About The Word Opium

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Opium Meaning & Definition
Opium Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Opium?

[n] an addictive narcotic extracted from seed capsules of the opium poppy

Synonyms | Synonyms for Opium:

Related Terms | Find terms related to Opium: alcohol | amobarbital sodium | Amytal | Amytal pill | analgesic | anesthetic | anodyne | barb | barbiturate | barbiturate pill | black stuff | blue | blue angel | blue devil | blue heaven | blue velvet | calmative | chloral hydrate | codeine | codeine cough syrup | Demerol | depressant | depressor | dolly | Dolophine | downer | goofball | H | hard stuff | heroin | hop | horse | hypnotic | junk | knockout drops | laudanum | liquor | lotus | lullaby | Luminal | Luminal pill | M | mandrake | meperidine | methadone | Mickey Finn | morphia | morphine | narcotic | Nembutal | Nembutal pill | nightcap | opiate | pacifier | pain killer | paregoric | pen yan | phenobarbital | phenobarbital sodium | poppy | purple heart | quietener | rainbow | red | scag | secobarbital sodium | Seconal | Seconal pill | sedative | shit | sleep-bringer | sleeper | sleep-inducer | sleeping draught | sleeping pill | sleep-producer | smack | sodium thiopental | somnifacient | soother | soothing syrup | soporific | tar | tranquilizer | Tuinal | Tuinal pill | turps | white stuff | yellow | yellow jacket

See Also | narcotic | opiate

Opium In Webster's Dictionary

\O"pi*um\, n. [L., fr. Gr. ? poppy juice, dim. of ? vegetable juice.] (Chem.) The inspissated juice of the {Papaver somniferum}, or white poppy. Note: Opium is obtained from incisions made in the capsules of the plant, and the best flows from the first incision. It is imported into Europe and America chiefly from the Levant, and large quantities are sent to China from India, Persia, and other countries. It is of a brownish yellow color, has a faint smell, and bitter and acrid taste. It is a stimulant narcotic poison, which may produce hallicinations, profound sleep, or death. It is much used in medicine to soothe pain and inflammation, and is smoked as an intoxicant with baneful effects. {Opium joint}, a low resort of opium smokers. [Slang]

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