About The Word Gaudy

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Gaudy Meaning & Definition
Gaudy Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Gaudy?

[n] (British) a celebratory feast held annually at one of the colleges in a British university
[adj] (used especially of clothes) marked by conspicuous display
[adj] tastelessly showy; "a flash car"; "a flashy ring"; "garish colors"; "a gaudy costume"; "loud sport shirts"; "a meretricious yet stylish book"; "tawdry ornaments"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Gaudy: brassy | cheap | colorful | flash | flashy | garish | gimcrack | in poor taste(p) | jazzy | loud | meretricious | showy | sporty | tacky | tasteless | tatty | tawdry | trashy

Related Terms | Find terms related to Gaudy: affected | bedizened | beggarly | beneath contempt | big-sounding | blatant | blinding | brazen | brazenfaced | brummagem | cheap | cheesy | chintzy | coarse | colorful | common | contemptible | convoluted | crass | crude | crummy | declamatory | despicable | earthy | elevated | euphuistic | extravagant | fake | flagrant | flamboyant | flaming | flaring | flashy | flaunting | florid | fulsome | garish | gimcrack | gimcracky | glaring | Gongoresque | gorgeous | grandiloquent | grandiose | grandisonant | gross | highfalutin | high-flowing | high-flown | high-flying | high-sounding | honky-tonk | inkhorn | Johnsonian | labyrinthine | lexiphanic | lofty | loud | lurid | magniloquent | mean | meretricious | miserable | obscene | obtrusive | orotund | ostentatious | overbright | overdone | overelaborate | overinvolved | overwrought | paltry | pathetic | pedantic | phony | pitiable | pitiful | pompous | poor | pretentious | raffish | raw | rhetorical | ribald | rough | rubbishy | rude | sad | screaming | scrubby | scruffy | scummy | scurvy | scuzzy | sensational | sensationalistic | sententious | shabby | sham | shameless | shoddy | showy | shrieking | sonorous | sorry | spectacular | stilted | tacky | tall | tasteless | tatty | tawdry | tinsel | tinselly | tortuous | trashy | trumpery | two-for-a-cent | two-for-a-penny | twopenny | twopenny-halfpenny | valueless | vile | vulgar | worthless | wretched

See Also | banquet | feast

Gaudy In Webster's Dictionary

\Gaud"y\, a. [Compar. {Gaudier}; superl. {Gauidiest}.] 1. Ostentatiously fine; showy; gay, but tawdry or meretricious. Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy, But not expressed in fancy; rich, not gaudy. --Shak. 2. Gay; merry; festal. --Tennyson. Let's have one other gaudy night. --Shak.
\Gaud"y\, n.; pl. {Gaudies} [See {Gaud}, n.] One of the large beads in the rosary at which the paternoster is recited. [Obs.] --Gower.
\Gaud"y\, n. A feast or festival; -- called also {gaud-day} and {gaudy day}. [Oxford Univ.] --Conybeare.

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