About The Word Horse

Bay Area Crosswords

Learn about the word Horse to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Horse definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Horse Meaning & Definition
Horse Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Horse?

[n] solid-hoofed herbivorous quadruped domesticated since prehistoric times
[n] a narcotic that is considered a hard drug; a highly addictive morphine derivative
[n] a padded gymnastic apparatus on legs
[n] a chessman in the shape of a horse's head; can move two squares horizontally and one vertically (or vice versa)
[n] a framework for holding wood that is being sawed
[n] troops trained to fight on horseback; "500 horse led the attack"
[v] provide with a horse or horses

Synonyms | Synonyms for Horse: cavalry | diacetylmorphine | Equus caballus | H | heroin | horse cavalry | junk | knight | sawbuck | sawhorse | scag | shit | smack

Related Terms | Find terms related to Horse: aardvark | aardwolf | act up | Al Borak | alcohol | alpaca | American trotter | amobarbital sodium | Amytal | Amytal pill | analgesic | Angora goat | anodyne | anteater | antelope | antelope chipmunk | aoudad | apar | Appaloosa | Arabian | Arctic fox | armadillo | ass | aurochs | badger | bandicoot | Barb | Barbary horse | barbell | barbiturate | barbiturate pill | bassarisk | bat | bear | beast of burden | beaver | Belgian | Belgian hare | bettong | binturong | bison | black bear | Black Beauty | black buck | black cat | black fox | black sheep | black stuff | blue | blue angel | blue devil | blue fox | blue heaven | blue velvet | bobcat | brood mare | brown bear | brush deer | brush wolf | buck | buffalo | buffalo wolf | burro | burro deer | cachalot | Caffre cat | calmative | camel | camelopard | capybara | carabao | caribou | carpincho | carry on | cat | catamount | cat-a-mountain | cattalo | cavy | chamois | charger | cheetah | chevrotain | chinchilla | chipmunk | chloral hydrate | cinnamon bear | Citation | Cleveland Bay | clotheshorse | codeine | codeine cough syrup | colt | coon | coon cat | cotton mouse | cotton rat | cougar | courser | cow | coyote | coypu | critter | cut up | deer | deer tiger | Demerol | depressant | depressor | dingo | dobbin | dog | dolly | Dolophine | donkey | dormouse | downer | draft animal | dromedary | dumbbell | echidna | eland | elephant | elk | entire | entire horse | equine | ermine | exerciser | eyra | fallow deer | ferret | field mouse | filly | fisher | fitch | flying phalanger | foal | foumart | fox | fox squirrel | French coach horse | Galloway | gazelle | gelding | gemsbok | genet | Gibraltar | giraffe | glutton | gnu | gnu goat | goat | goat antelope | goofball | gopher | grizzly bear | ground squirrel | groundhog | guanaco | guinea pig | H | Hambletonian | hamster | hard stuff | hare | harnessed antelope | hartebeest | heart of oak | hedgehog | heroin | hippopotamus | hog | hop | horse | horseplay | Houyhnhnm | husky | hyena | hypnotic | hyrax | ibex | Indian buffalo | Indian club | iron | jackal | jackass | jackrabbit | jaguar | jaguarundi | jennet | jerboa | jerboa kangaroo | junk | kaama | kangaroo | kangaroo mouse | kangaroo rat | karakul | Kelso | kinkajou | kit fox | knockout drops | koala | Kodiak bear | lapin | laudanum | lemming | leopard | leopard cat | lion | liquor | llama | long horse | lotus | Luminal | Luminal pill | lynx | M | malamute | mammoth | mara | mare | marmot | marten | mastodon | meerkat | meperidine | methadone | Mickey Finn | mink | mole | mongoose | moose | morphia | morphine | mouflon | mount | mountain goat | mountain lion | mountain sheep | mouse | mule | mule deer | muntjac | musk deer | musk hog | musk-ox | muskrat | musquash | nag | nails | narcotic | Nashua | Native Dancer | Nembutal | Nembutal pill | nilgai | nutria | oak | ocelot | okapi | onager | oont | opiate | opium | opossum | otter | ounce | ox | pacifier | pack horse | pack rat | pain killer | painter | palomino | panda | pangolin | panther | parallel bars | paregoric | peccary | Pegasus | peludo | pen yan | phalanger | phenobarbital | phenobarbital sodium | pig | pine mouse | platypus | pocket gopher | pocket mouse | pocket rat | polar bear | polar fox | polecat | porcupine | possum | pouched rat | poyou | prairie dog | prairie wolf | prancer | pronghorn | puma | punching bag | purple heart | quarter horse | quietener | rabbit | raccoon | rainbow | rat | red | red deer | red squirrel | reindeer | rhinoceros | rings | rock | roe | roe deer | roebuck | Rosinante | rowing machine | sable | saddle horse | sawbuck | sawhorse | scag | secobarbital sodium | Seconal | Seconal pill | Secretariat | sedative | serval | sheep | Shetland | Shetland pony | Shire | shit | shrew | shrew mole | Siberian husky | side horse | sika | Silver | silver fox | skunk | sledge dog | sleeper | sleep-inducer | sleeping draught | sleeping pill | smack | snowshoe rabbit | sodium thiopental | somnifacient | soother | soothing syrup | soporific | springbok | squirrel | stallion | steed | steel | stoat | stud | studhorse | Suffolk | sumpter | sumpter horse | sumpter mule | suslik | swamp rabbit | Swaps | swine | takin | tamandua | tamarin | tapir | tar | tarpan | tatou | tatou peba | tatouay | thoroughbred | tiger | tiger cat | timber wolf | top horse | Topper | trampoline | tranquilizer | trapeze | tree shrew | trestle | trestle and table | trestle board | trestle table | trestlework | trestling | Tuinal | Tuinal pill | Turk | turps | urus | Virginia deer | vole | wallaby | war-horse | warthog | water buffalo | waterbuck | weasel | weight | wharf rat | Whirlaway | whistler | white fox | white stuff | White Surrey | wild ass | wild boar | wild goat | wild horse | wild ox | wildcat | wildebeest | wolf | wolverine | wombat | wood rat | woodchuck | woolly mammoth | workhorse | yak | yellow | yellow jacket | zebra | zebu | zoril

