About The Word Painter

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Painter Meaning & Definition
Painter Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Painter?

[n] large American feline resembling a lion
[n] a line that is attached to the bow of a boat and used for tying up (as when docking or towing)
[n] a worker who is employed to cover objects with paint

Synonyms | Synonyms for Painter: catamount | cougar | Felis concolor | mountain lion | panther | puma

Related Terms | Find terms related to Painter: aquarellist | Bacon | Bellows | Benton | bobcat | Botticelli | Boucher | Buffet | Cassatt | catamount | cat-a-mountain | cheetah | Chirico | colorist | Constable | Copley | Corot | Correggio | cougar | Courbet | Daumier | David | de Kooning | Degas | Delacroix | Dubuffet | Duchamp | Dufy | Eakins | El Greco | Ensor | Feininger | Fra Angelico | Fragonard | Friesz | Gainsborough | Gauguin | Gleizes | Goya | Graves | Greuze | Gris | Grosz | Hals | historical painter | Hodler | Hogarth | Homer | Hopper | Ingres | jaguar | Kent | Kirchner | landscapist | Leger | Leo | leopard | Limburg | lion | Lippi | luminarist | luminist | lynx | Manet | Mantegna | Marc | Marin | marine painter | Marquet | Masaccio | Masolino | Masson | Michelangelo | Millet | miniaturist | Mondrian | Monet | monochromist | Moses | mountain lion | Munch | Murillo | Nolde | ocelot | oil-colorist | Orozco | Ozenfant | panther | pavement artist | Picabia | Picasso | Pissarro | polychromist | portrait painter | portraitist | Poussin | puma | Raphael | Redon | Rembrandt | Remington | Riley | Rivera | Romney | Rousseau | Ryder | Sargent | scene painter | scenewright | scenographer | Siberian tiger | simba | still-life painter | tiger | Titian | Turner | Vandyke | watercolorist | Whistler | wildcat | Wood

See Also | abstract artist | abstractionist | Adnre Derain | Alberti | Alberto Giacometti | artist | Bell | Benton | Blake | Braque | Cezanne | Chagall | Childe Hassam | Chirico | colorist | Constable | Copley | Corot | Courbet | creative person | cubist | Dali | dauber | Daumier | David | Davis | de Kooning | Delacroix | Derain | distortionist | Dufy | Duncan Grant | Duncan James Corrow Grant | Ernst | Ernst Ludwig Kirchner | Eugene Delacroix | Fauve | fauvist | Felis | Ferdinand Victor Eugene Delacroix | finisher | Fragonard | Francisco de Goya | Francisco Goya | Francisco Jose de Goya | Francisco Jose de Goya y Lucientes | Frederick Childe Hassam | Fry | Gainsborough | Gauguin | genus Felis | Georges Braque | Giacometti | Giorgio de Chirico | Goya | Goya y Lucientes | Grant | Gris | Gustave Courbet | Hassam | Hokusai | Homer | Honore Daumier | house painter | impressionist | Ingres | Jacques Louis David | Jaun Gris | Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres | Jean Baptiste Camille Corot | Jean Honore Fragonard | John Constable | John Copley | John Singleton Copley | Kandinsky | Katsushika Hokusai | Kent | Kirchner | landscapist | Leon Battista Alberti | letterer | limner | line | Marc Chagall | Max Ernst | miniaturist | muralist | oil painter | old master | Paul Cezanne | Paul Gauguin | pointilist | portrait painter | portraitist | portrayer | Postimpressionist | Raoul Dufy | realist | Rockwell Kent | Roger Eliot Fry | Roger Fry | Salvidor Dali | scene painter | scenic artist | sign painter | skilled worker | stippler | Stuart Davis | Thomas Gainsborough | Thomas Hart Benton | trained worker | Vanessa Bell | Vanessa Stephen | Wassily Kandinsky | watercolorist | watercolourist | wildcat | Willem de Kooning | William Blake | Winslow Homer

Painter In Webster's Dictionary

\Paint"er\ (p[=a]nt"[~e]r), n. [OE, pantere a noose, snare, F. panti[`e]re, LL. panthera, L. panther a hunting net, fr. Gr. panqh`ra; pa^s all + qh`r beast; cf. Ir. painteir a net, gin, snare, Gael. painntear.] (Naut.) A rope at the bow of a boat, used to fasten it to anything. --Totten.
\Paint"er\, n. [Corrupt. of panther.] (Zo["o]l.) The panther, or puma. [A form representing an illiterate pronunciation, U. S.] --J. F. Cooper.
\Paint"er\, n. [See lst {Paint}.] One whose occupation is to paint; esp.: (a) One who covers buildings, ships, ironwork, and the like, with paint. (b) An artist who represents objects or scenes in color on a flat surface, as canvas, plaster, or the like. {Painter's colic}. (Med.) See {Lead colic}, under {Colic}. {Painter stainer}. (a) A painter of coats of arms. --Crabb. (b) A member of a livery company or guild in London, bearing this name.

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