About The Word Village

Bay Area Crosswords

Learn about the word Village to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Village definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Village Meaning & Definition
Village Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Village?

[n] a community of people smaller than a town
[n] a settlement smaller than a town
[n] a mainly residential district of Manhattan; `the Village' became a home for many writers and artists in the 20th century

Synonyms | Synonyms for Village: Greenwich Village | hamlet | settlement | small town

Related Terms | Find terms related to Village:

See Also | campong | community | community | El Alamein | Greater New York | Jamestown | Jericho | Kampong | kraal | New York | New York City | pueblo | residential area | residential district | settlement

Village In Webster's Dictionary

\Vil"lage\ (?; 48), n. [F., fr. L. villaticus belonging to a country house or villa. See {Villa}, and cf. {Villatic}.] A small assemblage of houses in the country, less than a town or city. {Village cart}, a kind of two-wheeled pleasure carriage without a top. Syn: {Village}, {Hamlet}, {Town}, {City}. Usage: In England, a hamlet denotes a collection of houses, too small to have a parish church. A village has a church, but no market. A town has both a market and a church or churches. A city is, in the legal sense, an incorporated borough town, which is, or has been, the place of a bishop's see. In the United States these distinctions do not hold.

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