About The Word Populate

Bay Area Crosswords

Learn about the word Populate to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Populate definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Populate Meaning & Definition
Populate Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Populate?

[v] fill with people or supply with inhabitants; "people a room"; "The government wanted to populate the remote area of the country"
[v] make one's home or live in; "There are only 250,000 people in Iceland"; "I live in a 200-year old house"; "These people inhabited all the islands that are now deserted"; "The plains are sparsely populated"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Populate: domicile | domiciliate | dwell | inhabit | live | people | people | reside | shack

Related Terms | Find terms related to Populate: anchor | billet at | bivouac | burrow | camp | colonize | come to anchor | denizen | domesticate | drop anchor | dwell in | empeople | ensconce | establish residence | hive | inhabit | keep house | live at | live in | locate | moor | move | nest | occupy | park | people | perch | plant | relocate | reside | reside in | roost | set up housekeeping | set up shop | settle | settle down | settle in | sit down | squat | stand | stay at | strike root | take residence at | take root | take up residence

See Also | be | bivouac | board | camp | camp out | cohabit | encamp | fill | fill up | live in | live out | lodge | lodge in | make full | neighbor | neighbour | occupy | overpopulate | room | rusticate | shack up | sleep in | sleep out | tent

Populate In Webster's Dictionary

\Pop"u*late\, a. [L. populus people. See {People}.] Populous. [Obs.] --Bacon.
\Pop"u*late\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Populated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Populating}.] To furnish with inhabitants, either by natural increase or by immigration or colonization; to cause to be inhabited; to people.
\Pop"u*late\, v. i. To propagate. [Obs.] Great shoals of people which go on to populate. --Bacon.

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