See Also | bangtail | bay | buck | cater | cavalryman | chess piece | chessman | chestnut | dawn horse | encolure | eohippus | equid | equine | Equus | exerciser | female horse | foal | frame | framework | framing | gaskin | gee-gee | genus Equus | gymnastic apparatus | hack | hard drug | harness horse | high stepper | horseback | horseflesh | horsemeat | horse's foot | horse's hoof | jade | liver chestnut | long horse | lug | lugsail | mare | mesohippus | military personnel | mount | nag | pacer | palomino | pinto | plug | ply | poll | polo pony | pommel horse | pony | post horse | poster | protohippus | provide | race horse | racehorse | remount | riding horse | roan | saddle horse | side horse | soldiery | sorrel | stable companion | stablemate | stalking-horse | steeplechaser | stepper | supply | trestle | trooper | troops | vaulting horse | wild horse | withers | workhorse

Horse In Webster's Dictionary

\Horse\ (h[^o]rs), n. [AS. hors; akin to OS. hros, D. & OHG. ros, G. ross, Icel. hross; and perh. to L. currere to run, E. course, current Cf. {Walrus}.] 1. (Zo["o]l.) A hoofed quadruped of the genus {Equus}; especially, the domestic horse ({E. caballus}), which was domesticated in Egypt and Asia at a very early period. It has six broad molars, on each side of each jaw, with six incisors, and two canine teeth, both above and below. The mares usually have the canine teeth rudimentary or wanting. The horse differs from the true asses, in having a long, flowing mane, and the tail bushy to the base. Unlike the asses it has callosities, or chestnuts, on all its legs. The horse excels in strength, speed, docility, courage, and nobleness of character, and is used for drawing, carrying, bearing a rider, and like purposes. Note: Many varieties, differing in form, size, color, gait, speed, etc., are known, but all are believed to have been derived from the same original species. It is supposed to have been a native of the plains of Central Asia, but the wild species from which it was derived is not certainly known. The feral horses of America are domestic horses that have run wild; and it is probably true that most of those of Asia have a similar origin. Some of the true wild Asiatic horses do, however, approach the domestic horse in several characteristics. Several species of fossil ({Equus}) are known from the later Tertiary formations of Europe and America. The fossil species of other genera of the family {Equid[ae]} are also often called horses, in general sense. 2. The male of the genus horse, in distinction from the female or male; usually, a castrated male. 3. Mounted soldiery; cavalry; -- used without the plural termination; as, a regiment of horse; -- distinguished from foot. The armies were appointed, consisting of twenty-five thousand horse and foot. --Bacon. 4. A frame with legs, used to support something; as, a clotheshorse, a sawhorse, etc. 5. A frame of timber, shaped like a horse, on which soldiers were made to ride for punishment. 6. Anything, actual or figurative, on which one rides as on a horse; a hobby. 7. (Mining) A mass of earthy matter, or rock of the same character as the wall rock, occurring in the course of a vein, as of coal or ore; hence, to take horse -- said of a vein -- is to divide into branches for a distance. 8. (Naut.) (a) See {Footrope}, a. (b) A breastband for a leadsman. (c) An iron bar for a sheet traveler to slide upon. (d) A jackstay. --W. C. Russell. --Totten. Note: Horse is much used adjectively and in composition to signify of, or having to do with, a horse or horses, like a horse, etc.; as, horse collar, horse dealer or horse?dealer, horsehoe, horse jockey; and hence, often in the sense of strong, loud, coarse, etc.; as, horselaugh, horse nettle or horse-nettle, horseplay, horse ant, etc. {Black horse}, {Blood horse}, etc. See under {Black}, etc. {Horse aloes}, caballine aloes. {Horse ant} (Zo["o]l.), a large ant ({Formica rufa}); -- called also {horse emmet}. {Horse artillery}, that portion of the artillery in which the cannoneers are mounted, and which usually serves with the cavalry; flying artillery. {Horse balm} (Bot.), a strong-scented labiate plant ({Collinsonia Canadensis}), having large leaves and yellowish flowers. {Horse bean} (Bot.), a variety of the English or Windsor bean ({Faba vulgaris}), grown for feeding horses. {Horse boat}, a boat for conveying horses and cattle, or