About The Word Artist

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Learn about the word Artist to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Artist definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Artist Meaning & Definition
Artist Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Artist?

[n] a person whose creative work shows sensitivity and imagination

Synonyms | Synonyms for Artist: creative person

Related Terms | Find terms related to Artist: ace | adept | Admirable Crichton | ancestors | apprentice | architect | artificer | artisan | artiste | attache | author | authority | begetter | beginner | belly dancer | builder | burlesque queen | chorine | chorus boy | chorus girl | conceiver | concert artist | conjurer | connaisseur | connoisseur | constructor | consultant | copyist | cordon bleu | coryphee | crack shot | crackerjack | craftsman | craftswoman | creator | dancer | dancing girl | dauber | daubster | dead shot | designer | deviser | diplomat | diplomatist | discoverer | ecdysiast | effector | elder statesman | engenderer | engineer | entertainer | executant | executor | executrix | exotic dancer | experienced hand | expert | expert consultant | father | female impersonator | first-rater | founder | geisha | geisha girl | generator | genius | graduate | grower | guisard | guiser | handicraftsman | handy man | hoofer | impersonator | inaugurator | industrialist | initiator | instigator | institutor | interpreter | introducer | inventor | journeyman | maestro | magician | maker | manufacturer | marksman | master | master carpenter | master craftsman | mechanic | minstrel | minstrelsy | mother | mountebank | mummer | music maker | musician | nautch girl | no slouch | old master | organizer | originator | past master | peeler | performer | planner | player | politician | precursor | prentice | prestidigitator | prime mover | pro | prodigy | producer | professional | professor | proficient | public entertainer | raiser | realizer | savant | shaper | shark | sharp | show girl | singer | sire | smith | soloist | statesman | stripper | stripteaser | stripteuse | technical adviser | technician | topnotcher | tunester | vaudevillian | vaudevillist | virtuosa | virtuoso | whiz | wizard | wonder | wright

See Also | Arp | Audubon | carver | classic | classicist | constructivist | creator | decorator | draftsman | drawer | Duchamp | Edward Lear | etcher | expressionist | graphic artist | Hans Arp | illustrator | Jasper Johns | Jean Arp | John James Audubon | Johns | Lear | Louis Comfort Tiffany | maestro | Marcel Duchamp | master | minimalist | modernist | musician | ornamentalist | painter | photographer | Pre-Raphaelite | printmaker | romantic | romanticist | sculptor | sculpturer | statue maker | stylist | surrealist | symbolist | Tiffany

Artist In Webster's Dictionary

\Art"ist\, n. [F. artiste, LL. artista, fr. L. ars. See {Art}, n., and cf. {Artiste}.] 1. One who practices some mechanic art or craft; an artisan. [Obs.] How to build ships, and dreadful ordnance cast, Instruct the articles and reward their. --Waller. 2. One who professes and practices an art in which science and taste preside over the manual execution. Note: The term is particularly applied to painters, sculptors, musicians, engravers, and architects. --Elmes. 3. One who shows trained skill or rare taste in any manual art or occupation. --Pope. 4. An artful person; a schemer. [Obs.] Syn: Artisan. See {Artisan}.

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