About The Word Glutton

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Learn about the word Glutton to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Glutton definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Glutton Meaning & Definition
Glutton Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Glutton?

[n] wolverine of northern Eurasia
[n] a person who is devoted to eating and drinking to excess

Synonyms | Synonyms for Glutton: gourmand | Gulo gulo | trencherman | wolverine

Related Terms | Find terms related to Glutton: ape | bar | bear | belly-god | board-and-roomer | boarder | bon vivant | Brillat-Savarin | cannibal | Cape polecat | carnivore | cavy | chimp | chimpanzee | connoisseur of food | consumer | coon | cormorant | diner | diner-out | eater | eater-out | epicure | feeder | ferret | flesh-eater | foumart | fruitarian | gannet | gastronome | gorger | gormand | gormandizer | gourmand | gourmandizer | gourmet | grain-eater | graminivore | granivore | greedy eater | greedygut | greedyguts | groundhog | guinea pig | guttler | hedgehog | herbivore | high liver | hog | hungry mouth | husky eater | lactovegetarian | Lucullus | luncher | man-eater | meat-eater | monk | monkey | mousehound | mouth | omnivore | omophagist | opossum | pantophagist | phytophage | picnicker | pig | plant-eater | polecat | porcupine | possum | prairie dog | predacean | quill pig | raccoon | skunk | trencherman | trencherwoman | vegetarian | weasel | whistle-pig | wolverine | woodchuck | zoril

See Also | eater | feeder | mustelid | musteline | musteline mammal

Glutton In Webster's Dictionary

\Glut"ton\, n. [OE. glotoun, glotun, F. glouton, fr. L. gluto, glutto. See {Glut}.] 1. One who eats voraciously, or to excess; a gormandizer. 2. Fig.: One who gluts himself. Gluttons in murder, wanton to destroy. --Granville. 3. (Zo["o]l.) A carnivorous mammal ({Gulo luscus}), of the family {Mustelid[ae]}, about the size of a large badger. It was formerly believed to be inordinately voracious, whence the name; the wolverene. It is a native of the northern parts of America, Europe, and Asia. {Glutton bird} (Zo["o]l.), the giant fulmar ({Ossifraga gigantea}); -- called also {Mother Carey's goose}, and {mollymawk}.
\Glut"ton\, a. Gluttonous; greedy; gormandizing. ``Glutton souls.'' --Dryden. A glutton monastery in former ages makes a hungry ministry in our days. --Fuller.
\Glut"ton\, v. t. & i. To glut; to eat voraciously. [Obs.] Gluttoned at last, return at home to pine. --Lovelace. Whereon in Egypt gluttoning they fed. --Drayton.

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