About The Word Inept

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Inept Meaning & Definition
Inept Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Inept?

[adj] revealing lack of perceptiveness or judgment or finesse; "an inept remark"; "it was tactless to bring up those disagreeable"
[adj] generally incompetent and ineffectual; "feckless attempts to repair the plumbing"; "inept handling of the account"
[adj] not elegant or graceful in expression; "an awkward prose style"; "a clumsy apology"; "his cumbersome writing style"; "if the rumor is true, can anything be more inept than to repeat it now?"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Inept: awkward | clumsy | cumbersome | feckless | ill-chosen | inapt | incompetent | infelicitous | maladroit | tactless

Related Terms | Find terms related to Inept: apish | artless | asinine | awkward | bad | batty | befooled | beguiled | besotted | brainless | buffoonish | bumbling | bungling | clumsy | cockeyed | crazy | credulous | daffy | daft | dazed | dizzy | doting | dumb | fatuitous | fatuous | flaky | fond | fool | foolheaded | foolish | fuddled | futile | gaga | gauche | goofy | graceless | gulled | half-assed | halting | ham-handed | headless | idiotic | ignorant | ill-adapted | ill-advised | ill-assorted | ill-chosen | ill-considered | ill-fitted | ill-judged | ill-matched | ill-sorted | ill-suited | ill-timed | imbecile | impolitic | improper | imprudent | inadept | inadmissible | inadvisable | inane | inapplicable | inapposite | inappropriate | inapt | inattentive | incapable | incapable of | incompetent | incongruous | indiscreet | ineffective | inefficient | inexpedient | inexpert | infatuated | infelicitous | inferior | injudicious | inopportune | insane | insensate | irrational | irrelevant | kooky | lackbrained | lean-minded | lean-witted | loony | lumbering | mad | mal a propos | maladjusted | maladroit | malapropos | maudlin | mediocre | mindless | misguided | misjoined | mismatched | mismated | misplaced | moronic | not bright | nutty | of little brain | out of character | out of joint | out of keeping | out of line | out of place | out of proportion | out of season | out of time | out of tune | pea-brained | pedestrian | pin-brained | poor | reasonless | sappy | screwy | senseless | sentimental | silly | skill-less | slackminded | slackwitted | stupid | thoughtless | unable | unable to | unadapted | unadvised | unapt | unbecoming | unbefitting | undeft | undesirable | undexterous | undextrous | undiplomatic | undue | unendowed | unfacile | unfit | unfitted | unfitting | unfortunate | ungainly | ungifted | unhandy | unhappy | unintellectual | unintelligent | unmeet | unproficient | unprofitable | unqualified | unreasoning | unseasonable | unseemly | unskilled | unskillful | unsuitable | unsuited | untalented | unthinking | untimely | unwise | unworkmanlike | wacky | wet | witless | wooden | wrong

See Also |

Inept In Webster's Dictionary

\In*ept"\, a. [L. ineptus; prefix. in- not + aptus apt, fit: cf. F. inepte. Cf. {Inapt}.] 1. Not apt or fit; unfit; unsuitable; improper; unbecoming. The Aristotelian philosophy is inept for new discoveries. --Glanvill. 2. Silly; useless; nonsensical; absurd; foolish. To view attention as a special act of intelligence, and to distinguish it from consciousness, is utterly inept. --Sir W. Hamilton.

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