About The Word Blue

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Blue Meaning & Definition
Blue Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Blue?

[n] any of numerous small chiefly blue butterflies of the family Lycaenidae
[n] the sodium salt of amobarbital that is used as a barbiturate; used as a sedative and a hypnotic
[n] blue clothing; "she was wearing blue"
[n] the color of the clear sky in the daytime; "he had eyes of bright blue"
[n] any organization or party whose uniforms or badges are blue; "the Union army was a vast blue"
[n] the sky as viewed during daylight; "he shot an arrow into the blue"
[n] used to whiten laundry or hair or give it a bluish tinge
[adj] causing dejection; "a blue day"; "the dark days of the war"; "a week of rainy depressing weather"; "a disconsolate winter landscape"; "the first dismal dispiriting days of November"; "a dark gloomy day"; "grim rainy weather"
[adj] having a color similar to that of a clear unclouded sky; "October's bright blue weather"- Helen Hunt Jackson; "a blue flame"; "blue haze of tobacco smoke"
[adj] characterized by or marked with a bluish color; "a blue fox"; "the great blue whale"; "a blue spruce"
[adj] tinged with blue or purple from cold or contusion; "the children's lips are blue from cold"; "a blue bruise"
[adj] characterized by profanity or cursing; "foul-mouthed and blasphemous"; "blue language"; "profane words"
[adj] low in spirits; "lonely and blue in a strange city"; "depressed by the loss of his job"; "a dispirited and resigned expression on her face"; "downcast after his defeat"; "feeling discouraged and downhearted"
[adj] belonging to or characteristic of the nobility or aristocracy; "an aristocratic family"; "aristocratic Bostonians"; "aristocratic government"; "a blue family"; "blue blood"; "the blue-blooded aristocracy"; "of gentle blood"; "patrician landholders of the American South"; "aristocratic bearing"; "aristocratic features"; "patrician tastes"
[adj] used to signify the Union forces in the Civil War (who wore blue uniforms); "a ragged blue line"
[adj] suggestive of sexual impropriety; "a blue movie"; "blue jokes"; "he skips asterisks and gives you the gamy details"; "a juicy scandal"; "a naughty wink"; "naughty words"; "racy anecdotes"; "a risque story"; "spicy gossip"
[adj] wearing blue; "the painting is called `the blue boy'"; "the blue team"
[v] turn blue

Synonyms | Synonyms for Blue: amobarbital sodium | Amytal | aristocratic | aristocratical | blasphemous | blue air | blue angel | blue sky | blue-blooded | blueing | blueish | blueness | bluing | bluish | cheerless | chromatic | colored | colorful | coloured | dark | dark-blue | dejected | depressed | depressing | dirty | disconsolate | dismal | dispirited | dispiriting | down in the mouth | down(p) | downcast | downhearted | gamey | gamy | gentle | gloomy | grim | in color(p) | juicy | light-blue | low | low-spirited | naughty | noble | northern | patrician | profane | racy | risque | sexy | spicy | uncheerful | wild blue yonder

