About The Word Loaded

Bay Area Crosswords

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Loaded Meaning & Definition
Loaded Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Loaded?

[adj] (of statements or questions) charged with associative significance and often meant to mislead or influence; "a loaded question"
[adj] (slang) very drunk
[adj] filled with a great quantity; "a tray loaded with dishes"; "table laden with food"; "`ladened' is not current usage"
[adj] (of weapons) charged with ammunition; "a loaded gun"
[adj] having an abundant supply of money or possessions of value; "an affluent banker"; "a speculator flush with cash"; "not merely rich but loaded"; "moneyed aristocrats"; "wealthy corporations"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Loaded: affluent | besotted | blind drunk | blotto | crocked | discriminatory | drunk | flush | fuddled | full | inebriated | intoxicated | laden | ladened | live | moneyed | pie-eyed | pissed | pixilated | plastered | potty | prejudiced | rich | slopped | sloshed | smashed | soaked | soused | sozzled | squiffy | stiff | tiddley | tiddly | tight | tipsy | undischarged | unexploded | wealthy | wet

Related Terms | Find terms related to Loaded: abounding in riches | afflicted | affluent | all ready | all set | armed | armed and ready | bent | big-rich | boiled | bombed | booted and spurred | boozy | briefed | brimful | brimming | burdened | canned | charged | chock-full | climacteric | coached | cocked | cockeyed | cockeyed drunk | comfortable | crammed | critical | crocked | crocko | crowded | crucial | cumbered | decisive | devious | disguised | disgustingly rich | drunk | elevated | emergent | encumbered | equipped | exigent | familiarized | fat | flush | fraught | freighted | fried | frightfully rich | fuddled | full-charged | full-fraught | good and ready | groomed | half-seas over | hampered | heavy-laden | high | illuminated | in arms | in battle array | in funds | in readiness | in the money | in the saddle | independent | independently rich | independently wealthy | inebriated | informed | insidious | jammed | jam-packed | kairotic | laden | lit | lit up | loaded for bear | lubricated | lushy | luxurious | made of money | manipulative | mature | mobilized | moneyed | muddled | muzzy | oiled | on the mark | oofy | oppressed | opulent | organized | overburdened | overcharged | overfraught | overfreighted | overladen | overloaded | overtaxed | overweighted | overwhelmed | packed | pickled | pie-eyed | pissed | pissy-eyed | pivotal | pixilated | planned | plastered | polluted | potted | prearranged | pregnant | prejudiced | prejudicial | prepared | prepared and ready | prepped | primed | prosperous | provided | provided for | psyched up | raddled | ready | ready for anything | rich | rich as Croesus | ripe | rolling in money | saddled | set | shellacked | skunk-drunk | smashed | soaked | soused | squiffy | stewed | stinko | stuffed | supercharged | swacked | tanked | taxed | tight | trap | tricky | up in arms | vigilant | wallowing in wealth | warm | wealthy | weighted | weighted down | well provided for | well-fixed | well-heeled | well-off | well-prepared | well-to-do

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Crossword Dictionary