About The Word Improper

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Learn about the word Improper to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Improper definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Improper Meaning & Definition
Improper Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Improper?

[adj] not appropriate for a purpose or occasion; "unsuitable attire for the office"; "said all the wrong things"
[adj] not suitable or right or appropriate; "slightly improper to dine alone with a married man"; "improper medication"
[adj] not conforming to legality, moral law, or social convention; "an unconventional marriage"; "improper banking practices"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Improper: inappropriate | incorrect | indecent | indecorous | irregular | out-of-the-way | unbecoming | uncomely | unconventional | unlawful | unseemly | unsuitable | untoward | wrong

Related Terms | Find terms related to Improper: aberrant | abnormal | abominable | amiss | arrant | atrocious | bad | barbaric | barbarous | base | black | blamable | blameworthy | blooper | boner | boo-boo | break | cacophonous | careless | chintzy | clumsy | coarse | corrupt | corruption | criminal | crude | damnable | dark | delinquent | deviant | disgraceful | disorderly | disruptive | doggerel | Doric | dysphemistic | erroneous | evil | excessive | execrable | false | faulty | faux pas | flagitious | flagrant | foul | fresh | futile | gaffe | gauche | graceless | gross | hardly the thing | harsh | heinous | ignominious | ill | ill-adapted | ill-advised | ill-assorted | ill-chosen | ill-considered | illegal | ill-fitted | ill-matched | ill-seasoned | ill-sorted | ill-suited | ill-timed | immodest | immoral | impertinent | impolite | impolitic | imprecise | impropriety | impure | in bad taste | inaccurate | inadmissibility | inadmissible | inadvisable | inapplicable | inapposite | inappropriate | inapt | inauspicious | incompatible | inconcinnate | inconcinnous | incongruous | inconvenient | incorrect | incorrectness | indecent | indecorous | indecorousness | indecorum | indelicate | indiscreet | inelegance | inelegant | inept | inexact | inexpedient | infamous | infelicitous | inferior | informal | iniquitous | inopportune | intempestive | intrusive | invalid | irregular | irrelevant | knavish | lascivious | late | lewd | loose | low | mal a propos | maladjusted | malapropos | malevolent | malodorous | misbehaving | misjoined | mismatched | mismated | misplaced | mistaken | mistimed | monstrous | naughty | nefarious | not done | not respectable | not the thing | objectionableness | obscene | off base | off color | off-base | off-color | offensive | out of character | out of joint | out of keeping | out of line | out of phase | out of place | out of proportion | out of season | out of time | out of tune | outlandish | out-of-line | peccant | premature | rank | reprehensible | reprobate | risque | rough | rowdy | rowdyish | rude | ruffianly | sacrilegious | sassy | scandalous | shameful | shameless | sinful | sinister | slipshod | slovenly | solecism | solecistic | suggestive | tactless | tasteless | terrible | too late | too soon | unacceptableness | unadapted | unapt | unbecoming | unbecomingness | unbefitting | unbehaving | unbeseeming | uncalled-for | unceremonious | uncomely | unconventional | uncourtly | uncouth | undecorous | undesirable | undignified | undue | uneuphonious | unfavorable | unfelicitous | unfit | unfitted | unfitting | unforgivable | unfortunate | ungenteel | ungodly | ungraceful | ungrammatic | unhandy | unhappy | unhealthy | unkind | unlawful | unlucky | unmeet | unmeetness | unpardonable | unpleasant | unpolished | unprofitable | unpropitious | unqualified | unready | unrefined | unrighteous | unripe | unseasonable | unseemliness | unseemly | unskillful | unspeakable | unsuitable | unsuited | untasteful | untimely | untoward | untrue | unwise | unworthy | vernacularism | vicious | vile | villainous | vulgar | vulgarism | wicked | wrong | wrongful

See Also | indelicate | unfit

Improper In Webster's Dictionary

\Im*prop"er\, a. [F. impropre, L. improprius; pref. im- not + proprius proper. See {Proper}.] 1. Not proper; not suitable; not fitted to the circumstances, design, or end; unfit; not becoming; incongruous; inappropriate; indecent; as, an improper medicine; improper thought, behavior, language, dress. Follow'd his enemy king, and did him service, Improper for a slave. --Shak. And to their proper operation still, Ascribe all Good; to their improper, Ill. --Pope. 2. Not peculiar or appropriate to individuals; general; common. [Obs.] Not to be adorned with any art but such improper ones as nature is said to bestow, as singing and poetry. --J. Fletcher. 3. Not according to facts; inaccurate; erroneous. {Improper diphthong}. See under {Diphthong}. {Improper feud}, an original feud, not earned by military service. --Mozley & W. {Improper fraction}. See under {Fraction}.
\Im*prop"er\, v. t. To appropriate; to limit. [Obs.] He would in like manner improper and inclose the sunbeams to comfort the rich and not the poor. --Jewel.

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