About The Word Chromatic

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Learn about the word Chromatic to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Chromatic definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Chromatic Meaning & Definition
Chromatic Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Chromatic?

[adj] being or having or characterized by hue
[adj] (music) based on a scale consisting of 12 semitones; "a chromatic scale"
[adj] able to refract light without spectral color separation; "chromatic lens"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Chromatic: amber | amethyst | aureate | avocado | azure | beige | blae | blood-red | blue | blue-green | blueish | bluish | bluish green | blushful | bottle-green | bright blue | bronze | bronzy | brown | brownish | brownish-orange | brownish-red | brownish-yellow | buff | canary | canary-yellow | caramel | caramel brown | carmine | carnation | cerise | cerulean | chartreuse | cherry | cherry-red | Chinese-red | chukker-brown | cinnabar | copper colored | coppery | coral | creamy | cress green | cresson | crimson | cyan | dark-blue | dark-brown | dark-green | dun | earthlike | fuscous | gilded | gilt | gold | golden | green | greenish | hazel | honey | jade | jade-green | khaki | lavender | light-blue | light-green | lilac | magenta | maroon | mauve | moss green | mosslike | mosstone | mossy | mouse-colored | mouselike | mousy | mummy-brown | musciform | ocher | ochre | olive | olive-brown | olive-drab | orange | orangish | peacock-blue | pea-green | pink | pinkish | powder blue | purple | purplish | red | reddish | rosaceous | rose | roseate | rose-red | rosy | ruby | ruby-red | ruddy | russet | rust | rusty | sage | sage-green | sapphire | scarlet | sea-green | sky-blue | snuff | snuff-brown | sorrel | stone | straw | tan | tangerine | tannish | taupe | tawny | teal | ultramarine | umber | vermilion | vermillion | violet | watercress | xanthous | yellow | yellow-brown | yellow-green | yellowish

Related Terms | Find terms related to Chromatic: cold | colorific | coloring | cool | dichromatic | enharmonic | glowing | harmonious | many-colored | matching | medley | monochromatic | monochrome | monochromic | motley | parti-colored | pigmentary | polychromatic | prismatic | rainbow | semitonic | spectral | tinctorial | tingent | tonal | tonic | toning | variegated | warm

See Also | chestnut | colored | colorful | coloured | in color(p)

Chromatic In Webster's Dictionary

\Chro*mat"ic\, a. [L. chromaticus, Gr. ?, suited for color, fr. ?, ?, color; akin to ? color, ? skin, color of the skin.] 1. Relating to color, or to colors. 2. (Mus.) Proceeding by the smaller intervals (half steps or semitones) of the scale, instead of the regular intervals of the diatonic scale. Note: The intermediate tones were formerly written and printed in colors. {Chromatic aberration}. (Opt.) See {Aberration}, {4}. {Chromatic printing}, printing from type or blocks covered with inks of various colors. {Chromatic scale} (Mus.), the scale consisting of thirteen tones, including the eight scale tones and the five intermediate tones.

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