Related Terms | Find terms related to Blue: absolute | air | alcohol | Alice blue | amobarbital sodium | Amytal | Amytal pill | analgesic | aniline blue | anodyne | aquamarine | atrabiliar | atrabilious | azo blue | azulene | azure | azurean | azure-blue | azure-colored | azured | azureness | azureous | azurite blue | baby blue | bad | barb | barbiturate | barbiturate pill | bawdy | benzoazurine | beryl | beryl-blue | berylline | bice | black | black stuff | bleu celeste | blue angel | blue devil | blue heaven | blue sky | blue turquoise | blue velvet | blueness | blueprint | bluish | bluishness | brine | briny | broad | Brunswick blue | cadaverous | cadet blue | caelum | Caelus | calamine blue | calmative | canopy | canopy of heaven | Capri blue | cerulean | ceruleous | cerulescent | Chinese blue | chloral hydrate | ciba blue | coarse | cobalt | codeine | codeine cough syrup | cold-type proof | color proof | complete | computer proof | cope | Copenhagen blue | cornflower | corpselike | crestfallen | cyan | cyanean | cyanine blue | cyanosis | dark-blue | deadly | deathlike | deathly | deathly pale | deep | deep-blue | dejected | delft blue | Demerol | depressant | depressed | depressor | despondent | dirty | disconsolate | dismal | dispirited | dolly | Dolophine | down | downcast | downer | downhearted | downright | Dresden blue | drink | eerie | empyrean | erotic | ether | Fescennine | filthy | firmament | foul | foul-mouthed | foul-spoken | foul-tongued | foundry proof | French blue | fulsome | funky | galley | galley proof | garter blue | ghastly | ghostlike | ghostly | glaucous blue | gloomy | glum | Gobelin blue | goofball | grisly | gruesome | H | haggard | hard stuff | heaven | heavens | heroin | hop | horse | hyacinth | hyaline | hypnotic | improper | impure | indecent | indelicate | indigo | indigo white | infernal | isamine blue | ithyphallic | jouvence blue | junk | knockout drops | lapis lazuli blue | laudanum | lavender blue | lewd | lift | lifts | light-blue | lightish-blue | liquor | livid | lividity | lividness | lotus | low | low-spirited | Luminal | Luminal pill | lurid | M | macabre | madder blue | main | marine blue | melancholic | melancholy | meperidine | methadone | methylene azure | methylene blue | Mickey Finn | morose | morphia | morphine | mortuary | narcotic | nasty | navy | navy blue | Nembutal | Nembutal pill | new blue | obscene | off color | off-color | offensive | old blue | opiate | opium | out-and-out | pacifier | page proof | pain killer | pale | paregoric | pavonian | pavonine | peacock blue | peacock-blue | pen yan | pensive | perfect | Persian blue | phenobarbital | phenobarbital sodium | plate proof | pompadour green | Pompeian blue | pornographic | positive | powder blue | press proof | progressive proof | proof | proof sheet | Prussian blue | pull | purple | purple heart | quietener | Rabelaisian | racy | rainbow | raunchy | red | regular | repro proof | revise | ribald | risque | sad | salacious | salty | sapphire | sapphirine | Saxe blue | scag | scurrile | scurrilous | sea | sea blue | secobarbital sodium | Seconal | Seconal pill | sedative | sexy | shady | shit | sky | sky blue | sky-blue | sky-colored | sky-dyed | sleeper | sleep-inducer | sleeping draught | sleeping pill | slip | smack | smalt | smoke blue | smoking-room | smutty | sodium thiopental | somnifacient | soother | soothing syrup | soporific | spicy | starry heaven | steel blue | stone proof | suggestive | sultry | tar | the blue | the blue serene | titillating | tranquilizer | trial impression | tristful | trypan blue | Tuinal | Tuinal pill | turps | turquoise | ultramarine | uncanny | unchaste | unclean | unearthly | unhappy | unprintable | unrepeatable | vandyke | vault | vault of heaven | vile | vulgar | wan | Wedgwood blue | weird | welkin | white stuff | wicked | wistful | woad | woebegone | X | yellow | yellow jacket | zaffer

See Also | amobarbital | apparel | aqua | aquamarine | article of clothing | azure | cerulean | chromatic color | chromatic colour | clothes | clothing | cobalt blue | color | colour | dark blue | discolor | discolour | dye | dyestuff | genus Lycaena | greenish blue | lazuline | Lycaena | lycaenid | lycaenid butterfly | navy | navy blue | organisation | organization | Payne's gray | peacock blue | powder blue | Prussian blue | purplish blue | royal blue | sapphire | sky | sky-blue | spectral color | spectral colour | steel blue | turquoise | ultramarine | Union Army | vesture | wear | wearing apparel

