About The Word Pig

Bay Area Crosswords

Learn about the word Pig to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Pig definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Pig Meaning & Definition
Pig Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Pig?

[n] domestic swine
[n] a crude block of metal (lead or iron) poured from a smelting furnace
[n] mold consisting of a bed of sand in which pig iron is cast
[n] (informal) uncomplimentary terms for a policeman
[n] a person regarded as greedy and pig-like
[n] a coarse obnoxious person
[v] birth; of sows
[v] eat greedily
[v] live like a pig, in squalor

Synonyms | Synonyms for Pig: bull | cop | copper | devour | farrow | fuzz | grunter | gulp | guttle | hog | hog | pig bed | pig it | raven | slob | sloven | slovenly person | squealer | Sus scrofa

Related Terms | Find terms related to Pig: aardvark | aardwolf | alpaca | Angora goat | animal | anteater | antelope | antelope chipmunk | aoudad | apar | Arctic fox | armadillo | ass | aurochs | bacon | badger | bandicoot | barrow | bassarisk | bat | bear | beast | beaver | Belgian hare | belly-god | bettong | bicycle | bigot | bike | binturong | bison | black bear | black buck | black cat | black fox | black sheep | blue fox | bluecoat | boar | bobby | bobcat | brown bear | brush deer | brush wolf | buffalo | buffalo wolf | bull | bullion | burro | burro deer | butt | button | cachalot | Caffre cat | camel | camelopard | capybara | carabao | caribou | carpincho | cast | casting | cat | catamount | cat-a-mountain | cattalo | cavy | chamois | chauvinist | cheetah | chevrotain | chinchilla | chipmunk | chitterlings | chopper | cinnamon bear | cochon de lait | coon | coon cat | cop | copper | cormorant | cotton mouse | cotton rat | cougar | cow | coyote | coypu | cracklings | cur | cycle | cyprian | deer | deer tiger | dick | dingo | doctrinaire | dog | Dogberry | dogmatist | donkey | dormouse | drab | dromedary | echidna | eland | elephant | elk | ermine | eyra | fallow deer | fanatic | fat back | ferret | field mouse | fisher | fitch | flatfoot | flattie | flitch | flying phalanger | foumart | fox | fox squirrel | frump | fuzz | gammon | gate | gazelle | gemsbok | gendarme | genet | gilt | giraffe | glutton | gnu | gnu goat | goat | goat antelope | gopher | gorger | gormand | gormandizer | gourmand | gourmandizer | greedy eater | greedygut | greedyguts | grizzly bear | ground squirrel | groundhog | guanaco | guinea pig | gumshoe | guttler | ham | ham steak | hamster | hare | harnessed antelope | hartebeest | haslet | headcheese | heat | hedgehog | hippopotamus | hog | horse | hound | husky eater | hussy | hyena | hyrax | ibex | illiberal | Indian buffalo | ingot | insect | intolerant | iron | jackal | jackass | jackrabbit | jade | jaguar | jaguarundi | jambon | jambonneau | jerboa | jerboa kangaroo | jezebel | jingo | John Law | kaama | kangaroo | kangaroo mouse | kangaroo rat | karakul | kinkajou | kit fox | koala | Kodiak bear | lapin | lard | lemming | leopard | leopard cat | lion | litterbug | llama | lynx | male chauvinist | mammoth | man | mara | marmot | marten | mastodon | meerkat | minibike | mink | mole | mongoose | mongrel | moose | motocycle | motorbike | motorcycle | mouflon | mountain goat | mountain lion | mountain sheep | mouse | mule | mule deer | muntjac | musk deer | musk hog | musk-ox | muskrat | musquash | nab | nilgai | nutria | ocelot | okapi | onager | oont | opossum | otter | ounce | ox | pack rat | paddy | painter | panda | pangolin | panther | peccary | pedicab | peeler | peludo | phalanger | picnic ham | pieds de cochon | piggy | piglet | pigling | pine mouse | platypus | pocket gopher | pocket mouse | pocket rat | polar bear | polar fox | polecat | porcupine | pork | porker | porkpie | possum | pouched rat | poyou | prairie dog | prairie wolf | pronghorn | puma | rabbit | raccoon | racist | rat | razorback | red deer | red squirrel | regulus | reindeer | reptile | rhinoceros | road-bike | roe | roe deer | roebuck | sable | salt pork | schlep | schlump | serpent | serval | sexist | shamus | sheep | sheet metal | shoat | shrew | shrew mole | side of bacon | sika | silver fox | skunk | slattern | slob | sloppy Joe | sloth | sloven | slut | small ham | snake | snowshoe rabbit | sow | sowbelly | springbok | squirrel | stoat | strumpet | suckling pig | superpatriot | suslik | swamp rabbit | swine | takin | tamandua | tamarin | tapir | tarpan | tatou | tatou peba | tatouay | the cops | the fuzz | the law | tiger | tiger cat | timber wolf | trail bike | tramp | tree shrew | trencherman | trencherwoman | tricycle | trike | trollop | trotters | trull | tusker | ultranationalist | urus | varmint | vermin | viper | Virginia deer | vole | wallaby | warthog | water buffalo | waterbuck | weasel | wharf rat | wheel | whelp | whistler | white fox | wild ass | wild boar | wild goat | wild ox | wildcat | wildebeest | wolf | wolverine | wombat | wood rat | woodchuck | woolly mammoth | worm | yak | zebra | zebu | zoril

See Also | block of metal | cast | eat | genus Sus | ingot | lard | litter | litter lout | litterbug | litterer | live | metal bar | mold | mould | officer | police officer | policeman | porc | pork | porker | selfish person | slattern | slovenly woman | slut | Sus | swine | trotter | vulgarian

Pig In Webster's Dictionary

\Pig\, n. A piggin. [Written also {pigg}.]
\Pig\, n. [Cf. D. big, bigge, LG. bigge, also Dan. pige girl, Sw. piga, Icel. p[=i]ka.] 1. The young of swine, male or female; also, any swine; a hog. ``Two pigges in a poke.'' --Chaucer. 2. (Zo["o]l.) Any wild species of the genus {Sus} and related genera. 3. [Cf. {Sow} a channel for melted iron.] An oblong mass of cast iron, lead, or other metal. See {Mine pig}, under {Mine}. 4. One who is hoggish; a greedy person. [Low] {Masked pig}. (Zo["o]l.) See under {Masked}. {Pig bed} (Founding), the bed of sand in which the iron from a smelting furnace is cast into pigs. {Pig iron}, cast iron in pigs, or oblong blocks or bars, as it comes from the smelting furnace. See {Pig}, 4. {Pig yoke} (Naut.), a nickname for a quadrant or sextant. {A pig in a poke} (that is, bag), a blind bargain; something bought or bargained for, without the quality or the value being known. [Colloq.]
\Pig\, v. t. & i. [imp. & p. p. {Pigged}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Pigging}.] 1. To bring forth (pigs); to bring forth in the manner of pigs; to farrow. 2. To huddle or lie together like pigs, in one bed.

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