About The Word Elevated

Bay Area Crosswords

Learn about the word Elevated to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Elevated definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Elevated Meaning & Definition
Elevated Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Elevated?

[adj] raised above the ground; "an elevated platform"
[adj] raised above ground level; on elevated rails; "elevated railway"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Elevated: overhead | raised

Related Terms | Find terms related to Elevated: accelerated | aerial | affected | afflicted | aggrandized | airy | altitudinous | amplified | Amtrak | animated | apotheosized | ascending | aspiring | augmented | august | awesome | baggage train | beatified | bedizened | beefed-up | bent | big | bighearted | big-sounding | bloated | boiled | bombed | boosted | boozy | branch | broadened | cable railroad | cable railway | canned | canonized | cheerful | chivalrous | choo-choo | cockeyed | cockeyed drunk | cog railroad | cog railway | colossal | convoluted | crocked | crocko | declamatory | deepened | deified | dignified | distinguished | dominating | el | elated | electric | electric railway | electric train | elevated railway | eloquent | embankment | eminent | enhanced | enlarged | ennobled | enshrined | enthroned | erect | ethereal | ethical | euphuistic | exalted | excellent | exhilarated | expanded | express | express train | extended | famous | feeder | feeder line | flamboyant | flaming | flashy | flaunting | flier | formal | freight | freight train | freighter | fried | fuddled | fulsome | funicular | garish | gaudy | generous | glad | glorified | glorious | godlike | Gongoresque | goods train | grand | grandiloquent | grandiose | grandisonant | grave | gravity-operated railway | great | great of heart | greathearted | half-seas over | handsome | happy | haughty | heightened | held in awe | heroic | high | high and mighty | highfalutin | highfaluting | high-flowing | high-flown | high-flying | high-headed | high-minded | high-nosed | high-pitched | high-reaching | high-set | high-sounding | high-toned | high-up | hiked | honorable | horse railway | idealistic | illuminated | illustrious | immortal | immortalized | imposing | impressive | increased | inflated | inkhorn | inspiring | intensified | interurban | jazzed up | Johnsonian | joyful | junction | knightly | L | labyrinthine | largehearted | lauded | lexiphanic | liberal | lifted | light railroad | lightning express | limited | line | lit | lit up | loaded | local | lofty | lubricated | lurid | lushy | magnanimous | magnificent | magnified | magniloquent | main line | majestic | meretricious | metro | mighty | milk train | monorail | monumental | moral | mounting | moving | multiplied | muzzy | noble | noble-minded | notable | oiled | Olympian | on stilts | openhanded | organized | orotund | ostentatious | outtopping | overdone | overelaborate | overinvolved | overlooking | overtopping | overwrought | parliamentary | parliamentary train | passenger train | pedantic | pickled | pie-eyed | pissed | pissy-eyed | plastered | polluted | pompous | potted | pretentious | princely | proliferated | prominent | rack railway | rack-and-pinion railroad | rack-and-pinion railway | raddled | rail | rail line | railroad | railroad train | railway | raised | rampant | rattler | reinforced | renowned | rhetorical | righteous | roadbed | roadway | rolling stock | sainted | sanctified | sensational | sensationalistic | sententious | serious | shellacked | showy | shrined | shuttle | shuttle train | sidetrack | siding | skunk-drunk | smashed | soaked | soaring | solemn | sonorous | soused | special | spiring | spread | squiffy | stately | steep | stewed | stiffened | stilted | stinko | streamliner | street railway | streetcar line | strengthened | sublime | subway | superb | supereminent | superlative | supernal | swacked | switchback | swollen | tall | tanked | terminal | terminus | throned | tight | tightened | topless | toplofty | topping | tortuous | towering | towery | track | train | tram | tramline | trestle | trolley line | trunk | trunk line | tube | turnout | underground | upcast | upflung | uplifted | upraised | upreared | upright | upstanding | upthrown | virtuous | way train | weighty | widened

See Also |

Elevated In Webster's Dictionary

\El"e*va`ted\, a. Uplifted; high; lofty; also, animated; noble; as, elevated thoughts. {Elevated railway}, one in which the track is raised considerably above the ground, especially a city railway above the line of street travel.

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