Blue In Webster's Dictionary

\Blue\, a. [Compar. {Bluer}; superl. {Bluest}.] [OE. bla, blo, blew, blue, Sw. bl?, D. blauw, OHG. bl?o, G. blau; but influenced in form by F. bleu, from OHG. bl[=a]o.] 1. Having the color of the clear sky, or a hue resembling it, whether lighter or darker; as, the deep, blue sea; as blue as a sapphire; blue violets. ``The blue firmament.'' --Milton. 2. Pale, without redness or glare, -- said of a flame; hence, of the color of burning brimstone, betokening the presence of ghosts or devils; as, the candle burns blue; the air was blue with oaths. 3. Low in spirits; melancholy; as, to feel blue. 4. Suited to produce low spirits; gloomy in prospect; as, thongs looked blue. [Colloq.] 5. Severe or over strict in morals; gloom; as, blue and sour religionists; suiting one who is over strict in morals; inculcating an impracticable, severe, or gloomy mortality; as, blue laws. 6. Literary; -- applied to women; -- an abbreviation of bluestocking. [Colloq.] The ladies were very blue and well informed. --Thackeray. {Blue asbestus}. See {Crocidolite}. {Blue black}, of, or having, a very dark blue color, almost black. {Blue blood}. See under {Blood}. {Blue buck} (Zo["o]l.), a small South African antelope ({Cephalophus pygm[ae]us}); also applied to a larger species ({[AE]goceras leucoph[ae]u}s); the blaubok. {Blue cod} (Zo["o]l.), the buffalo cod. {Blue crab} (Zo["o]l.), the common edible crab of the Atlantic coast of the United States ({Callinectes hastatus}). {Blue curls} (Bot.), a common plant ({Trichostema dichotomum}), resembling pennyroyal, and hence called also {bastard pennyroyal}. {Blue devils}, apparitions supposed to be seen by persons suffering with {delirium tremens}; hence, very low spirits. ``Can Gumbo shut the hall door upon blue devils, or lay them all in a red sea of claret?'' --Thackeray. {Blue gage}. See under {Gage}, a plum. {Blue gum}, an Australian myrtaceous tree ({Eucalyptus globulus}), of the loftiest proportions, now cultivated in tropical and warm temperate regions for its timber, and as a protection against malaria. The essential oil is beginning to be used in medicine. The timber is very useful. See {Eucalyptus}. {Blue jack}, {Blue stone}, blue vitriol; sulphate of copper. {Blue jacket}, a man-of war's man; a sailor wearing a naval uniform. {Blue jaundice}. See under {Jaundice}. {Blue laws}, a name first used in the eighteenth century to describe certain supposititious laws of extreme rigor reported to have been enacted in New Haven; hence, any puritanical laws. [U. S.] {Blue light}, a composition which burns with a brilliant blue flame; -- used in pyrotechnics and as a night signal at sea, and in military operations. {Blue mantle} (Her.), one of the four pursuivants of the English college of arms; -- so called from the color of his official robes. {Blue mass}, a preparation of mercury from which is formed the blue pill. --McElrath. {Blue mold}, or mould, the blue fungus ({Aspergillus glaucus}) which grows on cheese. --Brande & C. {Blue Monday}, a Monday following a Sunday of dissipation, or itself given to dissipation (as the Monday before Lent). {Blue ointment} (Med.), mercurial ointment. {Blue Peter} (British Marine), a blue flag with a white square in the center, used as a signal for sailing, to recall boats, etc. It is a corruption of blue repeater, one of the British signal flags. {Blue pill}. (Med.) (a) A pill of prepared mercury, used as an aperient, etc. (b) Blue mass. {Blue ribbon}. (a) The ribbon worn by members of the order of the Garter; -- hence, a member of that order. (b) Anything the attainment of which is an object of great ambition; a distinction; a prize. ``These [scholarships] were the --blue ribbon of the college.'' --Farrar. (c) The distinctive badge of certain temperance or total abstinence organizations, as of the --Blue ribbon Army. {Blue ruin}, utter ruin; also, gin. [Eng. Slang] --Carlyle. {Blue spar} (Min.), azure spar; lazulite. See {Lazulite}. {Blue thrush} (Zo["o]l.), a European and Asiatic thrush ({Petrocossyphus cyaneas}). {Blue verditer}. See {Verditer}. {Blue vitriol} (Chem.), sulphate of copper, a violet blue crystallized salt, used in electric batteries, calico printing, etc. {Blue water}, the open ocean. {To look blue}, to look disheartened or dejected. {True blue}, genuine and thorough; not modified, nor mixed; not spurious; specifically, of uncompromising Presbyterianism, blue being the color adopted by the Covenanters. For his religion . . . 'T was Presbyterian, true blue. --Hudibras.
\Blue\ (bl[=u]), n. 1. One of the seven colors into which the rays of light divide themselves, when refracted through a glass prism; the color of the clear sky, or a color resembling that, whether lighter or darker; a pigment having such color. Sometimes, poetically, the sky. 2. A pedantic woman; a bluestocking. [Colloq.] 3. pl. [Short for blue devils.] Low spirits; a fit of despondency; melancholy. [Colloq.] {Berlin blue}, Prussian blue. {Mineral blue}. See under {Mineral}. {Prussian blue}. See under {Prussian}.
\Blue\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Blued}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Bluing}.] To make blue; to dye of a blue color; to make blue by heating, as metals, etc.

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