a boat propelled by horses. {Horse bot}. (Zo["o]l.) See {Botfly}, and {Bots}. {Horse box}, a railroad car for transporting valuable horses, as hunters. [Eng.] {Horse} {breaker or trainer}, one employed in subduing or training horses for use. {Horse car}. (a) A railroad car drawn by horses. See under {Car}. (b) A car fitted for transporting horses. {Horse cassia} (Bot.), a leguminous plant ({Cassia Javanica}), bearing long pods, which contain a black, catharic pulp, much used in the East Indies as a horse medicine. {Horse cloth}, a cloth to cover a horse. {Horse conch} (Zo["o]l.), a large, spiral, marine shell of the genus Triton. See {Triton}. {Horse courser}. (a) One that runs horses, or keeps horses for racing. --Johnson. (b) A dealer in horses. [Obs.] --Wiseman. {Horse crab} (Zo["o]l.), the Limulus; -- called also {horsefoot}, {horsehoe crab}, and {king crab}. {Horse crevall['e]} (Zo["o]l.), the cavally. {Horse emmet} (Zo["o]l.), the horse ant. {Horse finch} (Zo["o]l.), the chaffinch. [Prov. Eng.] {Horse gentian} (Bot.), fever root. {Horse iron} (Naut.), a large calking iron. {Horse latitudes}, a space in the North Atlantic famous for calms and baffling winds, being between the westerly winds of higher latitudes and the trade winds. --Ham. Nav. Encyc. {Horse mackrel}. (Zo["o]l.) (a) The common tunny ({Orcynus thunnus}), found on the Atlantic coast of Europe and America, and in the Mediterranean. (b) The bluefish ({Pomatomus saltatrix}). (c) The scad. (d) The name is locally applied to various other fishes, as the California hake, the black candlefish, the jurel, the bluefish, etc. {Horse marine} (Naut.), an awkward, lubbery person; one of a mythical body of marine cavalry. [Slang] {Horse mussel} (Zo["o]l.), a large, marine mussel ({Modiola modiolus}), found on the northern shores of Europe and America. {Horse nettle} (Bot.), a coarse, prickly, American herb, the {Solanum Carolinense}. {Horse parsley}. (Bot.) See {Alexanders}. {Horse purslain} (Bot.), a coarse fleshy weed of tropical America ({Trianthema monogymnum}). {Horse race}, a race by horses; a match of horses in running or trotting. {Horse racing}, the practice of racing with horses. {Horse railroad}, a railroad on which the cars are drawn by horses; -- in England, and sometimes in the United States, called a {tramway}. {Horse run} (Civil Engin.), a device for drawing loaded wheelbarrows up an inclined plane by horse power. {Horse sense}, strong common sense. [Colloq. U.S.] {Horse soldier}, a cavalryman. {Horse sponge} (Zo["o]l.), a large, coarse, commercial sponge ({Spongia equina}). {Horse stinger} (Zo["o]l.), a large dragon fly. [Prov. Eng.] {Horse sugar} (Bot.), a shrub of the southern part of the United States ({Symplocos tinctoria}), whose leaves are sweet, and good for fodder. {Horse tick} (Zo["o]l.), a winged, dipterous insect ({Hippobosca equina}), which troubles horses by biting them, and sucking their blood; -- called also {horsefly}, {horse louse}, and {forest fly}. {Horse vetch} (Bot.), a plant of the genus {Hippocrepis} ({H. comosa}), cultivated for the beauty of its flowers; -- called also {horsehoe vetch}, from the peculiar shape of its pods. {Iron horse}, a locomotive. [Colloq.] {Salt horse}, the sailor's name for salt beef. {To look a gift horse in the mouth}, to examine the mouth of a horse which has been received as a gift, in order to ascertain his age; -- hence, to accept favors in a critical and thankless spirit. --Lowell. {To take horse}. (a) To set out on horseback. --Macaulay. (b) To be covered, as a mare. (c) See definition 7 (above).
\Horse\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Horsed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Horsing}.] [AS. horsion.] 1. To provide with a horse, or with horses; to mount on, or as on, a horse. ``Being better horsed, outrode me.'' --Shak. 2. To sit astride of; to bestride. --Shak. 3. To cover, as a mare; -- said of the male. 4. To take or carry on the back; as, the keeper, horsing a deer. --S. Butler. 5. To place on the back of another, or on a wooden horse, etc., to be flogged; to subject to such punishment.
\Horse\, v. i. To get on horseback. [Obs.] --Shelton.
\Horse\, n. (Student Slang) (a) A translation or other illegitimate aid in study or examination; -- called also {trot}, {pony}, {Dobbin}. (b) Horseplay; tomfoolery.

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