About The Word Ham

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Learn about the word Ham to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Ham definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Ham Meaning & Definition
Ham Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Ham?

[n] meat cut from the thigh of a hog (usually smoked)
[n] an unskilled actor who overacts
[n] a licensed amateur radio operator
[n] (Old Testament) son of Noah
[v] exaggerate one's acting

Synonyms | Synonyms for Ham: gammon | ham actor | jambon | overact | overplay

Related Terms | Find terms related to Ham: acting | actor-proof | all-star | amateur radio operator | ankle | ARRL | bacon | ballet | balletic | bayonet legs | be theatrical | bowlegs | buffoonery | business | butt | calf | characterization | chitterlings | cinematic | cinematographic | cnemis | cochon de lait | control engineer | country town | cracklings | crossroads | declaim | dramatic | dramatical | dramaturgic | drumstick | emote | emotionalize | fat back | film | filmic | flitch | foreleg | gag | gamb | gambrel | gammon | gigot | grimace | grimacer | gush | ham actor | ham it up | ham steak | hamlet | hammy | hammy acting | haslet | headcheese | hind leg | histrionic | hock | hoke | hokum | impersonation | jamb | jambon | jambonneau | knee | lard | leg | legitimate | limb | make a scene | melodramatic | milked | mimesis | mimicking | mimicry | miming | mixer | monitor | monodramatic | movie | mug | mummery | operatic | out-herod Herod | overact | overacted | overacting | overdramatize | overplayed | pantomiming | patter | performance | performing | personation | picnic ham | pieds de cochon | pig | playacting | playing | podite | popliteal space | pork | porkpie | portrayal | projection | radio electrician | radio engineer | radio operator | radio technician | radioman | radiotelegrapher | radiotrician | rant | representation | roar | salt pork | scenic | scissor-legs | sentimentalize | shank | shin | side of bacon | slapstick | slobber over | slop over | small ham | sowbelly | spectacular | spout | stage business | stage directions | stage presence | stagelike | stageworthy | stagy | starstruck | stellar | stems | stumps | stunt | suckling pig | taking a role | tarsus | theaterlike | theatrical | theatricalize | thespian | thorp | throw away | thrown away | trotters | underact | underacted | underplayed | vaudevillian | village | wick

See Also | act | actor | adult male | cut of pork | histrion | man | play | playact | player | prosciuto | radio operator | role player | roleplay | thespian | Virginia ham

Ham In Webster's Dictionary

\Ham\, n. Home. [North of Eng.] --Chaucer.
\Ham\, n. [AS. ham; akin to D. ham, dial. G. hamme, OHG. hamma. Perh. named from the bend at the ham, and akin to E. chamber. Cf. {Gammon} ham.] 1. (Anat.) The region back of the knee joint; the popliteal space; the hock. 2. The thigh of any animal; especially, the thigh of a hog cured by salting and smoking. A plentiful lack of wit, together with most weak ham. --Shak.

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