About The Word Apparel

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Learn about the word Apparel to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Apparel definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Apparel Meaning & Definition
Apparel Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Apparel?

[n] covering designed to be worn on a person's body
[v] provide with clothes or put clothes on; "Parents must feed and dress their child"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Apparel: article of clothing | clothe | clothes | clothing | dress | enclothe | fit out | garb | garment | habilitate | raiment | tog | vesture | wear | wearing apparel

Related Terms | Find terms related to Apparel: appoint | array | attire | bedizenment | clad | clothes | clothing | costume | drapery | dress | dressing | duds | enclothe | fashion | fatigues | feathers | fig | garb | garment | garments | gear | guise | habiliment | habiliments | habit | investiture | investment | linen | rags | raiment | robes | sportswear | style | things | threads | togs | toilette | trim | vestment | vesture | wear | wearing apparel

See Also | accessory | accouterment | accoutrement | array | attire | beachwear | black | blue | brace | change | change state | civilian clothing | civilian dress | civilian garb | coat | consumer goods | corset | costume | cover | covering | dress | dress up | duds | finery | footwear | frock | gallus | garb | garment | gown | gray | grey | G-string | habit | handwear | headdress | headgear | jacket | knitwear | leisure wear | lounger | neckpiece | nightclothes | nightwear | outerwear | overclothe | overclothes | overdress | plain clothes | prim | prim out | prim up | protective garment | raiment | regalia | robe | shirt | shoe | slip-on | slops | sportswear | street clothes | suspender | threads | togs | turn | uniform | vest | vesture | wardrobe | work-clothes | work-clothing | wrap up

Apparel In Webster's Dictionary

\Ap*par"el\, n. [OE. apparel, apareil, OF. apareil, appareil, preparation, provision, furniture, OF. apareiller to match, prepare, F. appareiller; OF. a (L. ad) + pareil like, similar, fr. LL. pariculus, dim. of L. par equal. See {Pair}.] 1. External clothing; vesture; garments; dress; garb; external habiliments or array. Fresh in his new apparel, proud and young. --Denham. At public devotion his resigned carriage made religion appear in the natural apparel of simplicity. --Tatler. 2. A small ornamental piece of embroidery worn on albs and some other ecclesiastical vestments. 3. (Naut.) The furniture of a ship, as masts, sails, rigging, anchors, guns, etc. Syn: Dress; clothing; vesture; garments; raiment; garb; costume; attire; habiliments.
\Ap*par"el\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Appareled}, or {Apparelled}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Appareling}, or {Apparelling}.] [OF. apareiller.] 1. To make or get (something) ready; to prepare. [Obs.] --Chaucer. 2. To furnish with apparatus; to equip; to fit out. Ships . . . appareled to fight. --Hayward. 3. To dress or clothe; to attire. They which are gorgeously appareled, and live delicately, are in kings' courts. --Luke vii. 25. 4. To dress with external ornaments; to cover with something ornamental; to deck; to embellish; as, trees appareled with flowers, or a garden with verdure. Appareled in celestial light. --Wordsworth.

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