the flood tide of his success"
[n] the most severe stage of a disease
[v] end, esp. to reach a final or climactic stage; "The meeting culminated in a tearful embrace"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Climax: coming | culminate | culmination | flood tide | orgasm | sexual climax

Related Terms | Find terms related to Climax: achieve satisfaction | acme | acme of perfection | act of love | adultery | all | apex | aphrodisia | apogee | apoplexy | ass | balling | bench mark | bitter end | breakup | brow | button up | cap | capstone | cardinal point | carnal knowledge | carry to completion | cataclysm | catastrophe | ceiling | chief thing | clean up | close out | close up | cloud nine | cohabitation | coition | coitus | coitus interruptus | come | commerce | complete | completion | conclude | conclusion | congress | connection | consummate | consummation | content | convulsion | copestone | copula | copulation | core | cornerstone | coupling | crest | crisis | critical point | crossroads | crown | crux | culmen | culminate | culmination | denouement | diastrophism | diddling | disaster | edge | ejaculate | end | end result | essence | essential | essential matter | extreme | extreme limit | extremity | final result | final stroke | final touch | finale | finalize | finish | finish off | finish up | finisher | finishing stroke | fit | fornication | frost | fundamental | get done | get it over | get off | get through | get through with | gist | gravamen | great point | head | heart | heaven | heavens | height | high noon | high point | highest degree | highest pitch | highest point | ice | important thing | intercourse | intimacy | issue | kernel | keystone | landmark | last act | last stroke | last touch | last word | limit | lovemaking | main point | main thing | making it with | marital relations | marriage act | material point | mating | maximum | meat | meridian | milestone | mop up | mountaintop | ne plus ultra | no place higher | noon | nth degree | nub | onanism | orgasm | outtop | overarch | overthrow | overtop | ovum | pareunia | paroxysm | payoff | peak | perfect | perfection | pink | pink of perfection | pinnacle | pitch | pith | pivot | please | point | pole | procreation | quake | reach orgasm | real issue | relations | ridge | round out | salient point | satisfy | screwing | seventh heaven | sex | sex act | sexual climax | sexual commerce | sexual congress | sexual intercourse | sexual relations | sexual union | sine qua non | sky | sleeping with | spasm | sperm | spire | stroke | substance | substantive point | summit | surmount | temblor | terminate | termination | the bottom line | the point | the whole | tidal wave | tip | tip-top | top | top off | top out | tsunami | turning point | ultimate | upheaval | upmost | upper extremity | uppermost | utmost | utmost extent | uttermost | venery | vertex | very top | wind up | wrap up | zenith

See Also | cease | consummation | crown | degree | end | finish | instant | juncture | level | male orgasm | minute | moment | occasion | point | rhetorical device | second | stage | stop | story | terminate | top

Climax In Webster's Dictionary

\Cli"max\, n. [L., from Gr. ? ladder, staircase, fr. ? to make to bend, to lean. See {Ladder}, {Lean}, v. i.] 1. Upward movement; steady increase; gradation; ascent. --Glanvill. 2. (Rhet.) A figure in which the parts of a sentence or paragraph are so arranged that each succeeding one rises above its predecessor in impressiveness. ``Tribulation worketh patience, patience experience, and experience hope'' -- a happy climax. --J. D. Forbes. 3. The highest point; the greatest degree. We must look higher for the climax of earthly good. --I. Taylor. {To cap the climax}, to surpass everything, as in excellence or in absurdity. [Colloq.]

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