About The Word Core

Bay Area Crosswords

Learn about the word Core to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Core definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Core Meaning & Definition
Core Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Core?

[n] a bar of magnetic material (as soft iron) that passes through a coil and serves to increase the inductance of the coil
[n] the chamber of a nuclear reactor containing the fissile material where the reaction takes place
[n] the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience; "the gist of the prosecutor's argument"; "the heart and soul of the Republican Party"; "the nub of the story"
[n] the central meaning or theme of a speech or literary work
[n] a small group of indispensable persons or things; "five periodicals make up the core of their publishing program"
[n] an organization founded by James Leonard Farmer in 1942 to work for racial equality
[n] the center of an object; "do not eat the apple core"
[n] the central part of the earth
[n] a cylindrical sample of soil or rock obtained with a hollow drill
[v] remove the core or center from; "core an apple"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Core: burden | center | Congress of Racial Equality | core group | effect | essence | essence | gist | gist | heart | heart and soul | inwardness | kernel | marrow | meat | nitty-gritty | nub | nucleus | pith | substance | sum

Related Terms | Find terms related to Core: amidships | amount | average | axiom | axis | barrio | base | basis | beginning | bench mark | black ghetto | blighted area | body | bosom | Bowery | bulk | burden | business district | cardinal point | center | center of action | center of gravity | central | central city | centroid | centrum | chief thing | Chinatown | city center | climax | commencement | consequence | cornerstone | corpus | crisis | critical point | crux | dead center | deepest recesses | diameter | diaphragm | distillate | distillation | downtown | East End | East Side | elixir | epicenter | equator | equatorial | equidistant | essence | essential | essential matter | fabric | flower | focus | foundation | fundamental | ghetto | gist | gravamen | great point | greenbelt | halfway | heart | heart of hearts | high point | hub | hypostasis | import | importance | important thing | inner | inner city | inner essence | inner landscape | inner life | inner man | inner nature | inner recess | inner self | inside | insides | interior | interior man | intermediary | intermediate | intern | internal | intrados | inward | issue | kernel | keystone | landmark | Little Hungary | Little Italy | main point | main thing | marrow | mass | material | material point | matter | mean | meat | medial | median | mediocre | mediterranean | medium | medulla | mesial | metacenter | mezzo | mid | middle | middlemost | middling | midland | midmost | midpoint | midriff | midships | midst | midtown | midway | milestone | nave | navel | nub | nuclear | nucleus | nuts and bolts | omphalos | origin | outskirts | penetralia | pit | pith | pivot | postulate | principle | purport | quick | quid | quiddity | quintessence | real issue | recap | recapitulation | recesses | red-light district | residential district | resume | root | rundown | run-down neighborhood | run-through | salient point | sap | secret place | secret places | seed | shopping center | significance | sine qua non | skid road | skid row | slum | slums | soul | spirit | staple | start | storm center | stuff | substance | substantive point | suburbia | suburbs | sum | sum and substance | summary | summation | tenderloin | tenement district | the bottom line | the nitty-gritty | the point | thick | thick of things | thrust | turning point | umbilicus | upshot | uptown | urban blight | vital center | vitals | waist | waistline | West End | West Side | zone

See Also | bar | cadre | center | center | centre | centre | chamber | cognitive content | content | core out | corncob | geosphere | haecceity | hollow | hollow out | hypostasis | import | lithosphere | magnet | meaning | mental object | midpoint | midpoint | nuclear reactor | organisation | organization | quiddity | quintessence | reactor | sample | set | significance | signification | stuff

Core In Webster's Dictionary

\Core\ (k[=o]r), n. [F. corps. See {Corps}.] A body of individuals; an assemblage. [Obs.] He was in a core of people. --Bacon.
\Core\, n. [Cf. {Chore}.] (Mining.) A miner's underground working time or shift. --Raymond. Note: The twenty-four hours are divided into three or four cores.
\Core\, n. [Heb. k[=o]r: cf. Gr. ko`ros.] A Hebrew dry measure; a cor or homer. --Num. xi. 32 (Douay version).
\Core\, n. [OF. cor, coer, cuer, F. c[oe]ur, fr. L. cor heart. See {Heart}.] 1. The heart or inner part of a thing, as of a column, wall, rope, of a boil, etc.; especially, the central part of fruit, containing the kernels or seeds; as, the core of an apple or quince. A fever at the core, Fatal to him who bears, to all who ever bore. --Byron. 2. The center or inner part, as of an open space; as, the core of a square. [Obs.] --Sir W. Raleigh. 3. The most important part of a thing; the essence; as, the core of a subject. 4. (Founding) The prtion of a mold which shapes the interior of a cylinder, tube, or other hollow casting, or which makes a hole in or through a casting; a part of the mold, made separate from and inserted in it, for shaping some part of the casting, the form of which is not determined by that of the pattern. 5. A disorder of sheep occasioned by worms in the liver. [Prov. Eng.] --Halliwell. 6. (Anat.) The bony process which forms the central axis of the horns in many animals. {Core box} (Founding), a box or mold, usually divisible, in which cores are molded. {Core print} (Founding), a projecting piece on a pattern which forms, in the mold, an impression for holding in place or steadying a core.
\Core\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Cord} (k?rd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Coring}.] 1. To take out the core or inward parts of; as, to core an apple. He's likee a corn upon my great toe . . . he must be cored out. --Marston. 2. To form by means of a core, as a hole in a casting.
\Core\, n. (Elec.) A mass of iron, usually made of thin plates, upon which the conductor of an armature or of a transformer is wound.

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